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How successful was your exit strategy this year?


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7 hours ago, Nobody Interesting said:

Stayed in Lovefields. Left at 6.30am Monday.

Apart from being forced to turn right onto A37 (I think) and then doing a Uturn so we were going in the right direction it was smooth and easy. Had to share driving as my eyes got heavy half way home, did load of washing, had brunch and slept.

Same as us - the muppet told us we couldn't turn left so we drove ten miles south (even though we had to get north on A37) - eventually took the nerve and did a U-turn to take us back to the exit we were directed from only to find the same guy standing letting people turn left now.

Edited by Divo1972
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Slightly begrungingly had a lighter sunday. Had about 4 cans of beer and stopped drinking at around 3ish. After justice headed straight back to Bushy, via a smoothie and watching Arcadia for the first and last time for 5 mins whilst they played an aboriginal song from Perth. Packed up the tent and was in my car in Orange 37 by 12.30, and was on the road by around 12.50. 


Zero traffic once out of the site, had a 20 min stop after an hour as my eyes were going a bit fuzzy! got a double espresso down me and was plain sailing from there. Was showered and in bed in London by around 4.30. 

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Went right through the night as partner wanted to see someone 3-4am SE corner. Packed up before headliners the Sunday night. Back to camp for 4:30, last toilet breaks and collecting stuff and we were at the coach queue by 5:20. Barely any queue and managed to get on the 5:40 back to Bristol despite having a 6am ticket. Luckily live not far from Bristol coach station so I was home by 7:15! Very pain free and glad to have all day Monday to sleep! 

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Absolute shambles. sorry for long post but we are very lucky we are not still there!


My mate put the keys to the van and his trolley in the Bushy lockup on wednesday. We stupidly got to the lock up at 12.05 on Monday to be told he was too late and had to go to lost property to collect. (cut off time was 12.00)


Fair enough, it was our mistake, no problem we'll take a walk over there. One last trek across the site, not the end of the world.


Half hours trek to lost property at the top of big ground next to the medical centre.


met by one of the staff there pretty quickly and explained the situation. she took the lock up receipts from him and went to the back to have a look through what they had. came back and told him it's not there, and said he will need to fill out a lost property report, giving as much information as he could and they will contact him if anything turns up.


this didn't sound right to us, but filled the form in anyway, she took it off him and said it could be a few days before we hear anything but wasn't hopeful.


this set off alarms that she didn't really get the gist of what was going on, and we ended up collaring another feller there who seemed a bit higher up. He said she had it wrong, everything will turn up here in the next couple of hours or so once the trucks make the rounds and get back, just hand the receipts in once its all back and they will give him the keys.


We told him she had already taken the receipts off him so we will need them back. He asked her about it and she said she never took the receipts, and asked us to go through our pockets, bags, etc, empty everything out as without the receipts it will be a problem. we emptied everything just incase she did give them back, but we knew we didn't have them


we said 100% she took the receipts, they then had a bit of a panic look around for them, and eventually found them just discarded on the floor behind her desk! he apologised and suggested we go down to the lock up down the hill, the big ground one, and ask them if they can radio through to the truck team to find out how long they would be.


Walked down to the lock up, only to be told that is where we should have gone in the first place, that is where everything needs to be collected, it doesn't go to lost property until 8pm if it hasn't been collected.


had to wait another hour or so there and about half two the truck turned up with his keys.


Finally got to the van about 4, but the absolute incompetence of the first girl we saw could have left us stranded there.

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Didn't leave Oxfield until 9pm on Monday, managed to drive through CV east and down the hill of death to PGC to pick up my friend who was camping in Orchard for Shangri-la and back up the hill and straight out! 



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3 hours ago, mazola said:

Absolute shambles. sorry for long post but we are very lucky we are not still there!


My mate put the keys to the van and his trolley in the Bushy lockup on wednesday. We stupidly got to the lock up at 12.05 on Monday to be told he was too late and had to go to lost property to collect. (cut off time was 12.00)


Fair enough, it was our mistake, no problem we'll take a walk over there. One last trek across the site, not the end of the world.


Half hours trek to lost property at the top of big ground next to the medical centre.


met by one of the staff there pretty quickly and explained the situation. she took the lock up receipts from him and went to the back to have a look through what they had. came back and told him it's not there, and said he will need to fill out a lost property report, giving as much information as he could and they will contact him if anything turns up.


this didn't sound right to us, but filled the form in anyway, she took it off him and said it could be a few days before we hear anything but wasn't hopeful.


this set off alarms that she didn't really get the gist of what was going on, and we ended up collaring another feller there who seemed a bit higher up. He said she had it wrong, everything will turn up here in the next couple of hours or so once the trucks make the rounds and get back, just hand the receipts in once its all back and they will give him the keys.


We told him she had already taken the receipts off him so we will need them back. He asked her about it and she said she never took the receipts, and asked us to go through our pockets, bags, etc, empty everything out as without the receipts it will be a problem. we emptied everything just incase she did give them back, but we knew we didn't have them


we said 100% she took the receipts, they then had a bit of a panic look around for them, and eventually found them just discarded on the floor behind her desk! he apologised and suggested we go down to the lock up down the hill, the big ground one, and ask them if they can radio through to the truck team to find out how long they would be.


Walked down to the lock up, only to be told that is where we should have gone in the first place, that is where everything needs to be collected, it doesn't go to lost property until 8pm if it hasn't been collected.


had to wait another hour or so there and about half two the truck turned up with his keys.


Finally got to the van about 4, but the absolute incompetence of the first girl we saw could have left us stranded there.

Oh blimey! Yes you should have been told to go to Pyramid lock up first. 


Everything goes there from the other lockups and they are open till 4pm. It might take a little while to get there as the one van goes to pick up from the other Lockups.


Then it'll go to lost property!


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50 minutes ago, deepkittycaz said:

Oh blimey! Yes you should have been told to go to Pyramid lock up first. 


Everything goes there from the other lockups and they are open till 4pm. It might take a little while to get there as the one van goes to pick up from the other Lockups.


Then it'll go to lost property!


To be fair, we laughed it off in the end, it's Glastonbury there's no point in getting arsy.


Its the fact she just threw the receipts away then denied ever having them that flabbergasted us. dread to think what would have happened if we didn't them back.

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