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1 hour ago, Nobody Interesting said:


We have a floating barge that they all think was fit for housing asylum seekers.

Use that to house the rioters, surround it by mines and barbed wire. They will be fine.

Rename it the Bibby Karma

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I'm just gonna say, that for all the little niggles that (understandably) happen in this thread because of the emotive nature of politics, I'm really glad that basically everyone's united in having a positive human reaction to each other after what happened yesterday. Seeing the rejection of the far right and stevie/nobody liking each others' posts criticising them is really positive. A reminder that for whatever disagreements we'll have, we'll make an effort towards rejecting that sort of hate.

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20 minutes ago, kaosmark2 said:

I'm just gonna say, that for all the little niggles that (understandably) happen in this thread because of the emotive nature of politics, I'm really glad that basically everyone's united in having a positive human reaction to each other after what happened yesterday. Seeing the rejection of the far right and stevie/nobody liking each others' posts criticising them is really positive. A reminder that for whatever disagreements we'll have, we'll make an effort towards rejecting that sort of hate.


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I thought the response was good and also Sunak got it right as well, there must be an an element of freedom now being able to say what you believe and not think about Tory members or potential voters.


The key thing is not to make this political as these thugs are not doing this because of politics.

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All good for Keir Starmer to condemn these far right thugs etc. but he needs to actually start defending asylum seekers and muslims and other minorities. The narrative needs to change. These people need to feel ashamed for thinking this sh*t, let alone shouting about it.

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There was something slightly surreal about being away at a wedding in rural Wales all weekend where it was all smiles and fun and then I turn on my phone and the top stories on the news was just proper awful.


Not any better today either. f**k were those idiots in Rotherham doing?

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On 8/3/2024 at 6:17 PM, pink_triangle said:

The sad thing is I think of the candidates Cleverly is probably one of the decent ones and sad to see him take this line which he probably doesn’t believe, but sounds good to the members.

that geezer is so wrongly named 😛  

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Its sickening but I cant help but feel that there is an element of chickens coming home to roost. This is what happens when you capitulate to the other side’s rhetoric for so long. I daresay the approach on israel-palestine war has also exacerbated things, particularly the way politicians have been all too happy to dehumanise palestinians and by extension muslims.


Its also how Labour paints itself into a corner economically.


Now is the time, at the start of 5 years of govt, to start being honest, standing up and making the case for real left wing politics- ’winning the argument’ on migration, asylum seekers, redistributing wealth.



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I mean...yes politicians and media have some blame...but they focus group this sh*t and probably see people's concerns and so try and address those concerns...it's the lack of control people don't like, why Take Back Control was such a successful slogan for Leave with that slogan meaning borders for a lot of people. What hasn't helped has been the slow response to process asylum claims which has meant hotels filling up across the country at great cost and great annoyance to many, some of this may be due to austerity cuts and/or covid, but also possibly deliberate because of Rwanda scheme and to help Tories in an election because they wouldn't be soft like Labour. And so you see Labour trying to counter it by smashing the gangs and clearing the backlog.

With Israel/Gaza that could be feeding into it a bit, every weekend the pro Palestine marches, and some politicians labelling them hate marches etc.

So, actually it could be argued that people have legitimate concerns, but we just had an election, Reform were on the ballot, Tories were still pushing their Rwanda scheme, but Labour won. People can protest, that is fine...but they're not, they're going out targeting minorities or mosques or hotels used for asylum seekers or shops to get some gear...that isn't protest.


Also, no one talks about the crime that caused this, and that there was possibly a failure in social and mental health services, and also that Andrew Tate style misogyny might be a factor.

Edited by steviewevie
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