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LAWKS! It's the next announcement thread


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19 minutes ago, DareToDibble said:

Could be worse. You could have posted “happy full line up day!” in your Glastonbury chat Thursday morning and look like more of an idiot with every passing day it doesn’t arrive 😂

I came so close to doing this and have been breathing a sigh of relief I held off. It's bad enough I went early with the Stevie Wonder news.

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2 minutes ago, Jacko45 said:

When you all say "Full Lineup"


Do you mean stage splits and times, or can you sometimes get some decent new names? 


Think we're hankering after the times/splits more than anything.  I need to work out my inevitable clash nightmares.

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Just now, GordonMcG said:

There's still a decent chunk of the Other Stage lineup to come out I think. 15 acts on the poster+James self confirm to take it to 16. 24 acts on the final lineup last year. So probably 8 or so still to be announced.

I really hadn't noticed how sparse it's looking. Poster does a good job of making you think there's tonnes there, but 16 names is such a big gap on previous years.

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i think by wednesday we are in "taking the piss" territory. would like to know what im watching and what im missing so i can get some listening done .like to familirise myself with newer stuff before i go 

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7 minutes ago, 4AssedMonkey said:


Think we're hankering after the times/splits more than anything.  I need to work out my inevitable clash nightmares.


Yeah everyone just wants splits. St this point I don't think anyone would care if nothing else was announced as long as splits come lol

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3 minutes ago, TiZuff said:

i think by wednesday we are in "taking the piss" territory. would like to know what im watching and what im missing so i can get some listening done .like to familirise myself with newer stuff before i go 

tbf I think back end of this week would be a similar time between this announcement and festival as it was the past couple of years (I will not be fact-checking my statement here)

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10 minutes ago, GordonMcG said:

There's still a decent chunk of the Other Stage lineup to come out I think. 15 acts on the poster+James self confirm to take it to 16. 24 acts on the final lineup last year. So probably 8 or so still to be announced.

James was also on the BBC announcement on Friday about Glastonbury coverage, so more confirmation they are playing (in case anyone missed it)

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7 minutes ago, TiZuff said:

i think by wednesday we are in "taking the piss" territory. would like to know what im watching and what im missing so i can get some listening done .like to familirise myself with newer stuff before i go 

Got to agree with this, unless there's something genuinely delaying it that we're unaware of.


Given the size of the place, plus other preparation people need to take care of, 3 weeks should be a minimum really

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2 minutes ago, jonnyisRFC said:

If it’s not out by this time tomorrow I’m going to start entertaining the “someone major has pulled out” theory. 


Does feel suspicious, especially when multiple sources associated with the fest (and EE herself IIRC?) stated end of May.


That said, I'm sure we've had the splits/full lineup come out well into June before, so could be nothing.

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It's mostly getting days and splits for me - wife refuses to start listening to anyone new until she knows what the clashes will be as she can't be bothered to get invested in a new favourite act and then find she can't see them.


Also keen to get the final gaps in the lineup filled out as well as there are several possible acts to fill those gaps that would really make a difference to the weekend atm.

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5 minutes ago, CharlotteB said:



Just spotted the sad news that Colin Gibb from Black Lace has died 😔 don't know if they ever did Glastonbury, but what a laugh that would be, right? Some classic cheesy hits there!


That's really sad.  Saw them on a TOTP repeat on BBC4 last Friday... and I thought it's a real shame that we don't have daft but fun bands like that any more.  Agadoo is a classic, and Black Lace just wanted to entertain without taking themselves seriously etc.

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6 minutes ago, Acid_Haze said:

I think with that Sidetracked podcast being this Thursday, it'll be on the morning of that.

Podcasts aren't live though, so if it's published on Thursday it's probably recorded no later than Wednesday. So they'd need the full lineup available when recording if it syncs up in any way, which means it's out before Thursday morning. Unless they have access to an embargoed version but that doesn't seem to happen with Glasto normally.


Not sure I see any relevance to the podcast to be honest. It's content partially about Glastonbury but quite surface level.

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10 minutes ago, wro_lap said:

Can we have a sweepstake on what Glastonbury are going to tweet at 6pm tonight to rile us all up? I vote something about using the appropriate bins located around site

Packing recommendations

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I'm usually fairly chilled, but I'm getting a bit miffed that there still aren't the times.


I don't think there is anything they are hiding btw. 


I'm In a different office + in meetings all tomorrow and so it will be the most inconvenient time to drop. 

Tomorrow it is 😆 

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