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I find that experts are important people to have around as they are the ones that know, without doubt most of the time, what the situation is around any given subject.

According to HMRC, using the tax relief available through Isas and pensions is purely saving tax and not considered avoidance. 



I would hope this puts one subject on here to bed but I doubt it!


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18 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

Now all politicians are going to start talking about immigration as Farage injects his poison into the election.


Let's have 5 years of zero immigration then - and see how utterly f**ked the UK economy is after that and how f**ked the NHS is after that. Maybe then folks will realise that we really cannot manage without them.

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I'm not sure him winning or losing his seat will make much difference. I think his goal is to destroy the Tories this election and then either replace or take them over in 2029.

Edited by lost
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41 minutes ago, Nobody Interesting said:


I was coming here to say very similar.

He really is vile and will drag the Tories further right as they try and get Reform votes.

That’s his grand plan - and already working. James Not So Cleverly wrote a Daily Heil piece today saying how MPs need to vote on the amount of Visas offered. Apparently written in the same kind of language that Gary Lineker got in so much trouble for calling them out on.

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7 hours ago, Neil said:

not all of my family, some people are more creative and self-supporting from their income than you imagine.

every person with a workplace pension has chosen to take up the opportunity to avoid taxon part of their income, not everyone thinks the tax avoiders are the smart people, that's reserved for the very-dims.

Did you claim business expenses when you ran efests? I'm going to assume the answer is yes. Tax avoider!

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52 minutes ago, Nobody Interesting said:


As I am a) not the judge and b) was not on the jury I am unable to comment as I do not have the full details at hand.

One person does not mean others should suffer. One person should never be why any policy is made. One person should not be used to try and sway/distort any argument.

If that person identifies as a women, why on earth should it even be a question? Google it, there's lots of info- it was in the last couple weeks of Sturgeon being first minister 

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16 minutes ago, lost said:

I'm not sure him winning or losing his seat will make much difference. I think his goal is to destroy the Tories this election and then either replace or take them over in 2029.

It would help a lot if he was an MP first though

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6 hours ago, Neil said:

its an indisputable fact.

No. It isn't.


Tax avoidance is bending the rules of the tax system to gain a tax advantage that Parliament never intended. It often involves contrived, artificial transactions that serve little or no purpose other than to produce a tax advantage.


AHP1300 - Overview: what we mean by avoidance - HMRC internal manual - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)


Having a workplace pension which everyone is put in by default is not gaining an advantage that parliament never intended 🤣


I guarantee every member of your family has a pension. How on earth does anyone hope to retire without one lol

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35 minutes ago, fraybentos1 said:

If that person identifies as a women, why on earth should it even be a question? Google it, there's lots of info- it was in the last couple weeks of Sturgeon being first minister 


I can gain some info from Google but cannot comment on the specifics of one case about one person based on that and nor should anyone.

As a general rule and as someone who believes that if you are  a trans woman you are  a woman and a trans man is a man then you are treated as such but i  law every case should, and is, dealt with on it's own merits so my generalisation does not mean anything in the case of this individual and nor should it.

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9 minutes ago, Nobody Interesting said:


As a general rule and as someone who believes that if you are  a trans woman you are  a woman 

So women's prison. You can't have exceptions it makes no sense. If trans women are women then they need to go in women's prisons 100% of the time. Otherwise it is contradictory.

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5 minutes ago, fraybentos1 said:

So women's prison. You can't have exceptions it makes no sense. If trans women are women then they need to go in women's prisons 100% of the time. Otherwise it is contradictory.


You can try and trap me all you want - sentences are put down on individual basis always have been always will be and that is up to the judge. There are places people can, and are sent, that are not simple male/female prisons and inside prisons there are separate areas that are used to detain some people too.

You seem to want to make this a one size fits all black and white thing and base it all on one case. It is not that simple and there are plenty of cases in history not connected to the trans issue that show judges can and do deal with things in many different ways depending on the facts of the individual case.

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17 minutes ago, Nobody Interesting said:

There are places people can, and are sent, that are not simple male/female prisons



17 minutes ago, Nobody Interesting said:

You seem to want to make this a one size fits all black and white thing and base it all on one case

I'm just following your logic. If trans women are women and anyone who identifies as a trans women is a women then they should go into a women's prison. You're now making up vague 'other places' they could be sent but I don't think that exists. 



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3 minutes ago, fraybentos1 said:



I'm just following your logic. If trans women are women and anyone who identifies as a trans women is a women then they should go into a women's prison. You're now making up vague 'other places' they could be sent but I don't think that exists. 



and can use female changing rooms and compete in women's sports etc forever.

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1 hour ago, Nobody Interesting said:

I find that experts are important people to have around as they are the ones that know, without doubt most of the time, what the situation is around any given subject.

According to HMRC, using the tax relief available through Isas and pensions is purely saving tax and not considered avoidance. 



I would hope this puts one subject on here to bed but I doubt it!



Yes, tax rules used to achieve their purpose which is encouraging saving for a rainy day/old age and save on the future benefits bill. I'm sorry you're too ill to work but you should be satisfied you put some money aside and downsized to get more financial independence. It beats spending all your money making memories and boasting about benefits and inheritances.



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18 minutes ago, fraybentos1 said:



I'm just following your logic. If trans women are women and anyone who identifies as a trans women is a women then they should go into a women's prison. You're now making up vague 'other places' they could be sent but I don't think that exists. 



Do some research into UK prisons, there are special wings in most used for such purposes. I am making nothing up.

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46 minutes ago, Nobody Interesting said:

There are places people can, and are sent, that are not simple male/female prisons and inside prisons there are separate areas that are used to detain some people too.

What are these places you suggest, cause this was separate from the inside prisons bit. So explain what you mean specifically.

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14 minutes ago, fraybentos1 said:

What are these places you suggest, cause this was separate from the inside prisons bit. So explain what you mean specifically.

Broadmoor and other such places. Not just those for psychiatric problems but there are others. There are plenty of things that can, and are done if you care to look at the entire UK prison structure.

Anyway, perhaps try not making a problem where there really is no problem based on one single case of one single person, that's the sport of thing the leader of Reform does. It serves no purpose are from to try and divide and cause anger.

I have the Glastonbury lineup to look at so can't be arsed to keep this going when regardless of what OI say you will just bang on and on


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