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Where is the firewood?


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Funny story about our camp fire in 2022... I brought a fire/bbq pit with me for the campervan field as like previous poster said you can't just set one up on the ground. Was thinking it would be nice for the first night. Had some of my own smokeless logs leftover from centre parcs so started with those. Always found them to be a bit underwhelming with just one and they don't burn for long... so I went and put 3 on!! 🤣  BIG mistake, the fire was huge and did cause some smoke while the packets burned away which alerted the fire Marshall. I was bricking it thinking I'd just set fire to Pilton and was panicking about the size of the flame. But fire Marshall just went "that's quite a big bonfire isn't it" - he checked it out assured me that it was safe as it was off the ground. Obviously wasnt an ideal situation but said it would die down. Left us to it but I was terrified.  I made sure I had a bucket of water handy but couldn't relax and ended up just staring at it and praying for the rest of the night...


Never again

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11 hours ago, A Particular Grey Chihuahu said:

Where can you have campfires then? The pictures I've seen, the tents are shoulder to shoulder, and you can't have fires in the arenas i.e. Pyramid Stage Field, can you?

Oxlyers. I remember one year they had little areas set aside for fires.

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  • 2 months later...

So, I can't believe its taken me this long to write this up but I think I am only just getting over the Glasto blues! Plus I knew it was going to be a long write up.


Anyway, had I not read this thread before we went this year things could well have gone down a different route but anyway, there we were Thursday night, probably around 9 or 10pm 6 adults and 3 teenagers all sat around the campfire cooking chorizo and other such fun things like marshmallows all staying warm, plenty of room between the fire, us and the tents. Bucket of water on standby.


2 of us were nicely spangled but I am one of those people that you would never tell from the outside but on the inside I was going a million miles an hour, anywayyyyyy the top of our flag pole had just decided to snap on us so we were doing a quick repair job, when out of the corner of my eye I spotted a yellow tee-shirted (helper, marshal, I dunno what to call them) just as we were popping the flag pole back up.


When I heard the words from my mate "Yeah we will put it out mate, sorry". All of a sudden I was back in the room! Ermmm excuse me what's going on? Mr yellow tee-shirt then told me open fires were against policy and we had to put it out, I started out with the usual but we've been doing it for years, blah blah blah, we are right at the back of the field in Baileys not a tightly packed camping field, bucket of water, nobody off their faces (small lie) and clearly all is safe and well. 


"It's policy mate, put it out", I see a different tactic is going to be needed here.


So, I opened the front of my tent and showed him the best part of tonne of wood we had carted up from the car, through all the security with no issues what soever. "So are you telling me it's policy to allow people to carry this much wood onto site, only to then be told we can't have a fire?"


"I've told you multiple times now, it's policy, no open fires, put it out now" Okay, and here's when this thread saved this escalating!


I said to Mr yellow, "Can you call the fire marshal please?"


With a shocked look, "Really?"


"Oh yes, really!"


Mr Yellow took out his mobile phone, made a call .... "What's our policy on open fires? uhu, yes, yes, mmm yes, yes, uhu, okay" hangs up phone and says "Make sure you keep it safe" and walks off!!!!!


Now let me tell you, I engaged smug mode like you have never seen before lol kids were cheering, adults were like "WTF how did you do that?" I simply said to them I had read this happening to someone last year and recalled the fire marshal trick. 


We never saw Mr Yellow again, although a different Mr Yellow came over the next evening and just popped in to make sure the fire was attended, no issues, no power trip, nice guy. 


So there we are, not in 20 years have we experienced that but this year we did, had it not been for this forum I imagine an almighty argument would've kicked off, the moment they ban fires at Glasto I am done!


Good luck in this years ticket sale all!

Edited by Franky
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42 minutes ago, Franky said:

So, I can't believe its taken me this long to write this up but I think I am only just getting over the Glasto blues! Plus I knew it was going to be a long write up.


Anyway, had I not read this thread before we went this year things could well have gone down a different route but anyway, there we were Thursday night, probably around 9 or 10pm 6 adults and 3 teenagers all sat around the campfire cooking chorizo and other such fun things like marshmallows all staying warm, plenty of room between the fire, us and the tents. Bucket of water on standby.


