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Trolley on National Express coach package coaches?


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Anyone get the National Express coach package (ticket+coach) coaches last year (or recently)? Haven't got it for a few years, spotted they say no trolleys - is this a new(ish) rule or just an old rule I never noticed before?
I'm sure people used to bring trolleys on them. I'm thinking there might be leeway for foldable trolleys, rather than big massive buggy type ones - anyone have any luck last year bringing these?
Appreciate they are very clear on their email, but thought it worth asking here just in case it is possible (I can imagine a situation where they want to dissuade trolleys as much as possible, but will try and fit them on if they can in practice) - otherwise I won't risk it!
thanks very much
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9 hours ago, kieran__ said:
Anyone get the National Express coach package (ticket+coach) coaches last year (or recently)? Haven't got it for a few years, spotted they say no trolleys - is this a new(ish) rule or just an old rule I never noticed before?
I'm sure people used to bring trolleys on them. I'm thinking there might be leeway for foldable trolleys, rather than big massive buggy type ones - anyone have any luck last year bringing these?
Appreciate they are very clear on their email, but thought it worth asking here just in case it is possible (I can imagine a situation where they want to dissuade trolleys as much as possible, but will try and fit them on if they can in practice) - otherwise I won't risk it!
thanks very much

Can't comment on whether this is a new rule but over the last few years there have been numerous reports of the coaches refusing to take trolleys. Due to lack of space in the luggage compartment,  drivers have made festival goers leave trolleys, chairs and other non-essential items, including slabs of cans, at the roadside.


With a no trolley policy in place it will be a big risk turning up with one. You will be at the mercy of the driver and there being luggage space available. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

My experience.


If you want to bring a trolley, needs to be a foldable one and you need to be among the first people (let's say first 20) in the queue. This is particularly important on the way to Glastonbury. Returning, there was more space (in the afternoon) so there seemed to be less pressure to optimise the space

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