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Palestinian Flags


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Hi all! 

Haven't chatted much this year because I wasn't lucky enough to get tickets...but have been logging on more and more recently as excitement ramps up for you all- as much as I can cope with before I get unbearably jealous ! 


A friend *is* going, for the first time, and posted in a large Facebook group about bringing her Palestinian flag. She got lots and lots of responses and the majority were pretty negative and downright rude. She's put off going now to be honest. 


I was surprised and told her the closest similarity, politically I guess, I had was being there 2016 when brexit result was announced and to me it felt like a good place to me at the farm. 


Sorry for the ramble .just how do you guys think about it? I suggested the Facebook crowd are maybe not representative of what she will find when she gets there.... But I'm in Ireland so maybe the general feelings are different here. 

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there was a lot of chat about this rcently, got a little heated! There's always palestine flags (among many many other flags) at glasto, and there'll be loads more this year as of course it's big news. I'd say your friend wouldn't need to worry at all.


also if there's one place on earth you can proudly and openly stand up for the oppressed, it's glastonbury.


To be fair, it's glasto, everyone is happy. If at glasto I bumped into someone displaying the opposite political opinions as me - e.g. a raging tory - we engage in at worst gentle ribbing, as opposed to hostility, because it's glasto and we're all full of joy

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As above, take it and wave it right in front of that Pyramid stage with pride. Most people at Glastonbury respect those who stand up for what they believe in, even if that view is different to their own. 

However, there is always going to be people who think differently to her. She'll have to be prepared for those conversations....it's the price you have to pay for being an activist. Was she expecting personal praise...? If so I might question her motives...

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I maintain that it is absolutely wrong for outsiders in the conflict to flaunt Palestinian Flags after the attrocities that took place in October last year. It was just a few months ago that Hamas (the Palestinian government) committed a coordinated attack, raping, killing, and torturing innocent Israelis. It is disrespectful beyond belief to fly the Palestinian flag at this point in time.


I'm not saying what's happening to Palestine is right. I am absolutely against it. But there has got to be a better, more respectful way to protest that. 


When thinking about bringing a Palestinian flag think about how you would feel if your mother, daughter, wife, girlfriend had been gang raped (so badly their pelvis was broken), tortured, killed, then their bodies parades around. 

Edited by CanWeRest
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The reality is that some Jewish people feel upset, uncomfortable or threatened by some of the support for Palestine. It's fair for you or me to think that's not necessary, or ridiculous, or whatever, and as hinted at, there was a thread a few weeks that got in to that.

But that doesn't change the fact that those people feel that way, and that some of those people will be at Glastonbury. And that by carrying a flag like that, you'll be making those people uncomfortable. Is your friend happy to do that? There's no right or wrong answer to that question by the way. It's not rhetorical either. It's totally valid to say "this cause is important to me, and those people will have to deal, and if they speak to me or confront me I'll have that conversation". It's also totally valid to say "y'know what, this is Glastonbury, the cause is important but I don't want to upset anyone, I'll leave it at home and find other ways to show my solidarity".


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2 minutes ago, CanWeRest said:

I maintain that it is absolutely wrong for outsiders in the conflict to flaunt Palestinian Flags after the attrocities that took place in October last year. It was just a few months ago that Hamas (the Palestinian government) committed a coordinated attack, raping, killing, and torturing innocent Israelis. It is disrespectful beyond belief to fly the Palestinian flag at this point in time.


I'm not saying what's happening to Palestine is right. I am absolutely against it. But there has got to be a better, more respectful way to protest that. 


Hamas ≠ Palestinians


Isn't it slanderous on the Palestinian people to equate their need for freedom from death and persecution from the Israeli state with that of the terrorist Hamas?


Why would you assume the worst?

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mods. please delete this. this person is using a tragic world issue as a trolling opportunity. they knew what would happen by posting this and they are taking pleasure in the outcome. 


please delete!!!!

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I'm not going to speak about the rights and wrongs of it - I'll let you lot battle it out. But at the end of the day, the Isrealis (and any other zionist jewish person from across the world) who are going to the festival are surely going to be aware that it is a left wing (centre left?) festival, and thus there are going to be Palestinian flags. 

I apprecaite that they might not be happy seeing them, and it could create a whole host of emotions, but they shouldn't be surprised/ shocked. 

I'd also say there is a massive difference between those online and those actually going to the festival. Much like the criticism of the festival line up each year - lots of people like to tlak about Glastonbury (adnd watch it on the telly) without ever setting foot there. I'd guess there is a huge demographic difference as well and probably a general difference in politics too.  


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1 minute ago, DeanoL said:

The reality is that some Jewish people feel upset, uncomfortable or threatened by some of the support for Palestine. It's fair for you or me to think that's not necessary, or ridiculous, or whatever, and as hinted at, there was a thread a few weeks that got in to that.

But that doesn't change the fact that those people feel that way, and that some of those people will be at Glastonbury. And that by carrying a flag like that, you'll be making those people uncomfortable. Is your friend happy to do that? There's no right or wrong answer to that question by the way. It's not rhetorical either. It's totally valid to say "this cause is important to me, and those people will have to deal, and if they speak to me or confront me I'll have that conversation". It's also totally valid to say "y'know what, this is Glastonbury, the cause is important but I don't want to upset anyone, I'll leave it at home and find other ways to show my solidarity".


100% this. A lot of Jewish people go to Glastonbury and will feel uncomfortable about these flags and what they symbolise to them. If you do get challenged, don't be an antisemitic prick about it.


