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Glasto depression


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First year im not there in 10 years and thought I wouldnt be bothered but last night the blues kicked in a bit.


However, I have no real plans this weekend so I am going to go all in on Iplayer and watch a ton of coverage and enjoy it from a different perspective this time.


I have a lot of stuff to look forward to for the rest of the summer (Springsteen gigs, End Of The Road Festival) so can't complain really.


It's just such a magical place that I hate not being there!

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Weird one this year. Last year was a conscious choice not to go but this year was the first time I failed to get tickets when I wanted them since 2014. But when the lineup came out it felt like an ok one to miss and in the build up I’ve been secretly a bit glad I’m not going as life is busy.


but then Wednesday hit and now today and i was driving my son to nursery, with 6 music on and thinking about all the people waking up there with a full day of unknown pleasures awaiting and something pulled on my heart. Add to the fact I’m in all day workshops today in London, it will make it worse.


but it is what it is and it will make the next one I’m at even more special 

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Been to the last 6/7 and initially was very upset by it, however we booked IOW as a replacement and had such a good time that I couldn’t care less (never thought I’d say that).  

Getting a bit older so the size of it plus getting to see Green Day and The Prodigy smash headline sets has me even considering the change was well worth it and whether to even bother with Glastonbury next year (again.. never thought I’d say that)


Strange how things can change.  I’d always recommend if you miss out don’t sulk, get out there and try something new. 

Edited by sisco
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4 hours ago, sisco said:

Been to the last 6/7 and initially was very upset by it, however we booked IOW as a replacement and had such a good time that I couldn’t care less (never thought I’d say that).


Yup, likewise. Was pretty cheesed off last November when I didn't get a ticket, but booked Latitude a few weeks later and haven't felt sad about it since. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be there, but when I woke up yesterday morning at about 6am I did think "Thank Christ I'm not in that bloody queue right now...". 

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I've been feeling really bad in the run up but now that its started I'm fairly ok about missing out. Its only the 2nd time since 2007 I'm not there and I was planning on just pretending it nots happening but that seems to be impossible. Photos and videos I've taken over the years keep popping up on Facebook and people who know I normally go have been speaking to me about it and are shocked that I'm not going this year. I was off yesterday so had 6music on all day and they were doing the Glastonbury festival day which I enjoyed whilst doing jobs around the house. I did make the most of the facilities at home and had 3 showers to cool me down. I think if I miss out on tickets in October then I will be really miserable for a while

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We've not been since 2015 but this year is the first that I've felt real FOMO kicking back in!  Had a nightmare with the mud & an injury in 2016 & then marriage 2017, pregnancy 2018 & the baby/toddler years & then Covid... this year is the first year that I've thought it's probably do-able to start bringing my daughter along & us ALL enjoying it as she's 5 now, probably not helped by the weather forecast allaying any fears of dragging her through a complete mud-bath!  I think we're going to throw all we've got at October & see what happens...


Planning to spend the weekend out in the garden in the sunshine watching as much footage as we can & trying not to be too sad about missing it!

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I was really struggling earlier in the week. It was all I could think about & was properly getting me down. It’s crazy it has this effect as I have so much other stuff going on with family, work etc. 

I was the only one to miss out in our group so it’s made it a bit harder knowing all my mates are there. 


Anyhow I had a bit of an epiphany late last night and feel much better about it all now - still gutted - but I think the fact it’s now started, I can begin to dream again about getting tickets for next year. I watched a couple of vids from last year and decided to come back on here as I knew there are loads of us in the same boat. Chin up gang, it’ll be over in a few days. 

I’ll stick it on the tv in the evenings over the weekend - I remember the coverage being great when I last missed out 2 years ago. So - see you all in the tv thread! 

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Had tickets for 5 of the last 7 and didn't think I'd be too bad this year but its absolutely killing me at the minute ,it's the thinking about oh this is what I'd more than likely be doing now that's hard , Thursday is my favourite day by a mile the wandering around freely and not having to pencil to many things in , generally the night where we go quite a bit over the top too . To make it worse I read a message I'm my dms on Instagram that was from Tuesday from a pal who says we can get on site for £500 but only read it 2 hrs ago. Now I'm sat thinking could I just go down and see what I can do but I don't have the money without any of the planning and I'm not comfortable with the uncertainty of it . Going to boomtown instead this year fir the first time but you don't get the same kind of build up vibe/buzz that you do on here . Only blessing is that we're all back to equals on Monday and there's hope again for next time 

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This year was supposed to be my 21st anniversary (didn't get tickets last year) but didn't get close to even getting on the ordering screen this year. Feels like the end of an era as with a baby due in late July (and a 3 year old with us already) I know my opportunities are going to be severely limited for at least the next decade, by which point I imagine most of my long-standing camping group may have lost interest/competing priorities etc. I really liked the lineup this year and having had a few glances through clashfinder there would have been more than enough to keep me occupied, as well as all the usual other attractions.


Still, the five day hangover nearly did for me in 2019 and I imagine it would be a whole lot worse this year. Got to look for the positives!

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I just think this year line up is sh*t.  Even the muppets on bbc keep saying it’s not all about the music.  That is very true but when compared to the last few years which I’ve been too then Sunday especially is a major let down.  We had chance for Sunday tickets but no chance with that line up.  Been for nearly 30 years and this is the first year with no tickets.  I wish everybody a fantastic weekend but I will get over it easily as said before very poor line up (in my opinion)

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I haven't been to the festival for many a year now. I've been OK with not going since my last attendance, apart from this year.  I have had a few thoughts of 'wish I was there with my mates', and these thoughts aren't bouncing off me like they have done in previous years.
The line up doesn't bother me. I think I've been to the festival about 25 times, and not once has the line up ever been a concern to me. I always went to Glastonbury to be at a festival with my mates, as we had all split up geographically speaking.  The chance to live for a few days with my mates was all to me. And it is this that's currently affecting me. Two of them are celebrating 40 years since their first attendance. It was one of them who pestered me to go to Glastonbury in the first place. So lucky he did.
There is more. This year I also feel that I'm missing 'Glasto' ie. the festival itself. All the fun of the fair, and then some. There is only one Glastonbury Festival on the planet. Happy to have been so many times, but feeling like I'd like to be there right now.
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38 minutes ago, BlackZeppelin said:

Gutted not to be there.

