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2026 Fallow Year

Ayrshire Chris

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8 minutes ago, NotAnInsider said:

There's chatter that the 2026 fallow year is to make some changes. They want to use the 2025 sale to work out if the shift in towards more younger groups with greater focus on late night stuff is genuine, or if its a product of the ticket exploits from the last few years and/or a quirk of the ticketing system itself.


Once they establish that they have 2026 to make changes to the site layout or ticketing system as needed. Seems painfully logical at least; if some people within the festival are suggesting gutting 'historic' (for want of a better term) areas of the site others might question the need to do it.


Where did you hear that?

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10 minutes ago, NotAnInsider said:

There's chatter that the 2026 fallow year is to make some changes. They want to use the 2025 sale to work out if the shift in towards more younger groups with greater focus on late night stuff is genuine, or if its a product of the ticket exploits from the last few years and/or a quirk of the ticketing system itself.


Once they establish that they have 2026 to make changes to the site layout or ticketing system as needed. Seems painfully logical at least; if some people within the festival are suggesting gutting 'historic' (for want of a better term) areas of the site others might question the need to do it.

Will have to make sure I get tickets next year and frequent all my favourite areas of the site a lot so they don't fall victim to the hatchet job

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1 hour ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

Still interested in the rationale is to why this is still required.  Is it on the terms of the licenses?


It's a gentlemans agreement with the village.


So while not legally mandated, it'd cause them plenty problems if they didn't hold one occasionally.

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50 minutes ago, Avalon_Fields said:

No but it was always 4 years and a fallow year on the 5th one. 2011 should have been fallow but due to the Olympics they had fallow in 2012. It all went a bit out of sync then - 2017 should have been fallow but they went for 2018. Then there was COVID interuptus. So looks like they have gone back to 4 in a row then fallow. Maybe it also shows the local landowners not to take it for granted in making money from the festival. Also they may be thinking Michael is getting more frail…. 

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23 minutes ago, incident said:


It's a gentlemans agreement with the village.


So while not legally mandated, it'd cause them plenty problems if they didn't hold one occasionally.


Historically I can see the basis for that.  But these days aren't a sizable number of local landowners going to be out of pocket if they can't run glamping for a year?

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1 minute ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

Historically I can see the basis for that.  But these days aren't a sizable number of local landowners going to be out of pocket if they can't run glamping for a year?


Probably, yes. But that's still ~25 people in a village with a population of about 1,000. Would imagine that the villagers being considered here are the ones you drive past on the A361 who have a security guard and a portaloo stuck in their driveway for a week and their property boarded off.

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53 minutes ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

There's theatre in the Astrolabe, no?  Plus all the walkabouts and interactive performers all fall under that umbrella.

Not really, it's mostly dance, comedy and circus. It's rigged as a theatre, but I can't remember there ever actually being a play on in there.

I take your point about the street theatre in the field, but mine is just asking why shouldn't there be a couple of really great, low-production plays bought in from off-west-end venues at Glastonbury? Wouldn't that be really awesome? 


And then make a point about it. This really cool play is something you can see at Glasto on these days at these times. Something people might add to their clashfinder. Rather than T&C just being a side-show. 

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51 minutes ago, Supernintendo Chalmers said:


That's probably true. I just think that with how successful this recent event was (even with a perceived weaker lineup), with the added jeopardy of the impending fallow year, we're in for an even tougher sale. 


There'll be some of us reading this who were in attendance this year that may not be back on the farm for three years. Yikes. 

Yeah I was being a bit tongue in cheek there. I haven't got past the holding page for years on ticket day and the whole thing fills me with dread every year. Fortunately I have been lucky with tickets from our group but I did miss out this year and the thought of not being there for 4 years in a row isn't a nice one.


Ticket day could go either way this year, either really busy because of the following fallow or a little less busy due to the uninspiring line up of this year.🤷‍♂️


One thing we all do know is that it's not going to be easy.

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5 minutes ago, DeanoL said:

Not really, it's mostly dance, comedy and circus. It's rigged as a theatre, but I can't remember there ever actually being a play on in there.

