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If you could pick just one Glasto headliner..


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Taylor Swift. I'd love to see her I'm never going to buy a ticket to one of her own shows. Elton John in second place for the same reason.

There's plenty acts I'm a bigger fan of, but I've already seen every single one of them play the festival already (and for the most part, would rather watch at their own shows).

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1 hour ago, Freddyflintstonree said:

Who would it be?

Few rules:

- Must be alive. 

- Must be 'Glastonbury headliner sized' (obviously going to be controversial, but anyone roughly big enough to headline without being a ridiculous bump up is fine). 

- Can require a band to reform or a comeback, regardless of how unlikely it is, though they will play as they are today (age, voice etc.)

- No slagging me off for what is almost certainly a regular post. 

Let's hear 'em! 

Bloody difficult to decide this actually, I deliberately didn’t look at previous answers so as not to bias myself 😂

I decided I’d rule out acts I've already seen as headliners (at any festival or their own gigs) - just felt like if I could only choose one, it should be a new headliner.

I honestly would say Dua Lipa. I’ve been a fan ever since I saw her 6th down on the JP in 2016 - under Alyssia Cara! - and did not expect the level of success she’s had since. Absolutely loved Future Nostalgia and really interested to see what direction she goes in for her next album.

Honourable mentions would be Taylor Swift and Rage Against The Machine. 

If we were allowed dead artists, or to go back in time, my answer would definitely change! For example, even if Oasis were to reunite now I’d be a bit “meh” about it - but if you offered me a chance to see them in their heyday and on good form, that would be a different story. 


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Daft Punk... no, Pink Floyd.... no, Daft Punk.... no Pink Floyd... Daft Floyd, Pink Punk DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE!!!

Rules are made for breaking - these two are the dreams. If absolutely forced, Daft Punk I guess. (but also Pink Floyd)

(interesting no one has suggested Led Zeppelin...)

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4 hours ago, dingbat2 said:

... and Portishead again

Absofuckinglutely, please and thank you.  Every time they've played on the farm it has been a legendary performance. I caught them last time they played and I'd love to have the chance to see them again.

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12 hours ago, ogriff said:

Either a Portishead-Massive Attack-Tricky showcase/supergroup belting out the moody bangers for 3hrs

Or RATM because there's no other set that would make me smile inwardly beforehand for months and throughout 




Massive Attack with Tricky doing the classics would be great.

I’m not sure we’ll see Portishead tour again, if anything I think Geoff will just retire. 

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