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Glasto depression


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1 hour ago, philipsteak said:

And just to add insult to injury, it's f**king raining where I am.

Yup, Glasgow weather is awful awful. Cannae even have a nice sunny BBQ and watch it on the beeb. 


Genuinely considering the news to move to Bristol or closer. Is consider popping for a day then even in my condition - but at the very least, the weather would be better!!

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3 minutes ago, crumbler said:

I get it but if the main thing playing on your mind lately is not being at a festival then you are probably very lucky, so that's a plus.

Sadly got some bad news yesterday so this is just the icing on the cake for us. I know I’ll be alright, but everything just feels worse when it all piles on! 

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3 minutes ago, Lucy92 said:

Sadly got some bad news yesterday so this is just the icing on the cake for us. I know I’ll be alright, but everything just feels worse when it all piles on! 

Sorry to hear this, hope it's nothing too grim. Hope you'll be able to find some kind of solace over the weekend. 

Edited by crumbler
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12 minutes ago, Lucy92 said:

Sadly got some bad news yesterday so this is just the icing on the cake for us. I know I’ll be alright, but everything just feels worse when it all piles on! 

Oh I’m sorry to hear this.  I live a few miles from site and already depressed seeing friends and others with the parking stickers heading to Pilton.  Roll on Monday.  Even worse you can hear the main bands at my house 

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41 minutes ago, crumbler said:

I get it but if the main thing playing on your mind lately is not being at a festival then you are probably very lucky, so that's a plus.


I'm full aware of how self indulgent it is. 

Didn't change how I feel though. 

(Also not sure it's the main thing. It's one more thing)

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1 hour ago, crumbler said:

Sorry to hear this, hope it's nothing too grim. Hope you'll be able to find some kind of solace over the weekend. 

Thank you 🙂 had a very big g&t this evening. Very much needed 

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1 hour ago, panasonic2011 said:

Oh I’m sorry to hear this.  I live a few miles from site and already depressed seeing friends and others with the parking stickers heading to Pilton.  Roll on Monday.  Even worse you can hear the main bands at my house 

That really sucks! Were you not in the locals catchment? Hopefully you can enjoy some of the music! 

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Well here we are again then... 


I was one of the lucky few last year and it was my first year with my me then 3 year old boy and wife all together. It was phenomenal, as it always is! But seeing it through his eyes made it extra special. 

Alas, this year was not meant to be. We had our second in April so didn't even try for tickets this year. Just was not feasible to either take a 2 month old baby or leave her with family, even for the weekend. 


I really thought I would avoid the Glasto Fomo blues this year as circumstances meant I couldn't be there and yet, here we are again. Opening Wednesday of the festival and it is all I can think about, "This time last year we were just getting to site" "I should be sat in a field with a beer and mates about now!" etc etc all with the that familiar knot in the stomach. 


My first year was 13, I returned in 14 with my now wife and then 15... Well we do not talk about 15... That year I was the only one of my group of mates who did not get tickets. That stung a lot and it remains one of the very few regrets of my life that I did not make more of an effort to get myself on to the farm that year. I could and should have made my way to site (live 45 mins away so not major gamble really) and tried my luck. I didn't and I spent that entire 5 day period whilst the festival was on feeling absolutely awful! Hated every second! 


We then returned in 2017 and then after another enforced hiatus due to a mixture of the birth of our son and then Covid, returned once again in 2023. I think 2023 was probably my favorite ever Glasto, we took our son down for Wednesday and Thursday and dropped him back Friday lunchtime to stay with family for the weekend whilst we went back down to the farm to party for the weekend all of course climaxing in that Elton performance.. The whole thing was just perfect! 


I take solace in knowing that even when you are one of the lucky few, you do not escape the Glasto Blues! They are just delayed with you spending the next week at least thinking about the weekend just gone.. Also, for me at least it just was not possible for me this year. I appreciate that will not help everyone and I really do feel for those who tried their best for tickets and were unsuccessful, that is a sickner and as above, I have been there! 


This is a great little community for those of us feeling blue. In my experience the very best thing to do now is to embrace it! You cannot avoid it I am afraid, so you had may as well embrace it! Get the excellent TV coverage on, crack a warm beer and do your best to bring Glastonbury to you! 


