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I know there will no doubt be a post elsewhere similar but can't find a recent one. Wife is now saying 100 percent she isn't going next year so won't even attempt to get a ticket after she also ruined this year's festival by being in a mood for the whole thing. Does anyone actually go solo and do it totally alone and not meet up with anyone? I know there will be meet ups etc. but I mean gas anyone been and just not done anything like that either?

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I go over on my own. Have been going for so long that I know quite a few people at the festival and will meet up with them for specific acts (so I don't fit your description of completely solo).   I try to cram in as much music as I can though, so spend a fair bit of time on my own running from stage to stage.  You always meet people to have a chat with.

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I wanted to go in 1997 and 2003. For various reasons my mates/partner couldn’t or wouldn’t go. I bottled it both times. One of my biggest regrets is not just biting the bullet and doing it earlier. I’d have no reservations about going alone now. Do it. Life’s short. 

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I've never done Glastonbury alone, but pretty much did Bestival and No 6 alone - not 100% but the contact I had with friends and/or family was to the point where the majority of it was alone.

I think t's like this:

Glastonbury with mates it better than Glastonbury solo. Glastonbury solo is better than no Glastonbury.

I'd go. Resign yourself to the fact it won't be the most utterly amazing festival experience of your life, but can still be the life-affirming, singing, dancing best weekend of the year.

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I've been on my own at least 5 times and I prefer it. No arguments about what to see, less waiting time and can do the whole thing at my own pace and explore areas that I wouldn't see otherwise. I've been with others and it's fine, but I also enjoy it on my own. Usually plenty of people to talk to aswell. I also end up seeing a lot more bands. 

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6 hours ago, Chrisp1986 said:

Thanks. I am tempted but it is more the camping alone and the 6 hour drive there and back that bothers me. She was a nightmare this year and spent every band complaining about wanting to walk around the greenfields.

There are people you could base yourself with for camping … solo groups and the like might help a bit then do your own thing during the day … I’ve been with 1 friend on a few occasions … we’ve met up for a few bands but often did our own thing 

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Been solo a couple of times, and loved it. Will also be solo next year, if I get a ticket. As others have said, the freedom to work out your own clash finder, sack things off if you’re not feeling it, and generally just make all your own decisions about what to do, and when, can be very liberating. You also invariably meet and chat with loads of great folk. You’re never truly alone there.

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Me. I've worked the last 3 festivals, so I do know a few of the people I work with, but spend most of my time off shift doing my own thing.

The best time I had this year was hanging out on the barrier of the Park stage Friday night, and making a new friend for every act as the crowds changed around me. Met a lot of people that night!

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I'm going solo. No friends were interested so I wasn't going to go but I had a rush of blood to the head. Bought a coach ticket completely on a whim on Thursday (got straight through on the site and bought a ticket with ease, so bizarre subsequently reading how difficult it was). 

I'm bricking it a bit because I'm prone to social anxiety. I might think that everyone at Glasto is pointing at me laughing like that scene from Carrie. But I'm hoping it will be grand and I'll make friends.

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I've been once before and it was pretty tough, but back then I was quite young and didn't drink so just sat on my own for an entire week. 

Booked to go on my own this year as most of my mates aren't interested, I couldn't miss it just for that reason and looking forward to maybe meeting some on here to camp with or just go with the flow! Most important thing is having that ticket and the rest I'll figure out

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