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Alcohol - reasonable amount?


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10 minutes ago, Wolfawooooo said:


On alcohol, the website is saying you can bring ‘a reasonable amount for themselves to enjoy’. 
Does anyone know what security on the gate will say is reasonable? 

I’m there from Thursday and intended to bring 3 crates. 

I'm sure 3 crates is fine - I think they're talking about small groups bringing like 10 crates in. Usually  seems to be if you can carry it/wheel it in no problem

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14 hours ago, SloopJohnB said:

It also says alcohol can only be brought in on the first trip…..that’s shit!

yeah I just sent a message to kc to clarify this annoying if that's the case but like someone else said I bet its just to try reduce search times.


anyone know how they feel about u going back and forth to the car don't really like the idea of taking all my booze in for the weekend on the first day/trip

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I might invest in a trolley. 

I’m there’s a coop on site that sells alcohol so they’re probably just trying to cash in on that and the on-site bars. 

I’ve been burned before at truck festival, security were hard line in 2 crates per person and took anything more than that off you. 

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19 hours ago, Saint17 said:

...does that mean they don't search you second time around so how would they find any booze?

That was my thought! I don't see how banning bringing booze in during a second trip speeds up searches at all as either the drink is in a bag/backpack which needs searching anyway or it's a box of tins being openly carried in your arms which doesn't exactly need a search to establish what it is!

My guess is that the idea is to stop people bringing supplies in on the Thursday then returning to their car Fri/Sat/Sun morning to pick up extra booze each time. If they allow that sort of thing it likely reduces bar sales and they are quite open about the fact that they think bar profits help subsidise a lower ticket price so don't want to dent them too much.

Either way, I don't plan on bringing huge amounts myself so will probably carry my tent and beers in on my first trip then head back to the car for other stuff.

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