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Sneaking in - Full Video


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Security only needs to be as important as the thing it is trying to protect. I do think people forget Glastonbury is a music festival and not an RAF base!


I've never snuck it and it may not be a popular opinion but the cat and mouse game of sneaking in adds a bit of fun anarchy to the place. And its been the case since 1971. Pretty sure Michael mentioned enjoying the game of it all. These guys are bell ends though. Sneak it if you want but not for your own financial gain. Soon they'll be releasing " we buy drugs at music festivals" and film the dealers. 

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Haven't watched and not going to based on what others have said about them. Can't stand this current breed of influencers/content creators, whatever they're classed as.  Rude and obnoxious pricks mostly, thinking they're the bees knees because the brain dead feed their egos with likes and views. 


Anyways, as others have said, these people are just putting the festival at risk. I daresay Glastonbury have it written into their logistics a certain number freeloaders sneaking in and that's taken into account with capacity plans. However, the more these type of people film it, upload it and get engagement in doing so, the more will try it and that's where the problem really begins when it gets out of control and the safety of others becomes a risk. 


It's the entitlement that gets me. I want to be there so I will be there regardless of how it impacts others.



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The positive, I suppose, is that they did such a terrible job of trying to get in that it took them 2 days and apparently they paid to get in at the end of day 4 out of 5.  If anything this probably acts as a deterrent, showing what a ballache it is to get in these days.

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1 minute ago, Spindles said:

The positive, I suppose, is that they did such a terrible job of trying to get in that it took them 2 days and apparently they paid to get in at the end of day 4 out of 5.  If anything this probably acts as a deterrent, showing what a ballache it is to get in these days.


Also a fair point!

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3 hours ago, Gnomicide said:

I know from reading another site that at least one method of getting in fell apart and loads were given refunds by the people who'd sorted it.


Something to do with fake tickets and going to a specific ticket checker. He got sussed and the whole thing fell apart. 


I'm not sure how they thought this would work tbh, can't quite remember but isn't the ticket checked twice? Once very closely (UV etc.), then a 2nd time by the wristband person?


Funnily enough i got talking to a guy in the SE corner who was one of the first 50 to get through on this method before it got exposed. So i have some info on this!


The guy was charging £500 per spin in with guaranteed entry or your money back. He sold 300 places! 


He provided you with a fake ticket that looked passable (but nowhere near perfect) and he had two paid off ticket checkers / security. You had to go to Gate A, and only to ticket checker 1 with the yellow bucket hat. They would take your ticket but would not give you a wristband (for obvious reasons) You'd then proceed to the final check and you'd have to go to security guy with the red hat. He'd obviously be paid off and would let you through without a wristband.


Where it all fell apart (Turns out the guy i was talking to was best mates with the guys dad who was running the whole operation) is that two guys got through the first check but decided they wanted wristbands for peace of mind. So they walked off towards the second bent security / ticket checker, but turned round and went back to a different original checker (a straight one) and said something along the lines of "oh, we didn't get our wristbands, but gave our tickets in to that person over there, he can confirm". 


I suspect they were imagining the dodgy checker would vouch for them and they'd then get a legit band from a legit ticket checker. What happened though, is that the legit checker went to go and get their tickets to just double check. Pulled them out of the dodgy checkers ticket pile and immediately noticed something was wrong.


It all kicked off and they were immediately swarmed with security. It was very quickly worked out and both dodgy / corrupt staff were arrested. Pictures of the dodgy tickets were circulated to all workers and everyone then became extra vigilant.


Guy i was speaking to said the "fixer" was £120k in a hole for refunds when the scam got exposed. He'd made £25k on the 50 people who got in but the whole thing cost him £30k to set up in paying people off etc. So he still made £20k!

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14 minutes ago, nicksinc said:


Funnily enough i got talking to a guy in the SE corner who was one of the first 50 to get through on this method before it got exposed. So i have some info on this!


The guy was charging £500 per spin in with guaranteed entry or your money back. He sold 300 places! 


He provided you with a fake ticket that looked passable (but nowhere near perfect) and he had two paid off ticket checkers / security. You had to go to Gate A, and only to ticket checker 1 with the yellow bucket hat. They would take your ticket but would not give you a wristband (for obvious reasons) You'd then proceed to the final check and you'd have to go to security guy with the red hat. He'd obviously be paid off and would let you through without a wristband.


Where it all fell apart (Turns out the guy i was talking to was best mates with the guys dad who was running the whole operation) is that two guys got through the first check but decided they wanted wristbands for peace of mind. So they walked off towards the second bent security / ticket checker, but turned round and went back to a different original checker (a straight one) and said something along the lines of "oh, we didn't get our wristbands, but gave our tickets in to that person over there, he can confirm". 


