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Stay safe, don’t take unnecessary risks


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4 hours ago, incident said:


Just ignore the cretin trying to derail an important thread with his jingoistic bullshit.

Well exactly. Why spread disinformation. Should be banned from the forum permanently for such dangerous actions. 

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Such important information, thank you for sharing!

Forever hopeful that one day, we will be allowed to test our substances legally. Can't stop people doing it, can make sure they are as safe as possible and armed with all the facts beforehand.

Look after each other folks 🫶🏻

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I had a couple of skunk truffles in the green fields once.  Had the second as didn't feel any reaction to the first...or so I thought. Found out they can be a slow burner. I was a non drug user who had a "dabble". I was tripping for good few hours and actually quite frightened which made me panic which no doubt made the effects worse.

I lost a good chunk of a day at the festival as a result...a good chunk I could piece together certainly!


I have stuck to what I know since that is alcohol and I know when I have had enough. 


I'm happy with people doing what they want as long as it doesn't effect me. 

I think the advice to not fu** about with stuff your not used to is sage. 


Stay safe everyone and enjoy but stay in control.  



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On 6/23/2024 at 11:59 PM, Ayrshire Chris said:

A good reminder for the newbies and particularly youngsters maybe at their first festival. Seen enough upsetting scenes at T in the park in the past to realise that this is an important message 

T in the Park was brutal, man. Went in 2009 and 2010 and vowed never again. Glastonbury has its hairy moments but on the whole it’s 100x better run than TITP ever was. 

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4 hours ago, Popsider75 said:

I had a couple of skunk truffles in the green fields once.  Had the second as didn't feel any reaction to the first...or so I thought. Found out they can be a slow burner. I was a non drug user who had a "dabble". I was tripping for good few hours and actually quite frightened which made me panic which no doubt made the effects worse.

I lost a good chunk of a day at the festival as a result...a good chunk I could piece together certainly!


I have stuck to what I know since that is alcohol and I know when I have had enough. 


I'm happy with people doing what they want as long as it doesn't effect me. 

I think the advice to not fu** about with stuff your not used to is sage. 


Stay safe everyone and enjoy but stay in control.  





once went through a set of circumstances at Glastonbury which crippled me for about 2 days. I could barely get out of my tent, and it was one of those scorching hot sunny festivals too. I had taken military grade acid, and then something else happened. That something else was that a trainee psychiatrist friend decided to psychoanalyse those around him - us. The combination of the two had taken away a good chunk of the festival, and also hadn't been too great to have to go through mentally speaking. If I hadn't taken the acid I'd have probably tried to stop him from affecting those around him. He was off his nut on acid too, so he has been fully forgiven. However, it shows you that you can have a sliding scale of bad experiences - or good ones. If you have a bad one then go to Glastonbury Welfare.




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