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The Weather Thread 2023


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My husband uses a wheelchair full time. His disability also means he can't regulate his body temperature (doesn't sweat, basically). We've been every year since 2013. '16 was pretty horrendous - I often wonder how we got through it, but get through it we did, and we had lots of fun, we just had to manage some expectations; essentially pick a spot and stay there until we wanted to brave the slog back to the tent.

I'm not great in the heat - I like the warmth but have pale skin and HATE wearing sunscreen - but the hubby really struggles because he just gets hotter and hotter. Again, I wonder how we got through years like 2019, but we did, and again we had an amazing time, and no extreme weather has stopped us trying our damndest to get tickets every year.

So, while we still mildly dread the thought of a muddy festival, it won't stop us from getting as much out of our time there as we can!

(Obviously, this doesn't stop us furiously refreshing this thread/weather forecasts every day, it's all part of the build up!)

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All discussion aside, different folks cope better or worse with different temperatures - I get that.  However, both hot and cold can be managed to a point.  What completely fucks the whole thing is rain.  It doesn't take a lot to start churning the walkways into sticky mud which makes moving round harder.  You can't sit down anywhere.  Dancing is more difficult.  It's tiring, hurts you legs and your back.

As long as it's dry, I'm happy with it.  I'd like warmth/sun, but realise that's a personal preference.  Just please - No Fucking Rain. (NFC).

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26 minutes ago, Xeph1995 said:

Id take blistering heat over even a bit of mud tbf.

I was at 2016 and don't remember it even being that bad tbh. 

Wasn’t the issue the rain before the festival making the car parks muddy, but it didn’t rain during the festival itself? It’s just that the ground was really wet? I wasn’t there but that’s what someone told me

Edited by March Hare
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Just now, March Hare said:

Wasn’t the issue the rain before the festival making the car parks muddy, but it didn’t rain during the festival itself? It’s just that the ground was really wet? I wasn’t there but that’s what someone told me

It did rain over the weekend but not much.  It had been torrential for about 3-4 weeks in the build up so was completely saturated when the gates opened.  Then just churned and cut up everywhere into a swamp.  Awful. 

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5 minutes ago, 4AssedMonkey said:

It did rain over the weekend but not much.  It had been torrential for about 3-4 weeks in the build up so was completely saturated when the gates opened.  Then just churned and cut up everywhere into a swamp.  Awful. 

It did rain pretty consistently all through Sunday though (albeit lightly). But yeah other than that it was just showers. 

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2016 was pretty bad, but there have definitely been much worse years - 1997, 2005 and 2007 were all significantly worse. And I'm saying that as someone who did 2016 with two small kids in tow.

That said, I did have one of my worst ever Glastonbury experiences in 2016. At about 6pm on the Wednesday my mate and I went back to do a second run from the car with our trollies. A quick dash was planned so we could get back in time for dinner, beer, and fireworks.

However, the paths to and from the car parks were absolutely destroyed, with super sticky mud nearly a foot deep for most of the way. We were literally having to stop every few metres for a rest, trolley wheels totally clogged so that we had to drag them, and we had no food or drink except for a massive bag of Maoam strips. My mate, a grown man with 10+ Glastonburys under his belt, was nearly in tears at several points.

It took us about four hours to get back to the gate, at which point we were completely done in, to the point that we could barely walk. Then my mate discovered that he had somehow lost his ticket, so we had to make our way to the office and queue for an hour and a half to get him sorted out. By the time we finally got back to the tent it was nearly midnight, and that was our first day done.

I've not been able to enjoy Maoam strips ever since 😞

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15 minutes ago, Cheesey said:

2016 was pretty bad, but there have definitely been much worse years - 1997, 2005 and 2007 were all significantly worse. And I'm saying that as someone who did 2016 with two small kids in tow.

That said, I did have one of my worst ever Glastonbury experiences in 2016. At about 6pm on the Wednesday my mate and I went back to do a second run from the car with our trollies. A quick dash was planned so we could get back in time for dinner, beer, and fireworks.

However, the paths to and from the car parks were absolutely destroyed, with super sticky mud nearly a foot deep for most of the way. We were literally having to stop every few metres for a rest, trolley wheels totally clogged so that we had to drag them, and we had no food or drink except for a massive bag of Maoam strips. My mate, a grown man with 10+ Glastonburys under his belt, was nearly in tears at several points.

It took us about four hours to get back to the gate, at which point we were completely done in, to the point that we could barely walk. Then my mate discovered that he had somehow lost his ticket, so we had to make our way to the office and queue for an hour and a half to get him sorted out. By the time we finally got back to the tent it was nearly midnight, and that was our first day done.

I've not been able to enjoy Maoam strips ever since 😞

Blimey, stuff of nightmares

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One of my memories from 2016 was in the backstage T&C . chap arrives with caravan, up onto the grass, and bang, stuck. Unhook the car and push that away and hook up a Landy, few metres, stuck. Then a tractor turns up, that will do it. Hook it to land and so many metres and, yep, stuck. In the end they got some monster machine with those hydraulic legs and a winch. Hooked it to the tracker and was eventually able to move them all. Fucked the ground right up so no-one could drive over that part. 

Edited by fred quimby
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28 minutes ago, Cheesey said:

2016 was pretty bad, but there have definitely been much worse years - 1997, 2005 and 2007 were all significantly worse. And I'm saying that as someone who did 2016 with two small kids in tow.

That said, I did have one of my worst ever Glastonbury experiences in 2016. At about 6pm on the Wednesday my mate and I went back to do a second run from the car with our trollies. A quick dash was planned so we could get back in time for dinner, beer, and fireworks.

However, the paths to and from the car parks were absolutely destroyed, with super sticky mud nearly a foot deep for most of the way. We were literally having to stop every few metres for a rest, trolley wheels totally clogged so that we had to drag them, and we had no food or drink except for a massive bag of Maoam strips. My mate, a grown man with 10+ Glastonburys under his belt, was nearly in tears at several points.

It took us about four hours to get back to the gate, at which point we were completely done in, to the point that we could barely walk. Then my mate discovered that he had somehow lost his ticket, so we had to make our way to the office and queue for an hour and a half to get him sorted out. By the time we finally got back to the tent it was nearly midnight, and that was our first day done.

I've not been able to enjoy Maoam strips ever since 😞

Reading this stressed me out. Sounded awful. The absence of a car for me brings great benefits in that I have to force myself to take everything in one trip...

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28 minutes ago, Cheesey said:

2016 was pretty bad, but there have definitely been much worse years - 1997, 2005 and 2007 were all significantly worse. And I'm saying that as someone who did 2016 with two small kids in tow.

That said, I did have one of my worst ever Glastonbury experiences in 2016. At about 6pm on the Wednesday my mate and I went back to do a second run from the car with our trollies. A quick dash was planned so we could get back in time for dinner, beer, and fireworks.

However, the paths to and from the car parks were absolutely destroyed, with super sticky mud nearly a foot deep for most of the way. We were literally having to stop every few metres for a rest, trolley wheels totally clogged so that we had to drag them, and we had no food or drink except for a massive bag of Maoam strips. My mate, a grown man with 10+ Glastonburys under his belt, was nearly in tears at several points.

It took us about four hours to get back to the gate, at which point we were completely done in, to the point that we could barely walk. Then my mate discovered that he had somehow lost his ticket, so we had to make our way to the office and queue for an hour and a half to get him sorted out. By the time we finally got back to the tent it was nearly midnight, and that was our first day done.

I've not been able to enjoy Maoam strips ever since 😞

Yeah we took one look at the depth of mud then and decided to leave the trolley in the car and use an extra back pack and a second run. 

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