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11 hours ago, fraybentos1 said:

your 'source' for this is Guido Fawkes presumably? With the only 'evidence' being a few words out of context




You hate him so much you actually sound unhinged.


We need ozanne back for some balance here!!!

Whats your source for the contrary? That Liar Starmer said it?


His wife is allegedly employed as a contractor by the NHS, hence ’works in the NHS’ rather than ’for’. Then his dad did indeed work as a toolmaker in a factory, a premises he owned as a sole trader.


Not that it matters that Starmer had a petit bourgeouise upbringing or that his wife isnt directly employed by the NHS. But he misdirects to take attention away from the dishonesty of his political persona but that misdirection is then to a private persona which is also a dishonest depiction of who the man is.


He’s just a lying megalomaniac. Boris with a red rosette.

Edited by mattiloy
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21 minutes ago, mattiloy said:

Whats your source for the contrary? That Liar Starmer said it?


His wife is allegedly employed as a contractor by the NHS, hence ’works in the NHS’ rather than ’for’. Then his dad did indeed work as a toolmaker in a factory, a premises he owned as a sole trader.


Not that it matters that Starmer had a petit bourgeouise upbringing or that his wife isnt directly employed by the NHS. But he misdirects to take attention away from the dishonesty of his political persona but that misdirection is then to a private persona which is also a dishonest depiction of who the man is.


He’s just a lying megalomaniac. Boris with a red rosette.


Thanks for clarifying that you have absolutely no source for your claims nor any evidence to support them.


There is plenty to criticise Starmer for. There is no need to make sh*t up

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6 minutes ago, LJS said:


Thanks for clarifying that you have absolutely no source for your claims nor any evidence to support them.


There is plenty to criticise Starmer for. There is no need to make sh*t up

Yeah this sums it up well. Attack him for rolling back on his leadership pledges or whatever. Who cares about the specifics of where his wife works? Not me 

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I agree with wo cares about exactly what Starmer's family does/did but it is so easy to find loads of info and when I looked I deliberatly looked at the right wing media so if there was dirt it would be there. There was no dirt. Nothing.

His dad, as he loves to tell us every 5 minutes worked as a tool maker and even if he did own the company (no evidence to support that) then you can be working class (whatever that is) and own a company. His wife works for the NHS as an occupational therapist.


I am not a Starmer fan   that much but attacking him with things that are untrue is rather pointless especially when we have Sunak claiming to understand how life is hard for us when he made an extra million quid just last month, poor love.

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42 minutes ago, LJS said:


Thanks for clarifying that you have absolutely no source for your claims nor any evidence to support them.


There is plenty to criticise Starmer for. There is no need to make sh*t up

Admittedly the primary sources are all from starmer foes but i do believe that the truth of his dad owning his own business called the oxted tool co is also included in his biography.


It’ll all come out. Along with his affair with baroness chapman.

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1 minute ago, fraybentos1 said:

You just completely lost the plot at this point?


Tim shipman tweeted about it after a few drinks once and chapman sued and won damages. But of course, thats not to say that it didnt happen.

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7 minutes ago, mattiloy said:

Admittedly the primary sources are all from starmer foes but i do believe that the truth of his dad owning his own business called the oxted tool co is also included in his biography.


It’ll all come out. Along with his affair with baroness chapman.


You mean the affair that was suggested by some media in 2022 who that media then had to say it was all made up and pay damages to her?

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1 minute ago, Nobody Interesting said:


You mean the affair that was suggested by some media in 2022 who that media then had to say it was all made up and pay damages to her?


Yeah exactly, really weirdly specific thing for the chief political correspondent of the times to just invent.

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14 minutes ago, mattiloy said:

Admittedly the primary sources are all from starmer foes but i do believe that the truth of his dad owning his own business called the oxted tool co is also included in his biography.


The only directorship listed for Rodney Starmer of Oxted is a donkey sanctuary from 1997 to 2000.


He was 62 at the time. I don't know when the online records begin



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I couldn’t give a sh*t what Starmers parents worked as, nor would it bother me either way if he had an affair. If he becomes PM he will be judged not by any of this, or election pledges, but the job he does and how he deals with all the unpredictable sh*t that comes his way.


Most politicians highlight the bits in the past that they feel is beneficial and downplay the bits that they don’t. Many on the left who went to private school for example keep quiet about it. I feel judge people on their merits rather than their parents or schooling.  I don’t have a clue if Starmer will be a great PM. I however have more faith than I would with RLB, Nandy, Boris, Truss or Sunak who are the only realistic alternatives.

