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Families will not be allowed in the notorious after-hours south-east corner after 10pm

Nice hymer

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'and will be encouraged to seek out child-friendly areas across the site such as the theatre and circus fields, and the campfire in the new Woodsies area.'


What does this even mean?

Being told to seek out child friendly areas seems a bit patronising, can't parents make their own decisions anymore?

I've seen a few pushing a buggy around the circuit and tbh have thought they're either brave or stupid, but each to their own...


Surely security aren't going to be screening people, 'sorry you can't come in / you have to leave this area'?

I'm going with two teenagers (who've been attending their entire lives) and paying almost seven hundred quid for the privilege.

The like rocking it at The Temple or Truth stage as much as the next person. Late night area no less appropriate than anywhere else (give or take).


I don't know if Emily has visited theatre and circus after 10pm but those tents are busy and outside of the tents, there's not much going on.

I've previously done it with the kids and certainly wouldn't encourage more people to attend, it's plenty busy enough already.


It all seems a bit mean and not in the spirit of the festival (historically speaking at least) but wdik 🤷‍♂️


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3 minutes ago, Nice hymer said:

'and will be encouraged to seek out child-friendly areas across the site such as the theatre and circus fields, and the campfire in the new Woodsies area.'


What does this even mean?

Being told to seek out child friendly areas seems a bit patronising, can't parents make their own decisions anymore?

I've seen a few pushing a buggy around the circuit and tbh have thought they're either brave or stupid, but each to their own...


Surely security aren't going to be screening people, 'sorry you can't come in / you have to leave this area'?

I'm going with two teenagers (who've been attending their entire lives) and paying almost seven hundred quid for the privilege.

The like rocking it at The Temple or Truth stage as much as the next person. Late night area no less appropriate than anywhere else (give or take).


I don't know if Emily has visited theatre and circus after 10pm but those tents are busy and outside of the tents, there's not much going on.

I've previously done it with the kids and certainly wouldn't encourage more people to attend, it's plenty busy enough already.


It all seems a bit mean and not in the spirit of the festival (historically speaking at least) but wdik 🤷‍♂️


The SE corner is not the place for kids in prams, I genuinely think child services should be stationed to swoop in if they see a child in a pram at 2am in the SE corner.

How old are your kids? I imagine it will not be strictly enforced on children like 13-16 years old.

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4 minutes ago, Alcatraz said:

There’s definitely some weird licensing things around kids these days


Went to a community festival in my locale last summer and kids below 10 had to be gone by 7pm!

It can't be licensing or surely san remo, arcadia, SH would also have to ban kids

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It is a bit odd to put an actual rule on it. I wonder how they'll enforce it?

I didn't see any kids in the clubs or on the dance floors in the south east corner last year. However I know in a lot of the glasto parent groups I've joined this year, lots of them do take the kids to just walk through the area at night because of all the lighting and installations so I'm sure these will be disappointed. 

I did see a few kids on shoulders at arcadia having an absolute BALL! Mine are coming for the first time this year (age 6 and 8 ) and I did want to take them to have a look... so it'll be a shame if they can't as they would love it. Certainly don't plan on raving all night with them and agree that trollies and push chairs should not be present in these busy areas after dark, absolute hazard. 

Edited by Bike_Like_A_Mum
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I could understand perhaps a ban on pushchairs/buggies/prams after 10pm as the amount of times I've seen people fall over them high on drink and drugs despite people putting flashing lights on them is ridiculous...but to outright ban people of a certain age (was a age mentioned?) seems a bit harsh....

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Surely this is just to avoid sleeping toddlers being pushed along in pushchairs at 2am, that kind of thing, rather than a strict rule with age verification etc.

I've personally got no issue with very young kids being excluded from the SE Corner after 10pm. It's not exactly the place for them realistically, is it.

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Not exactly being the place for them could also be said about the Pyramid once it's dark. Where's the line?

Agree that trollies etc probably shouldn't be in SE corner after dark o clock tho. Much higher chance of an accident (and resulting bad vibes from someone having their kid and cart hoofed over) than any other area at any other time, I reckon. I see nowt wrong with taking your ambulatory offspring along tho.

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3 minutes ago, gfa said:

The SE corner is not the place for kids in prams, I genuinely think child services should be stationed to swoop in if they see a child in a pram at 2am in the SE corner.

How old are your kids? I imagine it will not be strictly enforced on children like 13-16 years old.

I hope not, my youngest is a mature 14yr old.

I'm old enough to remember when the SE corner was full of families in live-in vehicles and the vibe was certainly more edgy, whether 2pm or 2am.