2 of us were nicely spangled but I am one of those people that you would never tell from the outside but on the inside I was going a million miles an hour, anywayyyyyy the top of our flag pole had just decided to snap on us so we were doing a quick repair job, when out of the corner of my eye I spotted a yellow tee-shirted (helper, marshal, I dunno what to call them) just as we were popping the flag pole back up.


When I heard the words from my mate "Yeah we will put it out mate, sorry". All of a sudden I was back in the room! Ermmm excuse me what's going on? Mr yellow tee-shirt then told me open fires were against policy and we had to put it out, I started out with the usual but we've been doing it for years, blah blah blah, we are right at the back of the field in Baileys not a tightly packed camping field, bucket of water, nobody off their faces (small lie) and clearly all is safe and well. 


"It's policy mate, put it out", I see a different tactic is going to be needed here.


So, I opened the front of my tent and showed him the best part of tonne of wood we had carted up from the car, through all the security with no issues what soever. "So are you telling me it's policy to allow people to carry this much wood onto site, only to then be told we can't have a fire?"


"I've told you multiple times now, it's policy, no open fires, put it out now" Okay, and here's when this thread saved this escalating!


I said to Mr yellow, "Can you call the fire marshal please?"


With a shocked look, "Really?"


"Oh yes, really!"


Mr Yellow took out his mobile phone, made a call .... "What's our policy on open fires? uhu, yes, yes, mmm yes, yes, uhu, okay" hangs up phone and says "Make sure you keep it safe" and walks off!!!!!


Now let me tell you, I engaged smug mode like you have never seen before lol kids were cheering, adults were like "WTF how did you do that?" I simply said to them I had read this happening to someone last year and recalled the fire marshal trick. 


We never saw Mr Yellow again, although a different Mr Yellow came over the next evening and just popped in to make sure the fire was attended, no issues, no power trip, nice guy. 


So there we are, not in 20 years have we experienced that but this year we did, had it not been for this forum I imagine an almighty argument would've kicked off, the moment they ban fires at Glasto I am done!


Good luck in this years ticket sale all!


To be honest, it's not that unusual that stewards will have made assumptions on something like that, especially when the rule in place is substantially different than you'd get at most other festivals (which this one is) and they've not been specifically told about the difference.


I once happily spent about an hour at WOMAD telling people "no glass allowed", only to be corrected by a member of the public that actually it was. I still maintain that the WOMAD rule is wrong (I mean for f**ks sake obviously it's a bad idea to bring glass onto a festival site), but that's the rule they've set.


8 minutes ago, paulshane said:

I think I posted this in another thread at the time, but there was plenty of firewood this year, in the usual place on the railway line:




Was also at the usual place a little way up Muddy Lane. With some still available on (at least) the Thursday.

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23 minutes ago, paulshane said:

I think I posted this in another thread at the time, but there was plenty of firewood this year, in the usual place on the railway line:



That wood would burn in seconds lol I bring big old logs 🙂 But it is good to see that they still provide some 🙂

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22 minutes ago, incident said:

I once happily spent about an hour at WOMAD telling people "no glass allowed", only to be corrected by a member of the public that actually it was. I still maintain that the WOMAD rule is wrong (I mean for f**ks sake obviously it's a bad idea to bring glass onto a festival site), but that's the rule they've set.


What? Glass is allowed? 🙂 


That's shocked me! 

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we can't be bothered finding the massive bits of wood they leave now.



we all agree to bring a bag of wood or kindling. we have a big camp around 20 of us. That wood normally does us all festival.


we keep getting told we are not allowed fires by camp site staff these days. we say we are . They then say we need the fire off the floor for it to be2 allowed. so we bastardised a trolley and raised it off the floor. we then got left alone to enjoy our fires

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12 hours ago, stuie said:


What? Glass is allowed? 🙂 


That's shocked me! 

Oh yes, they need to bring in their pimms and champagne.  Working WOMAD with Oxfam last year was an eye opener, as I didn't expect that there

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