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Feels like it gets worse every year people yapping and yelling over the music rather than actually shutting up and enjoying it. Tends to happen when people turn up an act early for a good spot in the next one. Which for me I noticed for Noname (before Sugarbabes? And LCD (before Dua).


Anyone else notice this or are bothered by it or am I alone? 

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I was watching Antony Szmierek at the West Holts bar on the Thursday, just outside the tent as it was quite busy.


These two guys pushed their way through the crowd and stood in front of me.  No biggie, it happens.  Then they were just chatting sh*t to each other through the set and not even watching it and I lost my rag and had a go at them.


"Why push your way through the crowd just to talk sh*t and not even watch it?!"



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Yep this really pisses me right off.  Was at the front for the National the other night and two women barged behind me and yapped like crazy.  They were obviously huge fans too because they knew the lyrics better than me.  f**king annoying!!

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10 hours ago, 1986 said:

And LCD (before Dua).



Had some during PJ Harvey and I thought they were there for LCD (we were basically 2nd row). Maybe it was the same people... The sad thing is that they had no clue they were annoying from their reaction when someone asked them to stop. Some with their back to the stage, enjoying their vodka redbull and powders.

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Cocaine a huge problem here unfortunately. People just like talking, mainly about themselves. 


Didnt hear too much of it this year thankfully but during Idles we moved a few feet because some bronsoned up jabroni was shouting over the music about taking on his boss at work. Billy Big Bollocks. What a loser.

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26 minutes ago, The Nal said:

Cocaine a huge problem here unfortunately. People just like talking, mainly about themselves. 


I f**king hate cocaine, for how it makes people behave, for the people it attracts, for the violence in the supply chain (I maintain it is the most harmful substance on earth) and the impact on our communities.  I hate being around people on coke.  This year one particular group of them were on my doorstep and the only low in my festival.


As you say, they talk absolute shite, incessantly and loudly.  My son summed it up nicely by saying that all they talk about is themselves and how much they love coke because they have got absolutely f**k all to talk about.  For some coke is a substitute for having a personality.

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My biggest pet hate, was stuck in front of a group of posers talking about their new cars, best interest rates on their ISAs and how lovely each others clothes looked. This was during Shania. They only shut up when she sang feel like a woman. Took off their designer cowboy hats and then pissed off half way through the song. 

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The 'best ones' we experieced were at London Grammar.

They arrived late and pushed their way in and moaned that some people were just there chatting.........................


and then proceeded to stand and chat in a circle not taking any notice of the band at all.

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14 minutes ago, Ayrshire Chris said:

My biggest pet hate, was stuck in front of a group of posers talking about their new cars, best interest rates on their ISAs and how lovely each others clothes looked. 

At Tame Impala in 2019 there were these 2 dudes shouting a conversation to each other, one of whom had a backpack on that just kept shoving into me and he seemingly didn't know or care.  Every time I moved they'd appear, right in front of me 2 minutes later and the same shoving and loud talking would repeat.  I moved 4 times before it was over.  The conversation they were shouting seemed to be entirely about the property price of the homes of the parents of everyone they knew.  Abigail's parents have several well manicured acres and servants, I bet their home is worth 4 mil.  Barnaby's dad has a flat in Fulham he uses in the week, must be a couple of mil.

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2 minutes ago, Spindles said:

At Tame Impala in 2019 there were these 2 dudes shouting a conversation to each other, one of whom had a backpack on that just kept shoving into me and he seemingly didn't know or care.  Every time I moved they'd appear, right in front of me 2 minutes later and the same shoving and loud talking would repeat.  I moved 4 times before it was over.  The conversation they were shouting seemed to be entirely about the property price of the homes of the parents of everyone they knew.  Abigail's parents have several well manicured acres and servants, I bet their home is worth 4 mil.  Barnaby's dad has a flat in Fulham he uses in the week, must be a couple of mil.


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I hate it. Didn’t think it was that bad at Glasto this year but it’s been pretty terrible at some gigs and Primavera which is literally horrendous for it, so bad that I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone and wouldn’t go back. Went to Foos at Principality last week and the soundsystem/Foos were so loud that it’d block out anyone speaking, loved it and think whatever they did needs to be done everywhere. Want a chat with your mate through a band go to your tent at a festival or stay in the pub. 

