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Celebs that don't get it


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5 hours ago, ghostdancer1 said:



I thought this was extremely Glastonbury tbh. A fairly normal sized jackery and look how they've mounted the tele in some buckets with mud? Didn't realise it was Louis Tomlinson but I thought it was very funny. Don't really see how camping in a pop up tent with the punters, and dragging along a TV so everyone can watch it with him, is poor behaviour? 

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21 hours ago, charlierc said:

Agreed. It didn't look like a mahoosive crowd anyway, and given that Nothing But Thieves & Avril Lavigne during the England game had big crowds looking at photos, seems like enough were happy to leave them too it.


 OK, fair enough! Just feeling grumpy because the data signal onsite noticeably worsened during the match what with everyone watching it on devices. It was really bad timing with the Avril Lavigne slot too - my mother (in her seventies) was caught up in the stampede and got really panicked when she couldn't contact me. I'm really grateful for the wonderful steward who actively protected her. Then I get home and read about some celeb being called a hero for bringing a TV 😬 


I have to admit though, if it made people happy, maybe there's room for him to curate his own area next time the football clashes: Tomlinson's TV tent 😄

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39 minutes ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

Trying to give the benefit of the doubt here - how do you know the influences are there if you don't follow them on social media yourself?


Cause someone put it in a WhatsApp group I'm in. There are certain one's around here you can't get away from, whether you follow them or not

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1 hour ago, BookAngel said:


 OK, fair enough! Just feeling grumpy because the data signal onsite noticeably worsened during the match what with everyone watching it on devices. It was really bad timing with the Avril Lavigne slot too - my mother (in her seventies) was caught up in the stampede and got really panicked when she couldn't contact me. I'm really grateful for the wonderful steward who actively protected her. Then I get home and read about some celeb being called a hero for bringing a TV 😬 


I have to admit though, if it made people happy, maybe there's room for him to curate his own area next time the football clashes: Tomlinson's TV tent 😄


Don't think you can blame Louis Tomlinson for the lack of data during that time. If anything he was helping lessen the load by ensuring that 200 people weren't trying to stream it.

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Noel Gallagher believes that Glastonbury has "gone woke" thanks to "id*ots waving flags around and making political statements"


"It’s getting a bit woke now, that place, and a bit kind of preachy and a bit virtue-signalling. I don’t like it in music — little f***ing idiots waving flags around and making political statements and bands taking the stage and saying, ‘Hey guys, isn’t war ­terrible, yeah? Let’s all boo war. F***k the Tories man,’ and all that"


Noel on seeing Dave Grohl:


“I did actually bump into Dave. He was about 3ft away from me when I was watching LCD Soundsystem and he was staying in the same hotel I was staying in.


“I would just like him to wind his f***ing neck in about Oasis. I wouldn’t talk to him. I haven’t got time for that f***ing mob any more.


I haven’t got f**k all to say to him. He’s our kid’s mate anyway.”


Noel Gallagher on Dave Grohl at Glastonbury

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Just the latest episode in ‘Noel Gallagher’s a right d*ck’ isn’t it? He’s just an unpleasant, tiny little man who gets far too much air time for his views which are always wrong-headed.

It’s kind of mind blowing that all along, actually Liam is the good one, and he’s the twat - cos it really didn’t seem possible that could be true - but it bloody is. Noel the reactionary Tory w*nker. 

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