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The Weather Thread 2024


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8 minutes ago, Euphoricape said:

It poured down last year on the Wednesday. I had to set up my tent when it was torrential. I was however in trainers for the entire festival and rhe ground was fine the entire time.


Heavy showers on and off for about 90 minutes mid-late morning.  We'd got the tents up by then so I went for a nap.  By early afternoon it was completely dry.


If it's persistent all day, that's a different kettle of fish....

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5 minutes ago, Jacko45 said:


I've only been one year, but surely one day of rain wouldn't be enough to ruin the site would it?


I understand the footfall is huge though also. 


2011 was an absolute nightmare on this front, raining heavily as gates opened. But I don't think it was great in the run-up either. So that Wednesday rain could have been falling on top of sodden ground – I was in fairly early that day and the site was already a bit of a mud bowl.

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8 minutes ago, LinvoyPrimus said:


2011 was an absolute nightmare on this front, raining heavily as gates opened. But I don't think it was great in the run-up either. So that Wednesday rain could have been falling on top of sodden ground – I was in fairly early that day and the site was already a bit of a mud bowl.

The ground was very soggy prior to 2011, I remember the site videos on setting up with puddles and mud 

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9 minutes ago, Toilet Duck said:

Right so, everyone stay in their tents and drink all day Wednesday...don't go wandering around and f*ck up the site. Have at it from Thursday onwards...that about the long and short of it?


Spot on. Just need to convince another 200,000 people

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2 minutes ago, GeorgeI said:

Forgive my ignorance but how can it go from this positive to it's going to be horrendous in the space of 12 hours?

Is this guy using different data to you or does it change that quick?



If you look at ensembles any of these lines could be right, so we have a good idea for the next week, then we're just looking for trends, reading tealeaves and guessing


GEFS Ensembles Chart

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Ive always dreaded setting up a tent in the pissing wet rain, and finally had to do so at Bearded Theory - and you know what, it really wasnt that bad at all. It concentrated my efforts at getting the bloody thing up in quick time, but when it was the majority of bits to do can all be done inside the tent, and it was absolutely fine.

So the worst case scenario happened, and it wasnt that bad!?!? 

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2 minutes ago, balti-pie said:

Ive always dreaded setting up a tent in the pissing wet rain, and finally had to do so at Bearded Theory - and you know what, it really wasnt that bad at all. It concentrated my efforts at getting the bloody thing up in quick time, but when it was the majority of bits to do can all be done inside the tent, and it was absolutely fine.

So the worst case scenario happened, and it wasnt that bad!?!? 


Bearded was our 2nd time setting up in pouring rain. I agree, not that bad and even though the site was a swamp it really was not awful at all and we had an amazing time.

If after Weds it is dry then even a big site like GF will dry out - feet stir it up, turn it to slosh then rotavate the slosh into sticky mud then trample it dry..............  but I would much rather the rain fecked right off

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1 minute ago, balti-pie said:

Ive always dreaded setting up a tent in the pissing wet rain, and finally had to do so at Bearded Theory - and you know what, it really wasnt that bad at all.

This was me in 2016.  I thought it was going to be a nightmare, ended up being no great shakes and like you say, was motivated to get it done sharpish.  


Not that that's going to be a problem this year, gonna be a dustbowl.

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Question for the meteorological Poindexters: is there something about the geographical location of the UK that makes predicting the weather such a nightmare? Almost every other country I've been to, weather forecasts seem to be much more consistent and reliable. Over here it literally changes by the hour, often swinging from heatwave to biblical rain in a heartbeat 

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12 minutes ago, balti-pie said:

Ive always dreaded setting up a tent in the pissing wet rain, and finally had to do so at Bearded Theory - and you know what, it really wasnt that bad at all. It concentrated my efforts at getting the bloody thing up in quick time, but when it was the majority of bits to do can all be done inside the tent, and it was absolutely fine.

So the worst case scenario happened, and it wasnt that bad!?!? 

If you know what you're doing, and if your tent outer goes up 1st, it's not too bad. If it's a tent you've never put up before so you're trying to follow the instructions in the pissing rain, or if the inner goes up 1st so it all gets soaked while you're trying to pitch it, it's a bit more of a pain. And if you realise you've left your bags in the rain while trying to sort it out, you'll remember to use a rain cover or pack everything in bin bags next year!

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