I suspect they were imagining the dodgy checker would vouch for them and they'd then get a legit band from a legit ticket checker. What happened though, is that the legit checker went to go and get their tickets to just double check. Pulled them out of the dodgy checkers ticket pile and immediately noticed something was wrong.


It all kicked off and they were immediately swarmed with security. It was very quickly worked out and both dodgy / corrupt staff were arrested. Pictures of the dodgy tickets were circulated to all workers and everyone then became extra vigilant.


Guy i was speaking to said the "fixer" was £120k in a hole for refunds when the scam got exposed. He'd made £25k on the 50 people who got in but the whole thing cost him £30k to set up in paying people off etc. So he still made £20k!

Pretty big infiltration that, at almost organised crime levels. To get 2 people on 1 gate working at the same time as well is some going. Assuming this is true I suspect they were arrested for fraud?


On a positive note nice to show how hard it is to actually get in if you're going down the perimeter / twix route.

Edited by Greased-Up Deaf Guy
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21 minutes ago, Spindles said:

The positive, I suppose, is that they did such a terrible job of trying to get in that it took them 2 days and apparently they paid to get in at the end of day 4 out of 5.  If anything this probably acts as a deterrent, showing what a ballache it is to get in these days.

Agreed, it looks like a major effort which I assume most wouldn't be arsed with risking. It also highlights the weak spots for spin-ins/false entry which is probably a somewhat useful exercise. Not that this video shows anything new or anything which security aren't already very aware of happening, but you would think that if anyone high up in the festival security team sees the video then it will inspire them to relook at and change the lost ticket replacement process - at a minimum. 

Edited by sildante
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27 minutes ago, nicksinc said:


Funnily enough i got talking to a guy in the SE corner who was one of the first 50 to get through on this method before it got exposed. So i have some info on this!


The guy was charging £500 per spin in with guaranteed entry or your money back. He sold 300 places! 


He provided you with a fake ticket that looked passable (but nowhere near perfect) and he had two paid off ticket checkers / security. You had to go to Gate A, and only to ticket checker 1 with the yellow bucket hat. They would take your ticket but would not give you a wristband (for obvious reasons) You'd then proceed to the final check and you'd have to go to security guy with the red hat. He'd obviously be paid off and would let you through without a wristband.


Where it all fell apart (Turns out the guy i was talking to was best mates with the guys dad who was running the whole operation) is that two guys got through the first check but decided they wanted wristbands for peace of mind. So they walked off towards the second bent security / ticket checker, but turned round and went back to a different original checker (a straight one) and said something along the lines of "oh, we didn't get our wristbands, but gave our tickets in to that person over there, he can confirm". 


I suspect they were imagining the dodgy checker would vouch for them and they'd then get a legit band from a legit ticket checker. What happened though, is that the legit checker went to go and get their tickets to just double check. Pulled them out of the dodgy checkers ticket pile and immediately noticed something was wrong.


It all kicked off and they were immediately swarmed with security. It was very quickly worked out and both dodgy / corrupt staff were arrested. Pictures of the dodgy tickets were circulated to all workers and everyone then became extra vigilant.


Guy i was speaking to said the "fixer" was £120k in a hole for refunds when the scam got exposed. He'd made £25k on the 50 people who got in but the whole thing cost him £30k to set up in paying people off etc. So he still made £20k!


I appreciate that some guy in the SE Corner might not fully remember all the details but for a few reasons that doesn't ring true.

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51 minutes ago, Tartan_Glasto said:

It's the entitlement that gets me. I want to be there so I will be there regardless of how it impacts others.

That’s it, they didn’t give a sh*t on ticket day or the resale because they knew that whatever happens they had arranged to blag their way in. Those that help them whether on site workers, traders, security etc should never be allowed back. In this instance I would applaud anyone who grasses on them.

Edited by Ayrshire Chris
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6 minutes ago, Ayrshire Chris said:

That’s it, they didn’t give a sh*t on ticket day or the resale because they knew that whatever happens they had arranged to blag their way in. Those that help them whether on site workers, traders, security etc should never be allowed back. In this instance I would applaud anyone who grasses on them.

Isn’t having a contact that you can buy a hospitality ticket from pretty similar? (Insert emoticon to show I’m taking the mick not being serious, I never know which to use. )

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I’m not going to watch the video as these guys sound like proper cocks. I hate the whole pulling stunts just for clicks and views mentality.


I’m quite glad it’s so difficult to get in without a ticket and I’m sure GFL do all they can to clamp down on these operations.

I love the festival and I’ve been going when i can for a long time but this year i was the only one of our fairly large group not to get a ticket. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t consider (for a very short time) trying to get in by other means but in the end I decided it just wasn’t worth it. It’s a decision I’m glad I made no matter how hard it was not being there.

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1 hour ago, nicksinc said:


Funnily enough i got talking to a guy in the SE corner who was one of the first 50 to get through on this method before it got exposed. So i have some info on this!