We WILL be back next year! 

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Despite missing out for the second year in a row I could not resist a little dip into efests today. I share all your pain. The beautiful weather and the knowledge that some of my friends are on their way or even there already has really kicked in the Glastonbury blues.


I have however managed to fill my summer to compensate, three Taylor Swift shows (2 down one to go!), AC/DC, Stevie Nicks and heading off on holiday this weekend to get away from it all. I hope everyone has the best time on the farm, it really is the greatest festival in the world.


Next week we can all start planning for 2025!

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I've avoided this place mostly since October. Didnt try the resale in April as made other plans. Had a fab holiday earlier in the month but it's been really difficult this morning watch the successful lot be so excited on threads and facebook.


Makes me appreciate all the other times we've scraped tickets by the skin of our teeth even more. Lucky enough not to have missed one since I started going so cannot complain too much.


Off to the lakes this weekend where internet is patchy to  pretend it isn't on 😄 

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This is the 3rd year in a row I have not gone, by choice. After 20 years of going. 
Last 2 years it hasn’t bothered me. This year, I am gutted I’m not there. I’m going next year with bells on🤣🤣🤣. Tickets permitting. 
see you all next year 😀😀😀

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Reading how much the festival means to all of you makes me happy in the sense that, even though we’re ticketless, we all sprinkle that Glastonbury spirit throughout our lives. It’s sh*t, this feeling. I will say now, if anyone on here wants to be part of the eFests ticket syndicate, i will absolutely be looking to sign up and help as many of you as possible (and hopefully be helped by someone else). Nothing quite compares to being there so hope everyone has a chance to take it easy where you can and do something to connect with yourself and others around you. 

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As with many here Glastonbury has over the years been almost as immoveable as Christmas in my calendar - I've missed two since I first went in 1993. I've been working on the recycling crew for the past decade hence no issues with getting tickets although for some unexplained reason I, like many others were not automatically offered a place for this year.


Now....in past years that might have been a huge issue with me but NO let's not beat around the bush here the line-up this year is the worst in living memory - I think you have to back to the early 1980's to find a line-up as underwhelming. I know people will immediately say "ah but there are sooo many other things to do" but I'll be honest I really don't go to the festival on the strength of the children's field, the Circus tent nor the (so-called) comedy tent where most acts are a version of terminally dire Marcus Brigstock.


I'm instead working most of the weekend - I certainly wish everyone going the best of times - I will be listening to worthy FM and watching as much TV coverage as possible just to make sure I'm not missing out on anything.


There is no FOMO from me - there will always be next year.

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4 hours ago, airwaves said:

Got ticket. 

Saw lineup announcement and decided I just wasn't feeling it, so didn't go through with final payment. 


Hell yes. How stupid am I. 

Lesson learnt?


It doesn't help that my phone is trolling me. News feeds, photos memories, reminders of old Facebook posts... All of it is Glastonbury! I couldn't ignore it if I was trying!

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My first post since last year’s festival and I’ve just come to share my own tale of Glasto blues. 

2024 was never an option for me as my newborn son is officially a month old today (he’s awesome, ofc). Following his arrival, I’m not really sure if the next few festivals will be on the agenda as I can already feel my priorities shifting. But I’ll never say never. Nonetheless, today, in the breaks between changing nappies. my thoughts have consistently veered towards that beautiful Somerset farm and all of my friends who are there. 

My first Glasto was 2013 and I’ve been extremely lucky to be able to go to all that I’ve tried for (2014, 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2023). In ten years of going that’s not half bad. They seemed to get better and better every year. 

Despite the euphoria and joy of starting a family I haven’t been able to shake the thought of being ‘there’. Even the prospect of logging all the gear in this heat, and the associated aches and pains, raised a smile earlier. And the idea of that first warm can in a camping chair…coah, perfect. 

I thought I’d long since made my peace with not being at the greatest place I’ve ever known but it’s hit me like a tonne of bricks. I hope it will subside as the weekend rolls on but I’m already trawling socials for photos and secretly hoping for my group to keep messaging in WhatsApp to keep me updated on their movements. 

