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14 hours ago, Fearless_Fish said:

What's this echinacea craic then? Sounds more like something that'd be a placebo but I've been pretty much constantly ill since last August so anything that might boost my immune system could be worth a try


Can't pretend I understand much of it, but some studies suggest a slighly beneficial preventative effect...  (and I used to work in a place where I got a lot of colds) 


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19 hours ago, Jacko45 said:

Panicking a little bit here, last 2 days feeling shite, sore throat, heavy chest and general flues symptoms.


Setting off Monday, really hoping it shifts itself in time.


Anyone else?


Where are you heading from on Monday?


Plenty of time to recover before the festival, you'll have all the antibodies by Wednesday!

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19 hours ago, Jacko45 said:

Panicking a little bit here, last 2 days feeling shite, sore throat, heavy chest and general flues symptoms.


Setting off Monday, really hoping it shifts itself in time.


Anyone else?

Had it over half term. Worst is over in 2-3 days, but be prepared for the throaty tickly cough to linger…for weeks in my case. Will say it’s EVERYWHERE. Son came down with it Wednesday. Feeling brighter today. 

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As I've already said in the volunteering thread, I've had to drop out this year for medical reasons. It's so f**king annoying and I did waiver before sending the email but it's the correct decision. Attending would only make the situation worse and as much as I love the place it's not worth that.


Good luck to anyone who is currently touch and go. I hope you make it!

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1 hour ago, TheDayman said:


Where are you heading from on Monday?


Plenty of time to recover before the festival, you'll have all the antibodies by Wednesday!


Down from Leeds way, stopping at a mates mums 45 mins from site Monday night.

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I had a really horrible bout of the 'rona a couple weeks back and still feel a little fatigued and run down. Setting off tomorrow morning so hoping it's nothing the excitement of the farm can't fix!

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20 hours ago, Stretlow said:

really appreciate the concern mate. I am laughing it off but of course i'll have to be more careful this year.... imagine the sh*t id get for the rest of my life if i said i dropped out of Glastonbury for a broken finger.....

No thanks 


Just don't get sepsis and end up getting your hand amputated. Whatever you do make sure it does not get infected. Check in with the festival medical services if in any doubt but you can definitely do the festival imo.

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52 minutes ago, Madyaker said:


Just don't get sepsis and end up getting your hand amputated. Whatever you do make sure it does not get infected. Check in with the festival medical services if in any doubt but you can definitely do the festival imo.

Definitely check in with FMS if you are in any doubt @Stretlow  if nothing else they could probably put some sort of dressing on it to protect it. 
Is it your drinking hand?

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58 minutes ago, Madyaker said:


Just don't get sepsis and end up getting your hand amputated. Whatever you do make sure it does not get infected. Check in with the festival medical services if in any doubt but you can definitely do the festival imo.


As someone currently admitted for treatment of infection spread from a tiny insignificant splinter i couldn’t agree more

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I sliced open the bottom of my little toe and was feeling sorry for myself and then I saw broken finger guy's post and holy sh*t I'm skipping in by comparison.


Hope you have some strong meds for that, and stay out of mosh pits

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On 6/22/2024 at 5:29 PM, goldfishboy said:

well i feel fine now but i'm fully expecting to come back with festival flu after browsing this thread!

Someone I know said they were ill for a week after Download, but given how wet that was and talk of problems with the food stalls, I can guess that probably didn't help.

Edited by charlierc
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On 6/22/2024 at 12:39 PM, phillyfaddle said:

Had it over half term. Worst is over in 2-3 days, but be prepared for the throaty tickly cough to linger…for weeks in my case. Will say it’s EVERYWHERE. Son came down with it Wednesday. Feeling brighter today. 

Given Glastonbury is meant to quite dusty when dry, I'm not sure how much that'll help.


But it is what it is I guess.

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On 6/22/2024 at 9:44 AM, Twiggy553 said:

Well this has escalated. Infection has spread so i’m back in hospital to get IV antibiotics for 48hrs 🙄

Recovery has been slow but is becoming noticeable. 48hrs has turned into 5 days and i’ll be at least a day late arriving 😞

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I developed tonsilitis on the Wednesday a few years back and the onsite doctor/nurse's suggestion was to go home which I obviously wouldn't be doing in a million years. I was in an absolute mess by the time I got home on Monday though!

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41 minutes ago, AdrianH said:

I developed tonsilitis on the Wednesday a few years back and the onsite doctor/nurse's suggestion was to go home which I obviously wouldn't be doing in a million years. I was in an absolute mess by the time I got home on Monday though!

Ooft that sounds mighty unpleasant a thing to endure a whole weekend struggling with even when just at home, nevermind Glastonbury.

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19 minutes ago, charlierc said:

Ooft that sounds mighty unpleasant a thing to endure a whole weekend struggling with even when just at home, nevermind Glastonbury.


Many hot ciders were drunk that year. Took the edge off

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On 6/22/2024 at 12:39 PM, phillyfaddle said:

Had it over half term. Worst is over in 2-3 days, but be prepared for the throaty tickly cough to linger…for weeks in my case. Will say it’s EVERYWHERE. Son came down with it Wednesday. Feeling brighter today. 

Get cough medicine with Dextromethorphan in. It's the only actual cough "medicine" we seem to sell in the UK. The rest is just sticky syrups designed to soothe the throat. Which if it doesn't work, doesn't work. Dextromethorphan is an actual cough suppressant that makes you actually stop coughing. 

Need to go to the pharmacist for it though, and also don't say "some guy on the internet told me to ask for Dextromethorphan!" 

(Oh and do *not* take it if you have a chesty, productive cough - because it'll stop you coughing up all the crap your body needs to get rid of)

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