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EE at Glastonbury 2022


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1 minute ago, kalifire said:

I actually think Glastonbury is an outlier for mobile phone behaviour. Most people I saw got their phone out for a quick video or couple of shots, then put it away again to enjoy being in the moment. I’ve never seen anyone there watch a set through their phones for longer than a minute or two. 

Possibly dependant on the sets you were at....I saw Sigrid last weekend and most teenagers had their phones in the air for most of the set.

Its just how it is and I know its not going to change.....a friend of mine who's in his 50s came to Glastonbury in 2017 after a few years off, walking back across from the bar to our group before Courteeners he noticed a lot of people on their phones he said to me 'see this is what the problem is with phones at festivals, between acts everyone is just submerged in them rather than meeting new people'

At Truck festival last w/e in the arena, phones didn't work (bar filming stuff) so no one was scrolling and I spoke to a lot more people as a result around at bars....we even made friends with a couple of 19 year olds who stuck with us for most of the festival as a result!  🙂 


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5 hours ago, gooner1990 said:

This is the point, why do you need to go online? (not saying you specifically but everyone in general)

Can we not go a few days without it?!

I've just been at Truck Festival last weekend, same issue as Glastonbury - just caught up with everything when I got home on Monday.

A lot of my contacts don't use traditional text / voice calls. And I am a small business owner. Sadly that means I am never really 'off' work. 

I'm still taking customer enquiries through social media channels, still handling emails, still dealing with unexpected issues that arise with staff, and generally supporting the people who were kind enough to cover both owners to be off at the same time. I could go on, but I think you get the point regarding the business. Ultimately it's not like a medium / large business, where there are people trained to do our jobs, normally there is always either myself or cara on site! So if we want to go away, we have to be willing to be on the end of a message / email to support the inexperienced people covering our asses. 

Also, all of my friends and family have iphones, and so messages send using data and not the sms protocol. Then there are things like messenger, whatsapp etc. 

I was using my phone to transfer small amounts of money from my 'safe' account, to an account that I had taken a physical card for to Glasto. 

Not forgetting the official app, which as a first timer was very useful. 

I wasn't posting social media updates every day, I wasn't browsing other's social media walls, none of the usual 'antisocial social' crap, and yet I would have used a LOT of data. The only thing really that I used data for that could (and some may say should) be avoided, was that I like to watch youtube in the tent before sleeping. Always do, no matter where or when, it helps me unwind, and quite frankly, I want to, so if I can, I will. 

Edit: P.s I did note you weren't aiming the question directly at me personally, but I just wanted to highlight that in just my case there are 100 reasons, and there will be in many other peoples cases too... Kids at home, family troubles, etc etc etc. As a society we're completely reliant on data for communication now, and whilst social media gives going online / using data a stigma, there are lots of other good reasons for using data, some of them even make good use of those very bad social media platforms. 

Edited by Alvoram
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1 hour ago, kalifire said:

I actually think Glastonbury is an outlier for mobile phone behaviour. Most people I saw got their phone out for a quick video or couple of shots, then put it away again to enjoy being in the moment. I’ve never seen anyone there watch a set through their phones for longer than a minute or two. 

I might take a short video … maybe 1 min if I remember … the other time my phone is being used is when I’m lounging in my tent early morning when I wake and I’ll do a quick scroll though of the watts apps I’ve missed or was happily ignoring as I was happy doing what I was doing on my own . 

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2 hours ago, gooner1990 said:

Possibly dependant on the sets you were at....I saw Sigrid last weekend and most teenagers had their phones in the air for most of the set.

Its just how it is and I know its not going to change.....a friend of mine who's in his 50s came to Glastonbury in 2017 after a few years off, walking back across from the bar to our group before Courteeners he noticed a lot of people on their phones he said to me 'see this is what the problem is with phones at festivals, between acts everyone is just submerged in them rather than meeting new people'

At Truck festival last w/e in the arena, phones didn't work (bar filming stuff) so no one was scrolling and I spoke to a lot more people as a result around at bars....we even made friends with a couple of 19 year olds who stuck with us for most of the festival as a result!  🙂 

Maybe they don't want to meet new people? They just want to go to a festival with friends and watch some bands?

As I said, a lot of us are introverts, and "socialising with strangers mode" is quite tiring and stressful. Often hugely worth it, but I think the preponderance of people looking at their phones rather than talking to strangers at festivals these days is nothing more than an indication that as soon as there's an alternative, a lot of people would prefer that to talking to strangers. Turns out it was never that appealing to a lot of people in the first place!

Related: I've never heard the "it was better when there was more talking to random people" complaint from a woman. 

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1 hour ago, DeanoL said:

Maybe they don't want to meet new people? They just want to go to a festival with friends and watch some bands?

As I said, a lot of us are introverts, and "socialising with strangers mode" is quite tiring and stressful. Often hugely worth it, but I think the preponderance of people looking at their phones rather than talking to strangers at festivals these days is nothing more than an indication that as soon as there's an alternative, a lot of people would prefer that to talking to strangers. Turns out it was never that appealing to a lot of people in the first place!