Glastonbury is truly special and worth the time, effort and sacrifices. Sure, people will moan about the line-up and ticket prices but we all know that’s not what it’s really about. It’s the only place where people celebrate life with meaningful acceptance and positivity. It’s the perfect escape from reality. We all need that once a year and that’s what I’ll miss most this weekend. 


Will definitely be watching over the coverage just to feel closer. Especially looking forward to Idles on Friday. At least that Fontaines clash is actually a moot point for us couch potatoes. 

Until next time…long live/love the farm! 


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6 hours ago, JA_Watts said:

My first post since last year’s festival and I’ve just come to share my own tale of Glasto blues. 

2024 was never an option for me as my newborn son is officially a month old today (he’s awesome, ofc). Following his arrival, I’m not really sure if the next few festivals will be on the agenda as I can already feel my priorities shifting. But I’ll never say never. Nonetheless, today, in the breaks between changing nappies. my thoughts have consistently veered towards that beautiful Somerset farm and all of my friends who are there. 

My first Glasto was 2013 and I’ve been extremely lucky to be able to go to all that I’ve tried for (2014, 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2023). In ten years of going that’s not half bad. They seemed to get better and better every year. 

Despite the euphoria and joy of starting a family I haven’t been able to shake the thought of being ‘there’. Even the prospect of logging all the gear in this heat, and the associated aches and pains, raised a smile earlier. And the idea of that first warm can in a camping chair…coah, perfect. 

I thought I’d long since made my peace with not being at the greatest place I’ve ever known but it’s hit me like a tonne of bricks. I hope it will subside as the weekend rolls on but I’m already trawling socials for photos and secretly hoping for my group to keep messaging in WhatsApp to keep me updated on their movements. 

Glastonbury is truly special and worth the time, effort and sacrifices. Sure, people will moan about the line-up and ticket prices but we all know that’s not what it’s really about. It’s the only place where people celebrate life with meaningful acceptance and positivity. It’s the perfect escape from reality. We all need that once a year and that’s what I’ll miss most this weekend. 


Will definitely be watching over the coverage just to feel closer. Especially looking forward to Idles on Friday. At least that Fontaines clash is actually a moot point for us couch potatoes. 

Until next time…long live/love the farm! 


Congratulations on your new arrival 🙂 

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7 hours ago, JA_Watts said:

My first post since last year’s festival and I’ve just come to share my own tale of Glasto blues. 

2024 was never an option for me as my newborn son is officially a month old today (he’s awesome, ofc). Following his arrival, I’m not really sure if the next few festivals will be on the agenda as I can already feel my priorities shifting. But I’ll never say never. Nonetheless, today, in the breaks between changing nappies. my thoughts have consistently veered towards that beautiful Somerset farm and all of my friends who are there. 

My first Glasto was 2013 and I’ve been extremely lucky to be able to go to all that I’ve tried for (2014, 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2023). In ten years of going that’s not half bad. They seemed to get better and better every year. 

Despite the euphoria and joy of starting a family I haven’t been able to shake the thought of being ‘there’. Even the prospect of logging all the gear in this heat, and the associated aches and pains, raised a smile earlier. And the idea of that first warm can in a camping chair…coah, perfect. 

I thought I’d long since made my peace with not being at the greatest place I’ve ever known but it’s hit me like a tonne of bricks. I hope it will subside as the weekend rolls on but I’m already trawling socials for photos and secretly hoping for my group to keep messaging in WhatsApp to keep me updated on their movements. 

Glastonbury is truly special and worth the time, effort and sacrifices. Sure, people will moan about the line-up and ticket prices but we all know that’s not what it’s really about. It’s the only place where people celebrate life with meaningful acceptance and positivity. It’s the perfect escape from reality. We all need that once a year and that’s what I’ll miss most this weekend. 


Will definitely be watching over the coverage just to feel closer. Especially looking forward to Idles on Friday. At least that Fontaines clash is actually a moot point for us couch potatoes. 

Until next time…long live/love the farm! 



Congrats! I definitely think pregnancy and tiny babies are the only legit excuse for not trying for/keeping a ticket!


I'm planning on going next year. I wonder if my priorities will shift once baby is born too...

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