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Glasto depression


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Tonight it's really hit me that I'm not gonna be there.


I'm sure it's dramatic etc., but I've been there every year apart from 2013 since 2010, and Glasto has become my break from reality.  I'm not going to be able to sit on the hill, and look around and be happy that everyone around me is happy. Be somewhere where everyone is just comfortable. Maybe I'm just idealising, but whenever I'm there I'm just happier, and I'm not going to be there this year, and that's sh*t. I don't want solutions or anything either, I just want to be there.


It's like there's a party in my house and I'm not invited.


For those that are going, I'm sure you will anyway, but savour every moment. I'll see you one day in the future on the Farm x


Big love

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I know the feeling and it looks like the weather is going to be perfect as well. I’m working Thursday and Friday so that will be a distraction and will take the kids out for the day on Saturday. In a few days it will all be over and then we can focus on ticket day again.

Missing out really reminds me how lucky I am to have been so many times and to make sure I make the most out of every moment I’m there next time.

Enjoy it everyone you lucky devils 

Edited by Fred Zepplin
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I'm with you!! I'm currently very pregnant (over 8 months) so it wouldn't have been wise - sleeping in a tent would have been a disaster and I would have need to bribe someone to carry my stuff in. 


But, it is still very annoying. The weather (not wet, not too hot) means it MIGHT have been feasible. And I can't help thinking that today I should be heading down to Bristol for an couple of cheeky ciders before coaching in tomorrow. 


The guy I like manage at work is going. He remarked yesterday that I still seemed more excited about it than he was 😄

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I only confirmed I wasn't going a couple of weeks ago (although I've 'known' for a while longer) and it's f**king awful. The sh*tty cherry on top of a sh*tty year.

I should've got there yesterday. My mates are all there set up and already having a great time. 

And it's really hard to explain just how sh*t it is to people. "There's always next year" I know that but that's a year away isn't it. And I'm not there now am I? To a certain degree even my mates who I go with don't fully get it unless they've had to miss one.


Still deciding on whether I ignore it or go all in on iPlayer. 


Still, there's always next year, eh?

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35 minutes ago, philipsteak said:


I only confirmed I wasn't going a couple of weeks ago (although I've 'known' for a while longer) and it's f**king awful. The sh*tty cherry on top of a sh*tty year.

I should've got there yesterday. My mates are all there set up and already having a great time. 

And it's really hard to explain just how sh*t it is to people. "There's always next year" I know that but that's a year away isn't it. And I'm not there now am I? To a certain degree even my mates who I go with don't fully get it unless they've had to miss one.


Still deciding on whether I ignore it or go all in on iPlayer. 



Still, there's always next year, eh?


I hate the way people that don't understand Glastonbury also say "there's always next year". What if I don't get a ticket then? "Next year" can unfortunately never be taken for granted (as I am currently discovering!)

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43 minutes ago, Sasperella2 said:


I hate the way people that don't understand Glastonbury also say "there's always next year". What if I don't get a ticket then? "Next year" can unfortunately never be taken for granted (as I am currently discovering!)




I don't have to worry about tickets thankfully as I'm guaranteed a spot through Oxfam at the moment, but it just takes a curve ball like a medical issue and it's taken away. 


I've muted the group chat obviously but did have a look last night when checking another message. Tbh, it's all very dull, "we're here" "registration is open" "the queue is massive" "what shifts have you got" "going back to the car if anyone needs anything". If I looked back it's almost definitely the same every year. Admin basically. f**k I wanted to be doing that admin.

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4 minutes ago, Sasperella2 said:

@philipsteak haha yes, the longing to read

"I can't find you guys in the crowd",

"does anyone need anything from the tent?"

"Stage is too rammed"


And of the course, the banging of the long drop toilet. Aaaaaaaah bliss. 

I CRAVE that bang. I think it sucks more all my friends are there. We’re the only ones that missed out 

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1 minute ago, Lucy92 said:

I CRAVE that bang. I think it sucks more all my friends are there. We’re the only ones that missed out 

Oh no! 


Weirdly of 18 people in our group trying this year, I was the only one to buy (6) tickets. I still expected the other guys to go but it was a bit like a house of cards when I had to pull out (erm...no pregnancy related pun intended!). So now none of my friends are going, which makes it somewhat easier. Although knowing they would all be going if I wasn't pregnant doesn't help too much...


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2 minutes ago, Sasperella2 said:

Oh no! 


Weirdly of 18 people in our group trying this year, I was the only one to buy (6) tickets. I still expected the other guys to go but it was a bit like a house of cards when I had to pull out (erm...no pregnancy related pun intended!). So now none of my friends are going, which makes it somewhat easier. Although knowing they would all be going if I wasn't pregnant doesn't help too much...