Related: I've never heard the "it was better when there was more talking to random people" complaint from a woman. 

I can’t be bothered with this now just going round in circles.

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2 hours ago, Alvoram said:

A lot of my contacts don't use traditional text / voice calls. And I am a small business owner. Sadly that means I am never really 'off' work. 

I'm still taking customer enquiries through social media channels, still handling emails, still dealing with unexpected issues that arise with staff, and generally supporting the people who were kind enough to cover both owners to be off at the same time. I could go on, but I think you get the point regarding the business. Ultimately it's not like a medium / large business, where there are people trained to do our jobs, normally there is always either myself or cara on site! So if we want to go away, we have to be willing to be on the end of a message / email to support the inexperienced people covering our asses. 

Also, all of my friends and family have iphones, and so messages send using data and not the sms protocol. Then there are things like messenger, whatsapp etc. 

I was using my phone to transfer small amounts of money from my 'safe' account, to an account that I had taken a physical card for to Glasto. 

Not forgetting the official app, which as a first timer was very useful. 

I wasn't posting social media updates every day, I wasn't browsing other's social media walls, none of the usual 'antisocial social' crap, and yet I would have used a LOT of data. The only thing really that I used data for that could (and some may say should) be avoided, was that I like to watch youtube in the tent before sleeping. Always do, no matter where or when, it helps me unwind, and quite frankly, I want to, so if I can, I will. 

Edit: P.s I did note you weren't aiming the question directly at me personally, but I just wanted to highlight that in just my case there are 100 reasons, and there will be in many other peoples cases too... Kids at home, family troubles, etc etc etc. As a society we're completely reliant on data for communication now, and whilst social media gives going online / using data a stigma, there are lots of other good reasons for using data, some of them even make good use of those very bad social media platforms. 

I don’t want to get into a row about specific cases I was just noting the point that a lot of people seem to prefer to use their phones than interact these days at festivals. 

As it turned out I’m on o2 and I was effectively off grid for the whole 5 days - was rather refreshing…apart from trying to meet people on site 😂

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3 hours ago, gooner1990 said:

I don’t want to get into a row about specific cases I was just noting the point that a lot of people seem to prefer to use their phones than interact these days at festivals. 

As it turned out I’m on o2 and I was effectively off grid for the whole 5 days - was rather refreshing…apart from trying to meet people on site 😂

That's the dream mate...I hope I'm in a position to enjoy this one day!!!

As for people videoing whole sets at concerts, they can get in the bin. 

People who'd rather be on social media than interact with the real people around them, they can also get in the bin. 

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15 hours ago, gooner1990 said:

I can’t be bothered with this now just going round in circles.

The forum was better when people would talk to you 😄

11 hours ago, Alvoram said:

As for people videoing whole sets at concerts, they can get in the bin. 

People who'd rather be on social media than interact with the real people around them, they can also get in the bin. 

Maybe they don't want to interact with people like you because they think you might be really judgemental?

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15 hours ago, gooner1990 said:

I don’t want to get into a row about specific cases I was just noting the point that a lot of people seem to prefer to use their phones than interact these days at festivals. 

As it turned out I’m on o2 and I was effectively off grid for the whole 5 days - was rather refreshing…apart from trying to meet people on site 😂

I don’t understand why you think people can’t do both? I have no problem ‘interacting’ with others - it’s one of my fave things about festivals. Popping a vid on socials or replying to messages doesn’t stop me from doing that. 

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Yeah I assume when people say "people don't talk to strangers any more" they mean "people don't talk to me" as I don't know how they can possibly know if the other people they can see talking are talking to friends or strangers.

I kinda think if you're walking around the festival and looking at people using their phones and silently judging them on doing the festival wrong, and talking to your mates about how it's not as good as it used to be and how people don't get it... maybe that's why no-one is talking to you?

One thing I've realised in recent years is there are a lot of judgemental, nasty people about that are convinced that they hide it really well when they're not on the internet. They don't. You get a vibe from people, you pick up on it. 

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3 hours ago, DeanoL said:

The forum was better when people would talk to you 😄

Maybe they don't want to interact with people like you because they think you might be really judgemental?

I didn’t mean me, or anyone they don’t know, I meant each other, as in their friends, family group etc… If they’ve got 4 phones out between 4 of them for almost the entire set blinding me, they don’t need to ‘think’ anything, I really have judged them!!! (This was the case at Rammstein) 

The reason it bothers me is not because they’re ignoring each other, that’s just an observation, it bothers me because it’s horrendous being behind them and ruins the experience. (And before you say move, that may be possible at a festival, but not 3 rows back in the fire pit at a Rammstein show!) 

It’s called having some consideration for the people around you! If they’ve got no consideration for the people around them, and are only there to film it for some reason, to the detriment of anybody around them, then like I said before, they can get in the bin.