The guy was charging £500 per spin in with guaranteed entry or your money back. He sold 300 places! 


He provided you with a fake ticket that looked passable (but nowhere near perfect) and he had two paid off ticket checkers / security. You had to go to Gate A, and only to ticket checker 1 with the yellow bucket hat. They would take your ticket but would not give you a wristband (for obvious reasons) You'd then proceed to the final check and you'd have to go to security guy with the red hat. He'd obviously be paid off and would let you through without a wristband.


Where it all fell apart (Turns out the guy i was talking to was best mates with the guys dad who was running the whole operation) is that two guys got through the first check but decided they wanted wristbands for peace of mind. So they walked off towards the second bent security / ticket checker, but turned round and went back to a different original checker (a straight one) and said something along the lines of "oh, we didn't get our wristbands, but gave our tickets in to that person over there, he can confirm". 


I suspect they were imagining the dodgy checker would vouch for them and they'd then get a legit band from a legit ticket checker. What happened though, is that the legit checker went to go and get their tickets to just double check. Pulled them out of the dodgy checkers ticket pile and immediately noticed something was wrong.


It all kicked off and they were immediately swarmed with security. It was very quickly worked out and both dodgy / corrupt staff were arrested. Pictures of the dodgy tickets were circulated to all workers and everyone then became extra vigilant.


Guy i was speaking to said the "fixer" was £120k in a hole for refunds when the scam got exposed. He'd made £25k on the 50 people who got in but the whole thing cost him £30k to set up in paying people off etc. So he still made £20k!


That fits in with what I'd read, though I didn't know about the second bloke.


People drove down (4 hours), queued up (3 hours) and when they got there, the guy in the hat was gone. They phoned the contact who just told them where to go to get a refund.

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6 hours ago, Supernintendo Chalmers said:



I wouldn't like to hazard a guess on the number, but it's definitely four figures. 


Four figures? Rather more than that I suspect.


I guess that if I chose to I could get a few people in and may have done in the distant past. I wouldn't do it now for various reasons, not least that if I were to be discovered I've too much to lose.


I've recently heard talk, unconfirmed at the moment, that the Underground Irish Piano Bar is under new management and a tunnel was discovered there that went under the fence. It's said that it had clearly been dug a few years ago. As I said, unconfirmed, but as the guys running it were kind of used to digging in the ground and were a law unto themselves it does kind of make sense. I don't condone breaking in now, but somehow hope that it's true.

Edited by Sawdusty surfer
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at a guess they've been given two wrist bands (double banded) which allows you in without a ticket


This is easiest way in tbh - it could be stopped but would need some work ifrom seetickets / GFL in getting (a non changable) picture on a temp ticket - instead of just giving people two wrist bands... or maybe a scanable QR code could be used?


either way I've always thought the double wrist band is a major weak link


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Met loads of folk who have jibbed in over the years. It doesn't really bother me tbh and in a weird way.....I actually admire their resilience and determination to get in and not allow ticket 'failure' day to stop them from enjoying the best week of the year.


I haven't ever done it and I don't think I ever would as I have enough Glasto memories to last a lifetime as it is. But I'm not everybody. There are also far worse things to worry about than a few lads sneaking into a festival. 


I actually get more annoyed at the offspring of any UK artist who has had a top 10 single in the last 4 decades getting in every year. They aren't in syndicates with 5 mates either like vast majority of us are they? 



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16 minutes ago, Sawdusty surfer said:


Four figures? Rather more than that I suspect.


I guess that if I chose to I could get a few people in and may have done in the distant past. I wouldn't do it now for various reasons, not least that if I were to be discovered I've too much to lose.


I've recently heard talk, unconfirmed at the moment, that the Underground Irish Piano Bar is under new management and a tunnel was discovered there that went under the fence. It's said that it had clearly been dug a few years ago. As I said, unconfirmed, but as the guys running it were kind of used to digging in the ground and were a law unto themselves it does kind of make sense. I don't condone breaking in now, but somehow hope that it's true.

You would have a better idea than most I expect but more than 4 figures? That is a hell lot of people without tickets.😲

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17 minutes ago, Sawdusty surfer said:


Four figures? Rather more than that I suspect.


I guess that if I chose to I could get a few people in and may have done in the distant past. I wouldn't do it now for various reasons, not least that if I were to be discovered I've too much to lose.


I've recently heard talk, unconfirmed at the moment, that the Underground Irish Piano Bar is under new management and a tunnel was discovered there that went under the fence. It's said that it had clearly been dug a few years ago. As I said, unconfirmed, but as the guys running it were kind of used to digging in the ground and were a law unto themselves it does kind of make sense. I don't condone breaking in now, but somehow hope that it's true.


So you're thinking over 10,000? 

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