I take your point about the street theatre in the field, but mine is just asking why shouldn't there be a couple of really great, low-production plays bought in from off-west-end venues at Glastonbury? Wouldn't that be really awesome? 


And then make a point about it. This really cool play is something you can see at Glasto on these days at these times. Something people might add to their clashfinder. Rather than T&C just being a side-show. 


It's probably been a while since there was some drama on there, true, but aren't (and admittedly I've not seen either of them) the Jonathan Pie show and (particularly) An Evening Without Kate Bush both more theatrical pieces, rather than say a stand up coming on to do their club 20 minutes.

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21 minutes ago, DeanoL said:

I take your point about the street theatre in the field, but mine is just asking why shouldn't there be a couple of really great, low-production plays bought in from off-west-end venues at Glastonbury? Wouldn't that be really awesome? 



that would be awesome,


they could do that now with out much change (except needing loads more tickets), the astrolabe (and sometimes the circus) tent closes early evening and then reopens later

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1 hour ago, gooner1990 said:


Where did you hear that?

A complete stranger in a crew bar who I shared a table with. Talking about how busy it was and he offered that up as the reason for the early fallow year with much confidence. Said there were too many cokeheads getting tickets the last few years and clogging areas up.


But he also said he reckons its because ticketing was f**ked which will be fixed for next year, the balance restored and nothing will end up needing to change. 


Stuff about old areas being bulldozed is just fear on my part form that article the other day calling car henge twee.

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4 minutes ago, NotAnInsider said:

A complete stranger in a crew bar who I shared a table with. Talking about how busy it was and he offered that up as the reason for the early fallow year with much confidence. Said there were too many cokeheads getting tickets the last few years and clogging areas up.


But he also said he reckons its because ticketing was f**ked which will be fixed for next year, the balance restored and nothing will end up needing to change. 


Stuff about old areas being bulldozed is just fear on my part form that article the other day calling car henge twee.

Well if that leads to all of us who always used to get tickets being able to get them again no complaints from me!!

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35 minutes ago, CaledonianGonzo said:


It's probably been a while since there was some drama on there, true, but aren't (and admittedly I've not seen either of them) the Jonathan Pie show and (particularly) An Evening Without Kate Bush both more theatrical pieces, rather than say a stand up coming on to do their club 20 minutes.

They are - they're full length touring shows. Though I'd also say those shows would be better in the Cabaret tent, which itself would benefit from a bit more "event" programming rather than people doing 20 minutes. They're getting a bit better at that though.


But I can say with some authority that the Glasto comedy line-up does not reflect what's new and exciting in the UK comedy scene right now. And there's no representation from some of the amazing UK theatre out there. And I really think there should be.


I can't speak for the Circus and street performers as I don't see enough of that outside the festival to say where that stands. But Glastonbury has fallen well behind Latitude in terms of representing UK "performing arts" as a whole. And I'm not for a minute saying Latitude does that well either. It does "okay" and it's a mile ahead of Glasto.

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1 hour ago, CaledonianGonzo said:


It's probably been a while since there was some drama on there, true, but aren't (and admittedly I've not seen either of them) the Jonathan Pie show and (particularly) An Evening Without Kate Bush both more theatrical pieces, rather than say a stand up coming on to do their club 20 minutes.

I did see some Shakespeare by the pond in the Woods a couple of years ago 


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5 minutes ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

Agreed - the comedy line up needs a refresh.  Robin Ince and Mary Bourke ain't it.


Though I do like Spencer Jones.

I think the comedy line up has been getting better although admittedly other than Jonathan Pie and Mawaan Rizwah I didn't see any of it this year but Masie Adams, Kerry Godliman, Nish Kumar etc are all decent big names.

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8 minutes ago, gigpusher said:

I think the comedy line up has been getting better although admittedly other than Jonathan Pie and Mawaan Rizwah I didn't see any of it this year but Masie Adams, Kerry Godliman, Nish Kumar etc are all decent big names.

There's a difference between big names and an exciting line-up reflective of the UK comedy scene though. Much the same as with music. 

There's also an issue with form - many of those acts are touring at have full shows that are an hour (or more).  Seeing 20 minutes of that show often isn't great in isolation. And seeing 40 minutes of it is just a bit weird. I almost then *don't* want to go watch because I'd rather see them do an hour in a theatre, but I'd not going to go see that just to get the 20 minutes we didn't get at Glasto.