3 hours ago, DeanoL said:

One thing I've realised in recent years is there are a lot of judgemental, nasty people about that are convinced that they hide it really well when they're not on the internet. They don't. You get a vibe from people, you pick up on it. 

I presume I do not need to point out the irony here? 🙈😂

Literally judging and calling people you don’t know nasty, for judging people… Couldn’t make it up honestly! 🤷🏻‍♂️

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23 minutes ago, Alvoram said:

I didn’t mean me, or anyone they don’t know, I meant each other, as in their friends, family group etc… If they’ve got 4 phones out between 4 of them for almost the entire set blinding me, they don’t need to ‘think’ anything, I really have judged them!!! (This was the case at Rammstein) 

The reason it bothers me is not because they’re ignoring each other, that’s just an observation, it bothers me because it’s horrendous being behind them and ruins the experience. (And before you say move, that may be possible at a festival, but not 3 rows back in the fire pit at a Rammstein show!) 

It’s called having some consideration for the people around you! If they’ve got no consideration for the people around them, and are only there to film it for some reason, to the detriment of anybody around them, then like I said before, they can get in the bin.

I presume I do not need to point out the irony here? 🙈😂

Literally judging and calling people you don’t know nasty, for judging people… Couldn’t make it up honestly! 🤷🏻‍♂️

It was more your second comment I disagreed with, people filming whole sets when it's being recorded for the BBC baffles me!

But yeah, I have enough mental baggage coupled with pretty strong opinions that I'm definitely not for everyone. People wind me up all the time and I judge them, though I try to keep that to myself. But I don't kid myself that I'm some sort of gregarious charmer when I "turn it on". I know I come across as awkward and difficult, even when I try my best not to be.

But there a lot of people our there that believe confidence and volume is the same thing as charm and charisma. 

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22 minutes ago, DeanoL said:

It was more your second comment I disagreed with, people filming whole sets when it's being recorded for the BBC baffles me!

But yeah, I have enough mental baggage coupled with pretty strong opinions that I'm definitely not for everyone. People wind me up all the time and I judge them, though I try to keep that to myself. But I don't kid myself that I'm some sort of gregarious charmer when I "turn it on". I know I come across as awkward and difficult, even when I try my best not to be.

But there a lot of people our there that believe confidence and volume is the same thing as charm and charisma. 

Yeh the second one doesn't 'bother' me as such, and I don't really judge people in too much of a negative light for it, it just confuses me that you'd pay to be in the best place in the world, with (presumably) some of your favourite people in the world, and spend most of it on social media. But it doesn't affect the experience of everyone around, so each to their own I guess. The videoing thing is different though, that's the one that actually 'bothers' me. Because at it's worst, it really does ruin it, or at least changes the experience, for people around you.

Glastonbury didn't really have anybody doing it though, not from what I saw. In fact, of all the concerts and events I've been to, Rammstein was the first time it was actually crazily unbearable. I guess it probably had something to do with the kind of show that it is. Capital FM Summertime Ball had a lot of filming too, but that was understandable, given the target audience etc and I spent most of those days at the back near a bar anyway. We don't go anymore though, my daughter is all grown up now, proper festivals and concerts only now. 🙂 

One thing I do try and remind myself is that 'it takes all sorts.' We may not always like everybody, the things they do, their personalities etc. Or agree with their opinions, views or morals. But the diversity is what makes us human. It would be a bit shit if everyone was the same. I don't always succeed at remembering this, I fail sometimes (hence letting the actions of others spoil a concert for me) but I do try. 

And btw, all my favourite people are awkward and difficult 🙂 And I think it's natural to feel like you're awkward and difficult yourself, I certainly do. Especially in real life for me, I always think I come across better online than I do in real life. In real life I turn into a nervous buffoon. Kind of how a computer screen gives some people the confidence to be a hard man / arsehole, I think it gives me the confidence to be a little more articulate and sociable. (hopefully without coming across as a hard man / arsehole!) 

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I think it can sometimes be perception though. There will be some people constantly on their phone for sure, but then there will be people who check their phone once in a while. But if everyone is checking their phone for one minute every hour, then any time you look at least one out of every sixty people will be on their phone.

But, y'know, I assume you're not following the same people around every day :D, so you might see someone on their phone for ten minutes, and that's the only time they're on it all day...

I think younger people today do approach the world differently though, and all I was getting at is if us older people look at them and think "wasn't like this in my day" they can and do pick up on that and they probably won't stop us for a chat. And some of us older people will often go "no, it can't be that, I'm perfectly friendly and approachable, must be them" when in fact the entire attitude is off and people just get a sense for that.

Which, y'know, isn't a problem. I don't need folk coming up and striking up random convos to enjoy the festival. But I'd imagine many of the younger people are making plenty friends and talking to other people anyway. Or meeting up with people they know only off social media also at the fest or getting themselves glasto-dates on Tinder!

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