We’re taking the baby so couldn’t do coach, and then all got coach tickets 😔

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We've got a toddler and new born (5 month old) so going this year wasn't an option for us nor was leaving them both with grandparents at this age. I don't believe in taking babies to Glasto but that's another discussion for another day. Our friends are leaving Thursday morning and popping by to pick up camping bits to borrow from us tomorrow 😭

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18 minutes ago, Justcalledtosay said:

We've got a toddler and new born (5 month old) so going this year wasn't an option for us nor was leaving them both with grandparents at this age. I don't believe in taking babies to Glasto but that's another discussion for another day. Our friends are leaving Thursday morning and popping by to pick up camping bits to borrow from us tomorrow 😭

I'm hoping next year, the wee one is able to be left with my partner for a few days at home.... Not sure if it's wishful thinking. I'll try for a ticket and then see how he is by refund day!


Then when he's older (5? 7?) we can all try for tickets 🙂

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I'm in a similar position - have a 6 week old so going was never an option this year. I've made my peace with being unlikely to go for a little while as it's just not the main priority at this point in time.... 


That said, today feels weird and the FOMO has finally kicked in 😂 

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I feel everybody’s pain.  First year in 30 that I didn’t get tickets.  I’m ok and wife tells me to get over it as we will hopefully go to Pilton Party in Sept  (local) and also get more luck with local tickets in Oct/Nov.  Chin up everybody and remember the good times.

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It’s not a great feeling is it. I’ve been so lucky to go to all of them since 2010 (with the exception of 2014 which was my choice due to other commitments). Apart from my first - 2010 - which absolutely blew me away and the reason I am so addicted to get back, it was having tickets for the cancelled 2020 year that were the most important ones for me. Knowing that I would get back saw me through the most difficult times of Covid and was that ‘hope’ to hang onto. By the time 2022 came round, unfortunately my disability was much worse and I could only walk about 10 steps, even with sticks/crutches. I was going on my own and nothing was going to stop me! I had a foldable mobility scooter with a rubbish battery and when I finally made it onto site (with hardly any charge left!) Wednesday lunchtime for my celebratory lunch at Permaculture, I broke down in floods of tears - not like me at all. It was a restricted festival that year, not being able to travel far due to constant battery charging - but I made the most of it and had a fantastic time.

It’s not for want of trying this year, had loads of help with ticket and resale tickets, competitions and offering to volunteer, unfortunately all unsuccessful. 

So it’s going to be difficult not to be able to get my yearly ‘fix’ as I’m better prepared now to go with all the help I had last year in the Accessibility campsite and being able to hire more durable mobility scooters. 

For all those going, have the most wonderful, amazing time and hopefully see you next year in those magical fields.

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24 minutes ago, Sasperella2 said:

@onthebeach that sounds tough!! But good to know you think you'll be able to tackle it next year 🙂

Due to the amazing team and facilities available in Spring Ground (the Accessibility campsite site) it certainly makes it ‘doable’. I wasn’t able to access the facilities in 2022 (left it too late) so it was really difficult that year - I even managed to do a complete back flip on my scooter going up the steep slope at midnight on the back of the Other Stage field! My fault entirely! There were so many people offering assistance and even though I was a bit shaken and taken to the nearby medical tent (again an amazing resource staffed with most fantastic volunteer medical crew) I was absolutely fine to continue - again the magic of Glastonbury.

Last year was made so much easier - a lovely secure campsite with lots of space, accessible toilets/showers, lovely team of volunteers, communal fire pit and therapies. A shuttle bus from the accessible car park to Spring Ground, viewing platforms, ‘short cuts for those with mobility issues, and our own ‘monorail’! It’s actually an accessible shuttle bus that runs from Spring Ground to Theatre and Circus, Arcadia and The Park and it runs until the early hours of the morning.

I can’t thank Glastonbury enough for being able to still go and actually enjoy the festival to its fullest even with my limitations!

I even made it for the first time into NYC Downlow, so I’ve got plenty of memories to see me through this year and hopefully get tickets in October for next year.


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I broke my leg a couple of weeks ago so Glasto would have been out of the question for this year.


Fortunately, in hindsight, that I didn't manage to get tickets for this year, as otherwise still wouldn't be able to go and also have taken a big financial hit as well.


Those that are on the farm this year, have a great time. Hopefully be there next year.


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We have a toddler and no family living even remotely close to us, so we haven't been able to go since 2019. Didn't miss one for a decade previously.


Still jealous of everyone going, but in my situation I find the longer it has since I've been the less bothered I am by it.

Edited by majormajormajor
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