I can't agree with the child services idea, imagine morality police at the festival, that could make for an interesting Sunday... In all my years attending, I don't ever recall a moment where I've seen a child 'at risk'. If I had, I would be compelled to step in or contact stewards, we've all got a duty to look out for each other.

Sure, I've seen some parenting that I wouldn't consider ideal but it's all relative. I've no doubt that some would be uncomfortable with my parenting decisions, so who's to judge...

8 minutes ago, maelzoid said:

If anything in SE Corner was an actual club in any other town, it would be strictly over 18s. I think we can all agree that 2am in NYC Downlow is probably not the most appropriate place to take a toddler...

I'm pretty sure that NYC Downlow has always been an over 18s venue? I can't imagine that any parent would endure the queues to get in anyway....


2 minutes ago, gooner1990 said:

I could understand perhaps a ban on pushchairs/buggies/prams after 10pm as the amount of times I've seen people fall over them high on drink and drugs despite people putting flashing lights on them is ridiculous...but to outright ban people of a certain age (was a age mentioned?) seems a bit harsh....

I could probably support this, although no idea how stewards could remove people given how busy it is

4 minutes ago, kalifire said:

Surely this is just to avoid sleeping toddlers being pushed along in pushchairs at 2am, that kind of thing, rather than a strict rule with age verification etc.

I've personally got no issue with very young kids being excluded from the SE Corner after 10pm. It's not exactly the place for them realistically, is it.

I hope you're right!

5 minutes ago, philipsteak said:

They had a similar rule at Boomtown, no kids after a certain time in the downtown. Don't know if it's still the case with all the changes they've had

Boomtown is a funny one. Despite having connections to the festival, I wouldn't take my kids there. They might advertise as child friendly but let's be honest it's not a kids event. That's one weekend where you want to leave the kids elsewhere. I can get behind that policy, Glastonbury is genuinely a more family oriented event, which is why this announcement surprises me

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8 minutes ago, scaryclaireyfairy said:

Not exactly being the place for them could also be said about the Pyramid once it's dark. Where's the line?

The Pyramid doesn't have the kind of crowding issues the SE Corner has. There's also hardly anything for young kids to enjoy. I've can't help feeling parents forcing little ones to be at the naughty corner so they get to enjoy it themselves is a bit selfish.

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1 minute ago, Fish Bulb said:

Well this is probably the judgiest thread I've ever seen on here. Wow!

Fair.  I'm much more judgy now I'm a parent, my instincts kick in and I want to get them tucked up in bed with a story.

All children are different, of course, but as I say - the kids I've seen look exactly as you'd expect, like they desperately want to be in bed and their parents don't care.

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1 hour ago, Nice hymer said:


Surely security aren't going to be screening people, 'sorry you can't come in / you have to leave this area'?


I think that's exactly what will happen.

42 minutes ago, Bike_Like_A_Mum said:

It is a bit odd to put an actual rule on it. I wonder how they'll enforce it? 

I don't think it'll be too hard to do.

After they switch to the one way system (at 10pm) and access is from the glasto Latin field. When you go through the one person at a time ped barriers in that field they'll just tell the stewards there to screen out any obviously young children or prams. 

Depending how strict they are they could even make it so you have to have one of the 18+ age verification bands to get in if you look under 18. 

Edit: I don't think they'll actively throw people at 10 though.

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1 minute ago, Leyrulion said:


Depending how strict they are they could even make it so you have to have one of the 18+ age verification bands to get in if you look under 18. 


That would be a new festival low for me, I guess the kids will be hitting up their man for fake IDs 🤣

Agree with policing prams and young kids after 10.00pm, that's easy to do

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Plenty of my friends are judging me for taking the kids to Glastonbury already full stop... they've never been of course.

Don't see anything wrong with walking through the one way system taking in all of the installations on the way back to bed. (Just not pushchairs or trollies and obviously clubs like NYC downlow are 18+ - goes without saying that's just silly no kids go in there 🙈)

As far as the late nights in general go around the rest of the site... as long as kids aren't stressed or in danger of harm, any judgements about people being selfish for having children asleep while they're still dancing or the kids looking bored... I'd say that's no one else's business 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ could be the most devoted parents in the world just making the most of being there. You can't pour from an empty cup, parents need a but of release too and I choose to reserve judgement. Dozing off under a pile of coats in the corner at my parents parties never hurt me.  They'll be fine, it's only a few days 😒

Edited by Bike_Like_A_Mum
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I think it's just the babies in strollers they want to discourage. In a very busy area where people are not usually in full control of themselves they just don't want a potential crowd issue that involve injuries to really young kids. 

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