Weird, it came off and went back up yesterday so not thinking too much into it.
Surely the statement was enough of a burnt bridge, and didn’t make BBC acquiesce? Although wouldn’t be the first time a festival has bent to his whim.
Went on my first 4 mile walk / March ( faster paced walk) , since October today after letting myself go when the weather / work and will power became more of a problem. Now we have tickets and xmas / new year are iver, I feel the need to get fot and lose weight, there is the goal at the end. Two years ago when I got to 85 kls I downloaded a walking app and got down to about 81 and felt comfortable. I take steroids as part of dealing with scarcodosis and it dosn't help with the weight loss
No drink shall I partake for at least a month, along with re engaging with the getting fit. I am 63 end if Jan so health is a concern as well.
At this point I think they just give him a call every year and say “fancy it?”
Someone who is always in the frame but one reason or another never bites. Must be on a permanent wish list for the Eavii hence it’s always “he’s possible, but not reliable” gets banded with him.
With how much has came out so early from this year I can’t imagine it’ll be long before we start to hear about the Neil Plan B, given the assumed nature of negotiations you’d think they would have had a Plan B in mind and didn’t just start scrambling ideas on a board when he eventually pulled the plug.