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Dealing with Viagogo


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Hi all, was wondering if anyone had any advice on the following.

Just finished a frustrating/disappointing phone call with my Dad who has foolishly forked out a large some of money for resold tickets on Viagogo for one of the rolling stones gigs coming up. Bare in mind - general sale hasn't even happened yet. It was a genuine mistake I guess but also really stupid on his part, I am assuming he has Googled the tickets and hit the first link coming up.

He used a debit card too. Viagogo customer service obviously haven't been helpful and his bank said a dispute isn't necessarily guaranteed. Does anyone have any advice for me to give him to help him out.


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I made the same mistake for Jeff Beck's upcoming gigs way back in 2020.

Even though I've been buying tickets for things for literally decades.

I'm still not sure what happened. Possibly hungover. Was up and ready on the morning for the pre-sale and I think I saw that they were apparently already on sale and panicked. Paid twice as much as I needed to and am still worried about the validity of the whole thing, given that they appeared to guarantee me a certain seat even before the sale had apparently started.

I've just sucked it up and am hoping for the best.

So maybe re-assure your dad that it's an easy mistake to make. He wasn't the first and he won't be the last.

The advice is "always go through the venues/bands website first". Well, that's what I'm telling myself I've learnt.



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