My view is the whole situation is complex, nuanced and highly divisive. You will get support from some but you will upset others.

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2 minutes ago, HotChipWillBreakYourLegs said:


Hamas ≠ Palestinians


Isn't it slanderous on the Palestinian people to equate their need for freedom from death and persecution from the Israeli state with that of the terrorist Hamas?


Why would you assume the worst?


I have nothing against Palestinians. But Hamas does represent Palestine. They were voted in. I know it's complicated but Hamas and Palestine are far from completely different entities. 


Is it so difficult to find another way to protest? Or is offending innocent people necessary to what you're aiming to do?

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7 minutes ago, DeanoL said:

The reality is that some Jewish people feel upset, uncomfortable or threatened by some of the support for Palestine. It's fair for you or me to think that's not necessary, or ridiculous, or whatever, and as hinted at, there was a thread a few weeks that got in to that.

But that doesn't change the fact that those people feel that way, and that some of those people will be at Glastonbury. And that by carrying a flag like that, you'll be making those people uncomfortable. Is your friend happy to do that? There's no right or wrong answer to that question by the way. It's not rhetorical either. It's totally valid to say "this cause is important to me, and those people will have to deal, and if they speak to me or confront me I'll have that conversation". It's also totally valid to say "y'know what, this is Glastonbury, the cause is important but I don't want to upset anyone, I'll leave it at home and find other ways to show my solidarity".


This is a good point and I’m going to delete my post as a result

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We've been using a Palestinian Flag as our tent marker for the last 3 or 4 festivals and will be doing the same again this year.


While what happened in October was horrific and I wouldn't condone violence of any kind, it was far from the start of the violence and as Irish people we have nothing but solidarity with the the brutal occupation the Palestinians have endured for decades. 

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12 minutes ago, DeanoL said:

The reality is that some Jewish people feel upset, uncomfortable or threatened by some of the support for Palestine. It's fair for you or me to think that's not necessary, or ridiculous, or whatever, and as hinted at, there was a thread a few weeks that got in to that.

But that doesn't change the fact that those people feel that way, and that some of those people will be at Glastonbury. And that by carrying a flag like that, you'll be making those people uncomfortable. Is your friend happy to do that? There's no right or wrong answer to that question by the way. It's not rhetorical either. It's totally valid to say "this cause is important to me, and those people will have to deal, and if they speak to me or confront me I'll have that conversation". It's also totally valid to say "y'know what, this is Glastonbury, the cause is important but I don't want to upset anyone, I'll leave it at home and find other ways to show my solidarity".


but would you also ban israeli flags? people want to show support for the Palestinian people who are being massacred. they are not showing support for hamas.  

the Palestinian cause has been going alot longer than this year. ive seen israeli flags over the years at glastonbury and just got on with my day. same way if you see a Palestinian flag you should get on with your day. We can argue all day about this. nobody can stop flags of either country being flown. neither should you act like a victim if a flag is flown. 

Both govts are doing wrong, one  group are being ethnically cleansed.


Edited by TiZuff
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Just now, crumbler said:

God there really are some spineless worms on here. Take that flag and fly it proudly. 

It takes strength to show empathy to both sides in an awful situation.

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2 minutes ago, CanWeRest said:


I have nothing against Palestinians. But Hamas does represent Palestine. They were voted in. I know it's complicated but Hamas and Palestine are far from completely different entities. 


Is it so difficult to find another way to protest? Or is offending innocent people necessary to what you're aiming to do?

I've been reading this topic and I know its very decisive and said I was not going to get involved but I do feel the need to correct what I see as incorrect information


They got voted in in 2006 then TOOK control, the legitimate Palestinian government is the Palestinian authority, based in the West Bank 

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8 minutes ago, CanWeRest said:


I have nothing against Palestinians. But Hamas does represent Palestine. They were voted in. I know it's complicated but Hamas and Palestine are far from completely different entities. 


Is it so difficult to find another way to protest? Or is offending innocent people necessary to what you're aiming to do?

this is horseshit. just a way to scrub Palestine from social consciousness.  "there must be a better way to support them... you know... quietly...where nobody can see."

A govt does not represent its people. do the tories represent people in this forum? 

Does Netenyahu represent israel? does the govts actions and genocide represent jewish people? ofcourse it doesnt.


Stop applying double standards to Palestine. this is the root of the issue.

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1 minute ago, donthaveacoolname said:

I've been reading this topic and I know its very decisive and said I was not going to get involved but I do feel the need to correct what I see as incorrect information


They got voted in in 2006 then TOOK control, the legitimate Palestinian government is the Palestinian authority, based in the West Bank 


It was not incorrect information though, if you re-read it. I know it's complicated but what I'm disputing is that Hamas and Palestine are completely different things. They certainly have/had support. Waving a Palestine flag is still DEEPLY offensive to people. How can anyone be so callous as to forget what happened a few months ago? I'm against what Israel is doing now. That's beside the point. It just shows an immense lack of intelligence for an outside to fly a Palestinian flag right now.

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1 minute ago, TiZuff said:

this is horseshit. just a way to scrub Palestine from social consciousness.  "there must be a better way to support them... you know... quietly...where nobody can see."

A govt does not represent its people. do the tories represent people in this forum? 

Does Netenyahu represent israel? does the govts actions and genocide represent jewish people? ofcourse it doesnt.


Stop applying double standards to Palestine. this is the root of the issue.



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Taking a break from this. People think that me being against waving the Palestine flag means I've taken a side. It's about common decency. 


Too many idiots on here.

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