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The Weather Thread 2023


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3 minutes ago, Alvoram said:

This latest run is neither terrifying or good... 

A fair amount of rain to fall between now and the end of the festival. Which isn't great.

But most of it falls in 1 - 2mm showers across several days, so the ground won't be too bad. 

So yeh, neither good or bad...

Total accumulated rain between now and the end of the festival...


Totally manageable. Specially with the temps. Will dry up if not persistent. 

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2 minutes ago, Duggyfresh44 said:

Totally manageable. Specially with the temps. Will dry up if not persistent. 

Yeh absolutely, no problem whatsoever if this were to be the actual weather. 

One caveat though, as I've been saying for days, there's a risk of that low and that heavy rainfall sitting North West of the site to be pulled further East. It's already shifted a small amount now across multiple runs, if that comes much further East, it paints a completely different picture. 😕 

Not gonna happen though... 🤞

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8 minutes ago, MEGATRONICMEATWAGON said:

Nah, never said I didn't change into shorts at some point. Never had heatstroke myself or sunstroke in 2010. Just don't like the relentless sun when it's minimum 26 for 5 straight days.

All I said in my original post is that I'm able to cope in jeans from 18-22 degrees. And for some reason ppl mistook that for meaning in any temperature upto 30 or something. No idea how that was deduced 🤷‍♂️

Wearing Jeans and a jumper now... Have been since getting back from Florida at the end of September last year.

This isn't a hot country, I've been to my fair share. I could easily 'cope' in 30-35c at the festival.

But I don't want to 'cope' and have to worry about how much water I'm drinking, how much shade I'm taking etc etc... I want to relax and enjoy it. So I'd rather it not be above 25c for multiple days in a row either. 

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1 minute ago, Alvoram said:

But I don't want to 'cope' and have to worry about how much water I'm drinking, how much shade I'm taking etc etc... I want to relax and enjoy it. So I'd rather it not be above 25c for multiple days in a row either. 

Yup.  Baking hot and I have to carry half my booze home with me as I've been drinking water instead of booze.  Where's the sense in that?

25 sounds perfect

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how on earth can you remember what happened at which glastonbury? They all merge into one in my head! Thanks for the good read, this thread is Britishness at its peak, lolz a plenty! see you there in FIVE DAYS! xxx

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For those still thinking about Jeans, I’ve just walked 3 miles in 26 degrees wearing jeans. Works casual Friday rules don’t allow shorts. 

I won’t add a description of how sweaty I am now but what I will say is wearing jeans in this heat is probably the most practical form of contraception. 

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3 minutes ago, zillah said:

how on earth can you remember what happened at which glastonbury? They all merge into one in my head! Thanks for the good read, this thread is Britishness at its peak, lolz a plenty! see you there in FIVE DAYS! xxx

Massive blurs for me in general - so much more that I'd love to remember.  If there's some significant weather event then that helps me to remember - after that I need to look up clashfinders to have an idea what was happening each year and that doesn't tell me much about what was happening to me!

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I was at download last week and it was really bloody hot, 28 for the fri/sat/sun - but what compounded that was the ridiculous lack of shade in the arena. mid-afternoon sunday i was seriously wilting and had to head out to the village probs a 15 min walk out away from the stages to find the underprogrammed comedy tent for a little twenty minute nap and some time away from the sun. It was packed with people doing the same thing. Its so much easier to find shade at glastonbury, 28 degree days arent as hard work and are more manageable - but i'd still prefer a completely easy to manage 22 degree day that just necessitates one bit of sunscreen application in the am and you can even dare to have a pint or two without getting a splitting headache cos of dehydration. still #teamfuzzy here 

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3 minutes ago, squirrelarmy said:

 Works casual Friday rules don’t allow shorts

whats the bloody point of casual fridays if you cant wear shorts? what possible justification do they have for staff not being able to wear shorts? I'd presume skirts are absolutely fine, no? you should rock up in a skirt.

i'm often jealous of a good scottish kilt, imagine the air around your nethers! blissful! 

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3 minutes ago, balti-pie said:

I was at download last week and it was really bloody hot, 28 for the fri/sat/sun - but what compounded that was the ridiculous lack of shade in the arena. mid-afternoon sunday i was seriously wilting and had to head out to the village probs a 15 min walk out away from the stages to find the underprogrammed comedy tent for a little twenty minute nap and some time away from the sun. It was packed with people doing the same thing. Its so much easier to find shade at glastonbury, 28 degree days arent as hard work and are more manageable - but i'd still prefer a completely easy to manage 22 degree day that just necessitates one bit of sunscreen application in the am and you can even dare to have a pint or two without getting a splitting headache cos of dehydration. still #teamfuzzy here 

Best form of shade is a (rainless, before NFC**ts pipe up) cloud - then you don't need to go in search of sweaty tents and when you do want to see something in a tent it's not already packed with people not really bothered about what you're there for. 

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1 hour ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

Apparently it was pretty close to being axed.

Is this true? Tell me more...

That year was harder than any other including 2005 and 2007 (I wasn't there in 1997). At least in 2007 the mud around a lot of the site was watery and splooshy (is that a word?!) so you could just go through it with good boots. In 2016 it was so thick it was sucking your legs and making you slip over. It was awful. I could barely walk for a week when I got back - every step equated to five!

Still one of my favourite ever Glastonburys though (referendum result aside). That LCD Soundsystem show on Sunday night made every effort worthwhile!

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