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Fitness for Glastonbury 2024


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Trudging slowly in a crowd and standing still watching a band is far more tiring for me than walking at a decent pace. Legs get a lot more tired and heavy, soles and heels of the feet get painful. That was my experience this year, even with orthoheel supports in my walking shoes. Any chance to sit down I slipped off my shoes. 

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Having missed out this year ( no tickets plus a hip replacement end March ),  and struggled last year with the dodgy hip which is now replaced, I was hoping to get back to fitness this year. However the other hip is now needing replacement - on the list but not sure how long I’ll have to wait. Very frustrating as fitness is now limited and weight had gone up due to not being able  to walk too far. Am gradually increasing fitness but it’s going to be a slow process. First festival since last year will be Victorious again at end of August and first standing gig for over a year will be end September with The National at Ally Pally. Am aiming to try walking/physio exercises everyday to get better movement back. Hopefully will be in better shape by next year!! 

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5 hours ago, gigpusher said:

This weather is really messing with my fitness training given that I predominantly walk and the weather is just too awful to walk 

Fingers crossed it gets better soon! Hate wasting Summer days inside and annoyingly you end up eating more through boredom. 

same here, hardly done any distance this month due to the wind or rain or most recently, both. I don't mind so much cycling in light rain, but horizontal downpours, not so much.

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Ilkley Half Marathon completed yesterday. 1 hour 32 mins.

Glastonbury 2023, thank goodness I'd put in a LOT of running, cardio and fitness because it made such a difference. My two mates who did not heed my advice/warning REALLY struggled.... to the point we had medics to one of my mates within an hour of arrival on site. My other mate was walking on glass by the end of the weekend.  We were parked in blue car park 2 and camped in south park 2 so it was a good hour walk each way. 

Meeting them for a debrief on Wednesday so will see if they're hopefully up for another go next year (luck dependent) and what their plans re. to improve fitness. 

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18 hours ago, Skip997 said:

Within a hour!


Yes, my mate is 6ft 9 and by own admission not physically fit..... Arrived Wednesday afternoon, obviously very hot, hilly where we were were parked and he got as far as the wrist band section and couldn't go on. Looked very pale, very anxious. Had sat down for a while but when stood up dropped and ended up in a bush, arms all cut, bit dazed. Medics attended.

We had to leave him there, me and my other carried all our stuff including his tent to the other side of the festival, set up camp, walked all the way back again, collected our mate, carried his stuff back to where we camped. Left him there, me and my other mate then walked back to the car, collected more stuff and then back to the tent. It was about 23:00 at this point. I  was well ready for a drink I can tell you....

I'll be honest, the first few hours at Glasto were incredibly stressful for us..... but it obviously improved massively. 

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2 hours ago, The Nal said:

Your problem (well his problem) seems to be "more stuff" which I doubt was needed. 

Ill never underatnd the "2 trips back to the car" shizzle

Totally agree. a bit of a nonsense how much stuff was brought, and then returned back to the car on the last day! 😄

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7 hours ago, The Nal said:

Your problem (well his problem) seems to be "more stuff" which I doubt was needed. 

Ill never underatnd the "2 trips back to the car" shizzle

Did you read about the fella who had a proper double bed in his tent? Took him 6 trips to the car apparently.

What a waste of festival time! 

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First run up in the hills for over a year.  Nice easy start as well; 1.5km straight uphill out of the car park, 120m elevation with an average gradient of 7.5%, 22.5% at its worst. Absolutely blowing.

Still, just under 12km and kept the pace just under the 6min/km mark.  With the bastard hills in there I'm pretty happy with that.

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On 7/15/2023 at 9:27 PM, 2019 said:

I'm giving yoga a go this time. I try to run three days a week, so I'll use my rest days for a bit of stretching.

I'm on day three of this one; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBu-pQG6sTY


I did one of Adriens 30 days of Yoga recently (one of the newer ones) 

Was really good so may try another one. Def helped with back and hip issues 

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12 hours ago, Crazyfool01 said:

Back to badminton tonight having been out of action since hurting my back gardening the weekend after Glastonbury … tried to take things easy but threw myself in … decided to leave a bit early … will see how things are tomoro morning 

Fingers crossed it's ok this morning.

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Just chipping in with a view for those who don't fancy the more strenuous stuff people are admirably mentioning here.

I'm 56, skinny and fat at the same time, next to no muscles and haven't seen the inside of a gym since school. My advise if the thought of strenuous exercise fills you with dread is walk. Lots of walking will set you up fine for Glastonbury.

Me and Mrs Gnom go for a walk most evenings, not usually anything huge but probably 40 minutes minimum. At weekends we'll do an hour and a half both days (~10k steps). I stepped up the walking in the weeks prior to Glastonbury, and come the festival, I think I coped better than I have in years. Granted the weather made the footwear choice more comfortable (Sketchers Go Walk, not just for grannies) and there was nothing like the Noel/Macca one spot marathon of 2022, but just getting those steps in can be a massive help for the festival.

I definitely need to do something to build up upper body strength, I started using a kettlebell for 20 minutes a day a few years back but exercise is just so fecking boring, it now sits gathering dust and throwing guilt at me. Maybe next week. 

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13 minutes ago, Gnomicide said:

Just chipping in with a view for those who don't fancy the more strenuous stuff people are admirably mentioning here.

I'm 56, skinny and fat at the same time, next to no muscles and haven't seen the inside of a gym since school. My advise if the thought of strenuous exercise fills you with dread is walk. Lots of walking will set you up fine for Glastonbury.

Me and Mrs Gnom go for a walk most evenings, not usually anything huge but probably 40 minutes minimum. At weekends we'll do an hour and a half both days (~10k steps). I stepped up the walking in the weeks prior to Glastonbury, and come the festival, I think I coped better than I have in years. Granted the weather made the footwear choice more comfortable (Sketchers Go Walk, not just for grannies) and there was nothing like the Noel/Macca one spot marathon of 2022, but just getting those steps in can be a massive help for the festival.

I definitely need to do something to build up upper body strength, I started using a kettlebell for 20 minutes a day a few years back but exercise is just so fecking boring, it now sits gathering dust and throwing guilt at me. Maybe next week. 

Yep there's a fair few of us who do no more than walk although I am intending to try and add in a bit of core work this year just because I can walk for miles but the standing at Glastonbury is always the killer for me.

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15 minutes ago, Gnomicide said:

Me and Mrs Gnom go for a walk most evenings, not usually anything huge but probably 40 minutes minimum.

We do this to, unless there's a storm threatening to throw trees on us, gives an opportunity to chat as well. I force myself to go out for lunch to do whatever errand I can think of, podcast or music in ears. Yesterday it was just buying handsoap. And just like that it's a 20 mn walk.

Unfortunately my hip problem is back. Started before Glasto, stopped and came back. Add to this a heatwave and I haven't been running since early June. Getting better but not ready for running impact...

So this week I decided that instead of cycling back from work (5mn), I would do a longer route of about half an hour whenever the schedule worked out. Unfortunately yesterday I took a wrong turn and ended up on a path that got sandier and sandier as I progressed with no way out :P. An hour further and I was back home with burning legs AND arms from trying to stay on the bike :D. Am going later, but this time knowing what the correct route is :D.

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