When the T&C field started the primary way people watched stand-up was acts doing 20-minute headline sets at comedy clubs. And the Cabaret tent reflected that. Now the primary way people watch stand-up is one-hour shows in theatres. But the festival hasn't changed.

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While I also see a lot of live comedy and agree that the hour long show is pretty much the standard these says, would a programme of hour long shows really work in a tent which people dip in and out of all day?


Plus, it's not like those acts don't also have a bulletproof ten up their sleeves anyway for when they're doing circuit gigs.



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2 minutes ago, DeanoL said:

There's a difference between big names and an exciting line-up reflective of the UK comedy scene though. Much the same as with music. 

There's also an issue with form - many of those acts are touring at have full shows that are an hour (or more).  Seeing 20 minutes of that show often isn't great in isolation. And seeing 40 minutes of it is just a bit weird. I almost then *don't* want to go watch because I'd rather see them do an hour in a theatre, but I'd not going to go see that just to get the 20 minutes we didn't get at Glasto.

When the T&C field started the primary way people watched stand-up was acts doing 20-minute headline sets at comedy clubs. And the Cabaret tent reflected that. Now the primary way people watch stand-up is one-hour shows in theatres. But the festival hasn't changed.


Half the time they don't even 20 minutes of their current show, it's more like a greatest hits. Which, if you're a comedy fan, you've probably seen before. A few times. Probably at Glastonbury.

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2 minutes ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

While I also see a lot of live comedy and agree that the hour long show is pretty much the standard these says, would a programme of hour long shows really work in a tent which people dip in and out of all day?


Plus, it's not like those acts don't also have a bulletproof ten up their sleeves anyway for when they're doing circuit gigs.




Maybe there'd be less of people dipping in and out of they knew they were getting full tour shows?

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2 minutes ago, DeanoL said:

There's a difference between big names and an exciting line-up reflective of the UK comedy scene though. Much the same as with music. 

There's also an issue with form - many of those acts are touring at have full shows that are an hour (or more).  Seeing 20 minutes of that show often isn't great in isolation. And seeing 40 minutes of it is just a bit weird. I almost then *don't* want to go watch because I'd rather see them do an hour in a theatre, but I'd not going to go see that just to get the 20 minutes we didn't get at Glasto.

When the T&C field started the primary way people watched stand-up was acts doing 20-minute headline sets at comedy clubs. And the Cabaret tent reflected that. Now the primary way people watch stand-up is one-hour shows in theatres. But the festival hasn't changed.

Yes to be fair I do often wonder if the comedians would be better received if it was more of their full show although perhaps festivals aren't a perfect place for long form shows. I thoroughly enjoyed the 2 acts I did see though and Jonathan Pie definitely was longer. I know because I was sat in a very tiny space and my aging body felt it.


There definitely could be some freshening up in that area but I'm not sure it needs any massive wholesale changes just a couple of tweaks and better marketing of some acts. Amazes me how many people never go near the area until they are queuing for SEC.

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Just now, CaledonianGonzo said:

While I also see a lot of live comedy and agree that the hour long show is pretty much the standard these says, would a programme of hour long shows really work in a tent which people dip in and out of all day?


Plus, it's not like those acts don't also have a bulletproof ten up their sleeves anyway for when they're doing circuit gigs.

The circuit has changed a lot and plenty of these acts are not doing circuit gigs at all any more. Or if they are they're doing it as a surprise act trying new material. 


Your first point is sort of what I'm trying to get at in revitalising that area - does it need to be a tent people dip in and out of all day? I get why that is is nice to have, but that's the cart before the horse right? They should present the best and most exciting programme they can and the format should follow that. Which yes, would mean people treated that tent more like a music tent, they'd actually plan to go and see things there, mark it in the clashfinder, and choose to go watch it. Rather than ending up there when nothing else is on they want to see.


I think that'd be a major positive. I certainly get why some wouldn't like it. But if your perspective on T&C is that it always needs to function as a sideshow, it'll never be more than a sideshow. 

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