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3 hours ago, fraybentos1 said:

Not really sure what it’s like in the UK since I only became aware of these sort of issues since I had kids myself which has been here in Sweden, but it does seem like the bar for caesarians is fairly low here even via the public healthcare system. That is to say, its possible to simply demand a c section until you get one, and many middle class mothers do.

The issue is that it then makes additional pregnancies more risky.


Not really sure what the issue is with this policy, without much context beyond reducing c sections where not a medical necessity. Seems sort of fair enough.

But it really isnt my area either and aware that I may be veering into mansplaining birth a bit. But just surprised at the reaction to it.

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The problem is for the greens that they have a few quacks amongst their ranks but because of their reputation its amplified. A quick Google of ’MP homeopathy’ reveals a slew of prominent MPs from the major parties advocating for unscientific treatments in the NHS including more recently Penny mordaunt and luciana berger. But i never did see this being used to smear their parties at large.

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49 minutes ago, mattiloy said:

Not really sure what it’s like in the UK since I only became aware of these sort of issues since I had kids myself which has been here in Sweden, but it does seem like the bar for caesarians is fairly low here even via the public healthcare system. That is to say, its possible to simply demand a c section until you get one, and many middle class mothers do.

The issue is that it then makes additional pregnancies more risky.


Not really sure what the issue is with this policy, without much context beyond reducing c sections where not a medical necessity. Seems sort of fair enough.

But it really isnt my area either and aware that I may be veering into mansplaining birth a bit. But just surprised at the reaction to it.

More generally beyond the mad stuff, the greens are just generally nimbys and they oppose building stuff constantly which I cba with 

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11 minutes ago, fraybentos1 said:

More generally beyond the mad stuff, the greens are just generally nimbys and they oppose building stuff constantly which I cba with 


My read is that most greens see the building codes as inadequate for the dual missions of improving biodiversity and increasing the quantity of dwellings and they prioritise biodiversity and nature over dwellings. There is a world conceivable in which you can both build and preserve/enhance biodiversity. The technology exists, the expertise exists, but instead its always just the same formula: acquire a greenbelt site, use your influence on the Council to acquire permission to develop, do a parking lot with a load of cheap red bricks thrown on top, do a few trees in between the concrete to tick a box, 25% affordable 250k houses, call it ’skylark lane’ in memory of what was there before, supernormal profits.

I have no issue with nimbyism in light of what developers get away with in the uk.

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17 minutes ago, fraybentos1 said:

More generally beyond the mad stuff, the greens are just generally nimbys and they oppose building stuff constantly which I cba with 

tree tories is their nik.

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2 hours ago, steviewevie said:

If brexit hadn't happened 



If Brexit hadn't happened, Michael Mosley would still be missing you know.

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16 hours ago, Nobody Interesting said:

The irony of all this tax bollocks is that in all recent polls people want taxes to rise to pay for services!!

The trouble is most people think it should be people richer than themselves that have their taxes increased to pay for it.

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15 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

took me a while to work out what you were on about.

A lot of people seem to have that issue. It's a curse I carry with me.

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18 minutes ago, pink_triangle said:

The trouble is most people think it should be people richer than themselves that have their taxes increased to pay for it.

The polls all showed that not to be the case - normal folk were all quite happy to not have the NI cuts in exchange for better services. The wealth tax though is also popular and as lots of wealthy folks re also in favour of it then why not?

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18 minutes ago, Ommadawn said:

A lot of people seem to have that issue. It's a curse I carry with me.

I think a lot of people think labour will put up taxes no matter what they say, it's what they do..and they're still 20 points ahead in the polls 

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Another day, another pile of poo..................


Sunak leaves Dday commemerations early.
Starmer seems to have been 'forced' to add something stronger re Palestine to manifesto cos of fear of lost votes to a small party (no vote is  a wasted vote)
Both Labour ands Tories on Question Time last night were dreadful and the audience disliked both given laughter, when applause happened and their faces.


Is this really the best the UK has?

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11 hours ago, fraybentos1 said:

More generally beyond the mad stuff, the greens are just generally nimbys and they oppose building stuff constantly which I cba with 

They oppose building luxury developments and housing on green belt - it is the policy in England and Wales at least.

The do not oppose building but want social housing building and not the big expensive and alledgedly 'affordable' stuff building.

Again, have you actually looked at the full policy and it's details - though maybe it is different in Scotland.

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9 hours ago, steviewevie said:



Is that the list of those they have now excluded, I know three at least of those pictured have been but not going to pay to read it all.

Still, if the right wing media are attacking the Greens then they must be worried about them.

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