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I've started wearing Loops to quite a few gigs now, mainly indoor and / or when I know it's going to be loud ... I took them to the festival this year for the first time and found as an added bonus they completely cut out all the chatter.  It stopped me getting so annoyed at some of the people around me anyway.

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4 minutes ago, sabre-toothed tart said:

I've started wearing Loops to quite a few gigs now, mainly indoor and / or when I know it's going to be loud ... I took them to the festival this year for the first time and found as an added bonus they completely cut out all the chatter.  It stopped me getting so annoyed at some of the people around me anyway.

i need to try these at gigs. normally at glasto im very close to the front where people are there for the music. but at some gigs its awful. went to see tourist at new century in manchester before glasto, holy sh*t ive never heard so many people talking at a gig. 


actually i lie, all points east is f**king bad. very bad.

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31 minutes ago, Skip997 said:

Sadly the festival is full of them

Yeah, I was lucky this year.  Couple of gigs where I had to relocate to avoid them but mostly I was surrounded by people fully engaged with the gig. 


The usual pattern is that you're enjoying the gig, in a space that is appropriate to your comfort in the crowd, a big group will barge in late, change the dynamic of the space while they shout to each other with no regard to anyone else's comfort or enjoyment.  The moment the one song they know comes on they'll film themselves going mad to it like they've enjoyed the gig of a lifetime then leave.

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We were at AC/DC at Wembley Stadium on Weds night.  There was a group next to us middle of the pitch who just got completely bladdered and barked at each other throughout the whole gig.  At one point there was great hilarity (within the group obvs...) when one of them spent 10 minutes trying unsuccessfully to get one of the females onto his shoulders only to all end up on the ground.  We moved away but even at a distance we, and everyone else, could hear them over Angus and Brian tearing the place up.


They'll go home and tell mates it was a great gig....how come I shall never know as they didn't watch a single moment as far as we could tell.

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38 minutes ago, Spindles said:

The usual pattern is that you're enjoying the gig, in a space that is appropriate to your comfort in the crowd, a big group will barge in late, change the dynamic of the space while they shout to each other with no regard to anyone else's comfort or enjoyment.  The moment the one song they know comes on they'll film themselves going mad to it like they've enjoyed the gig of a lifetime then leave.

This is spot on. I wouldn’t even mind the last minute people taking space up if they were absolutely loving life and the gig because then that creates an atmosphere but that rarely happens and what you’ve said just occurs. I can’t believe how much money people are willing to spend to not watch a band these days, genuinely baffling to me. 

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Mrs Fay was chatting away in front of me when I was having a "moment" at the Jalen Ngonda set. For the sake of reaching our 21st wedding anniversary on the 19th of this month I said nothing 🤣


I agree it's getting worse at gigs. I put it down to people not actually really wanting to be there but are there so they can post look where I am on their socials. Cant deny the use of cocaine as well. 


Used to be able to just rock up at The Open Golf a few years back on the day and pay on the gate. Now you have to enter a ballot. Your not telling my golf has become more popular but the chance of telling people I am at the golf has !!! 

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47 minutes ago, foolee said:

 I wouldn’t even mind the last minute people taking space up if they were absolutely loving life and the gig because then that creates an atmosphere

Indeed.  At the national a young man arrived next to me about 1/3 of the way in, where the crowd were extremely involved and having fun, loved every minute and couldn't stop himself from grabbing me to share his enjoyment at the end of the gig, how great sunday had been and how great the crowds he'd been part of had been, it was a lovely moment and just the best way to close off the last gig of the year for me.  It was a pleasure to have shared a gig next to this random stranger, clearly he, I and everyone around us had the time of our lives and he only added to that positivity. 

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Bunch of students did not shut the f**k up during Avril. The only time they stopped was to shove more shite up their nose or when songs like complicated or skater boi were played. 

I agree with the above, Coke is a huge problem and it sort of made me anxious approaching every stage as I had to really consider where and who to stand by. If someone looked like a coked up talker or a big group of yappers then it’s an absolute no go.


Ended up sitting on the hill for Dua and still got approached by some lone fella clearly off his tits and in the end had to tell him to f**k off out right to which he responded ‘I was only being friendly’ - folks, he wasn’t. Just another selfish coked up moron ruining the experience for everyone else 

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