I'm living vicariously through my nieces and nephew who are there and sending photos, God bless them and their beaming faces.



I appear to have ran out of upvotes.


That's so sweet and considerate of your nieces and nephew. 


Two of my mates sent me a photo from the site earlier today. It's a lovely photo of them wearing their new t shirts that my wife created for them, with the Pyramid Stage in the background. When I first saw the photo I really wanted tele transportation to be a 'thing'. 

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12 hours ago, mario man said:

I was really struggling earlier in the week. It was all I could think about & was properly getting me down. It’s crazy it has this effect as I have so much other stuff going on with family, work etc. 

I was the only one to miss out in our group so it’s made it a bit harder knowing all my mates are there. 


Anyhow I had a bit of an epiphany late last night and feel much better about it all now - still gutted - but I think the fact it’s now started, I can begin to dream again about getting tickets for next year. I watched a couple of vids from last year and decided to come back on here as I knew there are loads of us in the same boat. Chin up gang, it’ll be over in a few days. 

I’ll stick it on the tv in the evenings over the weekend - I remember the coverage being great when I last missed out 2 years ago. So - see you all in the tv thread! 


I think I am in the exact same boat as you. 


It hit me like a tonne of bricks on Wednesday and I really did feel down. I too kept asking myself 'why do you feel like this over a bloody festival?!', but it is not just a festival is it, that is the whole point. 


Watched some of the classic stuff on BBC4 last night and loved it. Was still tinged with a little sadness for sure, but more happiness at the memories from the farm. 


It will be over in a few days as you say and then we are all back in the same boat dreaming of a return next year. 

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I chose not to go this year. And with certain things that have happened since deciding it definitely was the right choice. I have a new puppy and my husband literally started a new job last week. But next year I’m very hopeful! 


Just bought us Sum 41 tickets to make up for this year, they were great at Download ☺️

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We missed out on tickets this year, our entire normal group got them, but not us.


Could have gone for the resale, but the £ was already spent on a holiday instead. I doubt we would have got them anyway, and I had this down in the 'easier year to miss' category, as didn't feel the line up was that great to be honest...


However, there is nothing worse than Wednesday and Thursday, seeing all the pics and videos of people on site, all the comments about changes and new stuff... the generally liberation of drinking in a field with your friends with the sun out. Going on night time adventures and wandering. This is compounded by knowing our mates are there doing just this. Oh well. 


Weirdly, I'll feel less gutted today when the music starts, as I'll enjoy watching it at home, and there's nothing really I feel devastated at missing, unlike Elton last year. 


I'll enjoy watching The National Sunday night and will have a beer doing that. But don't feel GUTTED at missing them. 


We can get through this folks!

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12 hours ago, Cozza84 said:

This year was supposed to be my 21st anniversary (didn't get tickets last year) but didn't get close to even getting on the ordering screen this year. Feels like the end of an era as with a baby due in late July (and a 3 year old with us already) I know my opportunities are going to be severely limited for at least the next decade, by which point I imagine most of my long-standing camping group may have lost interest/competing priorities etc. I really liked the lineup this year and having had a few glances through clashfinder there would have been more than enough to keep me occupied, as well as all the usual other attractions.


Still, the five day hangover nearly did for me in 2019 and I imagine it would be a whole lot worse this year. Got to look for the positives!

This feels like where we were about 10 years ago... but you will be back! Went every year for 10 years then when the kids came along we seem to be averaging every 3 years now.... BUT, we did take them last time (2022) and had an amazing time. Different, but amazing. 


I did really, really, really miss hanging out with our normal group that year however. But to put things in perspective, they are all there this year without us, but not camping together (some off site, some in campers etc), so I don't think I'd be missing 'how it used to be' anyway - everything changes, but it can still be great. 🙂

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10 minutes ago, Yokel Again said:

We missed out on tickets this year, our entire normal group got them, but not us.


Could have gone for the resale, but the £ was already spent on a holiday instead. I doubt we would have got them anyway, and I had this down in the 'easier year to miss' category, as didn't feel the line up was that great to be honest...


However, there is nothing worse than Wednesday and Thursday, seeing all the pics and videos of people on site, all the comments about changes and new stuff... the generally liberation of drinking in a field with your friends with the sun out. Going on night time adventures and wandering. This is compounded by knowing our mates are there doing just this. Oh well. 


Weirdly, I'll feel less gutted today when the music starts, as I'll enjoy watching it at home, and there's nothing really I feel devastated at missing, unlike Elton last year. 


I'll enjoy watching The National Sunday night and will have a beer doing that. But don't feel GUTTED at missing them. 


We can get through this folks!


That's exactly how I feel. Or at least that's how I'm convincing myself I feel. We'll see I guess. It won't be nearly the same obviously but you can still be a part of it in a way.

But it's those days before (from Monday for me, or even Sunday evening when we all meet up at my friends parent's house) which are even harder to explain why they are so amazing. 

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Third year for me of not going due to missing out on tickets, following 14 years of not missing one. Sadly, I don’t think it gets any easier for me. At work, on here and looking at the webcam wishing I was there.

Guess I can’t complain as I’ve been so many times but fingers crossed I’ll be back there next year!

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