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I havent been since 2017, as my wife was diagnosed with a long term illness in 2019, shes now had her thyroid removed and health is improving so we're thinking of doing another Glasto at some point but the size of some of the crowds really is putting me off. 


Im not daft and I've been in big crowds every time I've been to Glasto, and been in a fair few crushes and pinch points, but it was only a handful of times over the weekend. Looking at the tv coverage it seems now so many sets are absolutely rammed, loads at woodsies and other stage, and massive pyramid headliners look stupidly busy. 


Last time I went on the Friday I watched Royal Blood & The XX on the pyramid, shot over to the Other to watch Lorde, then got back half way through Radioheads set and got a great spot up on the hill, is a run like that having the freedom to trot around even possible now if its that busy, as If its a struggle to get to see anyone I cant see the point anymore. Id rather stick to my smaller city festivals. 

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Amount of tickets given to hospitality really is the problem here. 


I dread to think what the percentage of people who have more than one wristband is now? My instagram was jam packed with z listers attending this weekend. Vast majority of whom rock up late Friday and leave Sunday morning whilst spending most of the time onsite getting glammed up in a luxury caravan onsite somewhere. It is a complete waste of a ticket and it should be given to the many thousands of people who try desperately in October. 


I am personally sick to death it, really annoys me. 


They have clamped down on people being spun in this year, great, obviously needed to happen. But actually, all they are really doing there is reducing the amount of working class people who are desperate to attend from being able to. I am not saying I agree with it don't get me wrong, but surely Glastonbury is meant to be about the people, the common man and not the rich who do as they please at our expense? 


I was offered a hospitality wristband in 2022 for £2,500 3 days before the festival.. As far as I can tell it was legit and the person who offered it to me had one himself and attending with it with no issues. How has that happened? How are these hospitality / workers tickets distributed? 


They are turning Glastonbury into a commercial fashion accessory for the rich and it frankly should not be stood for.

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3 minutes ago, Gashead86 said:

Amount of tickets given to hospitality really is the problem here. 


I dread to think what the percentage of people who have more than one wristband is now? My instagram was jam packed with z listers attending this weekend. Vast majority of whom rock up late Friday and leave Sunday morning whilst spending most of the time onsite getting glammed up in a luxury caravan onsite somewhere. It is a complete waste of a ticket and it should be given to the many thousands of people who try desperately in October. 


I am personally sick to death it, really annoys me. 


They have clamped down on people being spun in this year, great, obviously needed to happen. But actually, all they are really doing there is reducing the amount of working class people who are desperate to attend from being able to. I am not saying I agree with it don't get me wrong, but surely Glastonbury is meant to be about the people, the common man and not the rich who do as they please at our expense? 


I was offered a hospitality wristband in 2022 for £2,500 3 days before the festival.. As far as I can tell it was legit and the person who offered it to me had one himself and attending with it with no issues. How has that happened? How are these hospitality / workers tickets distributed? 


They are turning Glastonbury into a commercial fashion accessory for the rich and it frankly should not be stood for.

I mean, certainly this is my perception. re: celeb overload increasingly so over recent years. 

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4 minutes ago, Yokel Again said:

I mean, certainly this is my perception. re: celeb overload increasingly so over recent years. 


Oh for absolute certain the amount of 'celebs' has shot up in the last three festivals since Covid. I have no idea why / how that has happened? But for sure, since my first festival in 13 the difference is absolutely huge! 

Back then the festival was looked down on by the casual Z listers as a festival full of smelly hippies with them all heading to V festival every year instead... 

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14 minutes ago, Gashead86 said:

Amount of tickets given to hospitality really is the problem here. 


I dread to think what the percentage of people who have more than one wristband is now? My instagram was jam packed with z listers attending this weekend. Vast majority of whom rock up late Friday and leave Sunday morning whilst spending most of the time onsite getting glammed up in a luxury caravan onsite somewhere. It is a complete waste of a ticket and it should be given to the many thousands of people who try desperately in October. 


I am personally sick to death it, really annoys me. 


They have clamped down on people being spun in this year, great, obviously needed to happen. But actually, all they are really doing there is reducing the amount of working class people who are desperate to attend from being able to. I am not saying I agree with it don't get me wrong, but surely Glastonbury is meant to be about the people, the common man and not the rich who do as they please at our expense? 


I was offered a hospitality wristband in 2022 for £2,500 3 days before the festival.. As far as I can tell it was legit and the person who offered it to me had one himself and attending with it with no issues. How has that happened? How are these hospitality / workers tickets distributed? 


They are turning Glastonbury into a commercial fashion accessory for the rich and it frankly should not be stood for.

