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Moderators needed


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Some of you may have noticed that sometimes we can't always respond to moderation reports quickly, so we are asking for new volunteers to help us manage the forums quickly and effectively.


We're hoping to recruit one or two new moderators within the next 2 weeks, but we will always be open to enquiries.


For now, please direct applications in a direct message to me, but I'll be discussing everyone with the other members of the moderation team and obviously Iggy as well.


Also as a heads up, I will be away at a festival this weekend (yay!) so please be aware that I won't be replying until Monday (other mods are still around, I'm just volunteering to be the initial point of contact).


I also want to make explicitly clear, that if you apply and aren't considered the right fit, that doesn't mean we don't value your contributions to the forum! Everyone's presence and posts are appreciated, but we're wanting to check and ensure there's as much consistency as possible between decisions by the moderation team.


Also, as a quick note, eFestivals is also wanting contributors of all kinds for across the site. Feel free to DM me or e-mail Iggy (AT) efestivals.co.uk if you're keen to contribute. We'll be setting up a more standing page with some role ideas soon, but all involvement is desired and encouraged!


Thanks for reading!


(this will stay up in the Glasto chat for 2 weeks for visibility, as a duplicate of the website wishlist post which will remain up afterwards)

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