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So, I have had a look into what we know about Starmer's father & wife's work.


No one appears to be doubting that Starmer's father was a toolmaker. It also appears clear that at some stage he owned his own business called the Oxted Tool Co. It appears likely that this was a one man business so it would be technically accurate to say his dad owned the "factory" It is not clear when the Oxted Tool Company was founded although I have seen it  suggested that Starmer's dad set it up so he could be nearer home due to his wife's ill health. He may or may not have worked as a toolmaker in a factory before this - if he did which seems plausible , the only evidence to suggest he owned it is a quote saying that "Keir worked in my factory" when on holiday from Uni. The problem here is that people regularly talk about "my office" "my hospital" "my shop"  etc etc to signify where they work not to claim ownership.  "I'll meet you for a pint tonight  - I know a great pub near my office!!"

As for Mrs Starmer, the only issue appears to be that maybe she works IN the NHS rather than FOR the NHS. In other words, service delivery in the area she works in has been in some way contracted out.  That may be true & you may disapprove of it  (I generally do) but I wouldn't generally blame the employees for that  - no matter who pays their wages they are working in &  for the NHS.


I think is likely that Starmer has tried to make his background appear a bit more working class than it is but, name me a leading politician who doesn't to some extent write their own back story.  I can't find any evidence that he has completely made any of it up.




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7 minutes ago, LJS said:

So, I have had a look into what we know about Starmer's father & wife's work.


No one appears to be doubting that Starmer's father was a toolmaker. It also appears clear that at some stage he owned his own business called the Oxted Tool Co. It appears likely that this was a one man business so it would be technically accurate to say his dad owned the "factory" It is not clear when the Oxted Tool Company was founded although I have seen it  suggested that Starmer's dad set it up so he could be nearer home due to his wife's ill health. He may or may not have worked as a toolmaker in a factory before this - if he did which seems plausible , the only evidence to suggest he owned it is a quote saying that "Keir worked in my factory" when on holiday from Uni. The problem here is that people regularly talk about "my office" "my hospital" "my shop"  etc etc to signify where they work not to claim ownership.  "I'll meet you for a pint tonight  - I know a great pub near my office!!"

As for Mrs Starmer, the only issue appears to be that maybe she works IN the NHS rather than FOR the NHS. In other words, service delivery in the area she works in has been in some way contracted out.  That may be true & you may disapprove of it  (I generally do) but I wouldn't generally blame the employees for that  - no matter who pays their wages they are working in &  for the NHS.


I think is likely that Starmer has tried to make his background appear a bit more working class than it is but, name me a leading politician who doesn't to some extent write their own back story.  I can't find any evidence that he has completely made any of it up.




and they live in a castle, right?

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16 minutes ago, LJS said:

So, I have had a look into what we know about Starmer's father & wife's work.


No one appears to be doubting that Starmer's father was a toolmaker. It also appears clear that at some stage he owned his own business called the Oxted Tool Co. It appears likely that this was a one man business so it would be technically accurate to say his dad owned the "factory" It is not clear when the Oxted Tool Company was founded although I have seen it  suggested that Starmer's dad set it up so he could be nearer home due to his wife's ill health. He may or may not have worked as a toolmaker in a factory before this - if he did which seems plausible , the only evidence to suggest he owned it is a quote saying that "Keir worked in my factory" when on holiday from Uni. The problem here is that people regularly talk about "my office" "my hospital" "my shop"  etc etc to signify where they work not to claim ownership.  "I'll meet you for a pint tonight  - I know a great pub near my office!!"

As for Mrs Starmer, the only issue appears to be that maybe she works IN the NHS rather than FOR the NHS. In other words, service delivery in the area she works in has been in some way contracted out.  That may be true & you may disapprove of it  (I generally do) but I wouldn't generally blame the employees for that  - no matter who pays their wages they are working in &  for the NHS.


I think is likely that Starmer has tried to make his background appear a bit more working class than it is but, name me a leading politician who doesn't to some extent write their own back story.  I can't find any evidence that he has completely made any of it up.




Main thing I get from Starmer's upbringing is it wasn't easy, his mum's condition and his Dad's distance...and from all this he became very successful.

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1 hour ago, steviewevie said:

and they live in a castle, right?


It's in the Mail Online so must be true 😉

""Revealed: Sir Keir's family castle! The Labour leader talked about rural poverty in his childhood. He didn't mention that his grandfather lived in Marden Castle - and his great-uncle was chairman of the Godstone Conservative Association""

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