Yeah this wound me a bit on the TV and social media coverage. Same with the Taylor Swift shows. There's a weird growing perversion with being at the same event as some minor actor and fans aren't really making the correlation that these tickets are a ball ache to get, cost the earth, and some minor celebrity from a Netflix show is swanning about on a freebie or paid through the nose for a hospitality ticket.

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15 minutes ago, jparx said:

Yeah this wound me a bit on the TV and social media coverage. Same with the Taylor Swift shows. There's a weird growing perversion with being at the same event as some minor actor and fans aren't really making the correlation that these tickets are a ball ache to get, cost the earth, and some minor celebrity from a Netflix show is swanning about on a freebie or paid through the nose for a hospitality ticket.


There is a z list influencer on Insta who I follow who makes moderately amusing satirical videos... He posted about two weeks ago about how excited he was to be attending his first Glasto along with a pic of 3 hospitality tickets he had obliviously been given. Annoyed me no end at the time as it was clear he was going on a bit of whim and had been given the tickets, but I thought to myself 'well, everyone deserves the chance to experience it at least once I guess!' and didn't think much more of it after that... 

Well, he and his two mates rocked up at midday Friday which already annoyed me as anyone who has done the festival will agree I am sure, they had already missed the best day of the whole thing! He then pretty much spent the weekend passively aggressively moaning about the facilities whilst taking selfies with other influencers and z listers before leaving first thing Sunday morning and being home by midday. It really pissed me off and he was far from the only one with a very similar experience based on social media. 


These people are being given tickets that should go to those of us who are desperate to be there. It really needs to change but sadly just do not see it doing so. 


It is probably unfair to put this at Emily's door as I suspect this is happening below her between bookers and agents etc. But it needs dealing with. 

The average attendee of the festival is shifting drastically. 

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17 minutes ago, Gashead86 said:


There is a z list influencer on Insta who I follow who makes moderately amusing satirical videos... He posted about two weeks ago about how excited he was to be attending his first Glasto along with a pic of 3 hospitality tickets he had obliviously been given. Annoyed me no end at the time as it was clear he was going on a bit of whim and had been given the tickets, but I thought to myself 'well, everyone deserves the chance to experience it at least once I guess!' and didn't think much more of it after that... 

Well, he and his two mates rocked up at midday Friday which already annoyed me as anyone who has done the festival will agree I am sure, they had already missed the best day of the whole thing! He then pretty much spent the weekend passively aggressively moaning about the facilities whilst taking selfies with other influencers and z listers before leaving first thing Sunday morning and being home by midday. It really pissed me off and he was far from the only one with a very similar experience based on social media. 


These people are being given tickets that should go to those of us who are desperate to be there. It really needs to change but sadly just do not see it doing so. 


It is probably unfair to put this at Emily's door as I suspect this is happening below her between bookers and agents etc. But it needs dealing with. 

The average attendee of the festival is shifting drastically. 


Who was it? What I cant work out for Z list people like this is who is benefitting/handing out the tickets if it's obviously not linked to a brand/advert? It's not like the festival needs to tap into new audiences when it is already everywhere in pop culture.

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32 minutes ago, Gashead86 said:


There is a z list influencer on Insta who I follow who makes moderately amusing satirical videos... He posted about two weeks ago about how excited he was to be attending his first Glasto along with a pic of 3 hospitality tickets he had obliviously been given. Annoyed me no end at the time as it was clear he was going on a bit of whim and had been given the tickets, but I thought to myself 'well, everyone deserves the chance to experience it at least once I guess!' and didn't think much more of it after that... 

Well, he and his two mates rocked up at midday Friday which already annoyed me as anyone who has done the festival will agree I am sure, they had already missed the best day of the whole thing! He then pretty much spent the weekend passively aggressively moaning about the facilities whilst taking selfies with other influencers and z listers before leaving first thing Sunday morning and being home by midday. It really pissed me off and he was far from the only one with a very similar experience based on social media. 


These people are being given tickets that should go to those of us who are desperate to be there. It really needs to change but sadly just do not see it doing so. 


It is probably unfair to put this at Emily's door as I suspect this is happening below her between bookers and agents etc. But it needs dealing with. 

The average attendee of the festival is shifting drastically. 


my worry about the amount of comps and staff is the general punter is paying for these comps. for the first time I feel the general public is starting to be taken for granted. 



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I’m a little confused how people who turn up on Friday, leave on Sunday and spend all their time “in a caravan” are responsible for crowds, but aside from that…


Presumably they’re getting the hospitality tickets from a brand in exchange for a post with a product.


In turn that company is presumably getting the Hospitality tickets for doing work on/providing stuff to the festival.


So if they cut those tickets, do the costs for the festival go up? Does the service become worse?

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42 minutes ago, WillyVWade said:

I’m a little confused how people who turn up on Friday, leave on Sunday and spend all their time “in a caravan” are responsible for crowds, but aside from that…


Presumably they’re getting the hospitality tickets from a brand in exchange for a post with a product.


In turn that company is presumably getting the Hospitality tickets for doing work on/providing stuff to the festival.


So if they cut those tickets, do the costs for the festival go up? Does the service become worse?


Well because from about midday on Friday to Sunday afternoon the site is about 30% busier... ?

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1 hour ago, Respectfatfrog said:


my worry about the amount of comps and staff is the general punter is paying for these comps. for the first time I feel the general public is starting to be taken for granted. 



I get the point regarding complimentary but if you cut the volunteers and staff will you be happy to have longer queues, more trash, less security, less water points? 

There are points when staff and volunteers may be or appear to be overstaffed but they have to factor in no shows (because being a punter is better) and a moving crowd who constantly want different things at different times and different places.


i enjoyed being a volunteer this year, there are some perks, I’ll do it again if I have to, but make no mistake i preferred being a punter in 2023 and will be trying in November!

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The crowed seemed to act in a blob much more than usual this year. It was like everyone wanted to be at Shania, everyone wanted to be at Avril, Sugababes etc etc.


Part of me wonders if the ticket buying process has a part to play; if you have good access to technology and a big group of people then you have much greater chance of bagging a ticket. Maybe the younger group demographic has got too good a hoovering up tickets and all have similar tastes, resulting in them all going the same places at the same time.


If you didn't follow the blob the site was pretty quiet and easy to get about.

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6 minutes ago, DJL said:

I get the point regarding complimentary but if you cut the volunteers and staff will you be happy to have longer queues, more trash, less security, less water points? 

There are points when staff and volunteers may be or appear to be overstaffed but they have to factor in no shows (because being a punter is better) and a moving crowd who constantly want different things at different times and different places.


i enjoyed being a volunteer this year, there are some perks, I’ll do it again if I have to, but make no mistake i preferred being a punter in 2023 and will be trying in November!


To clarify, I have no issue with the much needed volunteers getting wristbands. Certainly not. But I do take issue with the hordes of z listers who seem to be blagging freebies on to the site. 

These are two VERY different entities and should not be chucked in together. 


I want less freeloaders being given hospitality tickets for clout, that is all. 

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I think another thing to consider is that the younger audience who have grown up with festivals probably do just go from stage to stage, act to act, like they would do at any other festival and aren’t really exploring the other areas of the site that Glastonbury offers. I assume the maximum capacity is taking the whole site into consideration, but it seems it’s increasingly likely that just portion of it is being regularly used. This will make the other areas feel much quieter.  

Glastonbury aside, things to do outside of the music isn’t really a concept for major festivals. 

Edited by st dan
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2 minutes ago, Gashead86 said:


To clarify, I have no issue with the much needed volunteers getting wristbands. Certainly not. But I do take issue with the hordes of z listers who seem to be blagging freebies on to the site. 

These are two VERY different entities and should not be chucked in together. 


I want less freeloaders being given hospitality tickets for clout, that is all. 

That’s fair, 100% agree.

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15 minutes ago, NotAnInsider said:

The crowed seemed to act in a blob much more than usual this year. It was like everyone wanted to be at Shania, everyone wanted to be at Avril, Sugababes etc etc.


Part of me wonders if the ticket buying process has a part to play; if you have good access to technology and a big group of people then you have much greater chance of bagging a ticket. Maybe the younger group demographic has got too good a hoovering up tickets and all have similar tastes, resulting in them all going the same places at the same time.


If you didn't follow the blob the site was pretty quiet and easy to get about.

I find it hard to believe the younger demographic would be overly fussed on Shania Twain, Avril Lavigne or the Sugababes though.

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14 minutes ago, st dan said:

I think another thing to consider is that the younger audience who have grown up with festivals probably do just go from stage to stage, act to act, like they would do at any other festival and aren’t really exploring the other areas of the site that Glastonbury offers. I assume the maximum capacity is taking the whole site into consideration, but it seems it’s increasingly likely that just portion of it is being regularly used. This will make the other areas feel much quieter.  

Glastonbury aside, things to do outside of the music isn’t really a concept for major festivals. 

maybe all the tv coverage of bands has helped drive some of that.

When I used to go in 90s a lot of time was wandering round finding all sorts of weird going ons...and occasionally stopping to watch a band. 

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2 minutes ago, El Matador said:

I find it hard to believe the younger demographic would be overly fussed on Shania Twain, Avril Lavigne or the Sugababes though.

By young I mean younger than me.. so those who find the sugababes nostalgic and know Shania from memes... 


The really young lot stay in their tent all day and go to the SE corner at 10pm. Maybe they'll see the odd headliner like Dua but there are plenty of them that don't venture outside of the late night stuff at all. 

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