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Attending gigs solo


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f**king hell dodged a bullet there. sold my tickets a few months ago as im heading off travelling but had tickets to see TDLP in leeds solo. im brown too so id prob be taken to an even darker room and searched more thoroughly. 

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14 minutes ago, TiZuff said:

f**king hell dodged a bullet there. sold my tickets a few months ago as im heading off travelling but had tickets to see TDLP in leeds solo. im brown too so id prob be taken to an even darker room and searched more thoroughly. 


Only let out if you can sing the first verse of Sinner on one breath.

Edited by Superscally
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Seen them quiet a lot although in small venues before they got big. Seemed to me they had a good mix of fans. They had a small hard core elite fans in vintage cloths and feathered hats, they come across as a Little snooty. The rest just seemed like good decent people better then you get at most gigs. Can say I don’t think I ever saw any wronguns of any sort.


I wonder if there popularity has now attracted a much younger fan base then they used to have and also some not so nice types.


I seen them a few times before they released anything. I would struggle to name their songs or members names. I like music and have zero interest in peoples names, views, fav colours etc. I think I would fail any test. I doubt singing the chorus to Nothing Matters would go down to well with security to prove I’m a fan. So I do remember one song title at least.


From the gigs I have been to they seem an inclusive bunch and would be surprised if it’s something they pushed to happen.

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2 hours ago, MEGATRONICMEATWAGON said:

The naming songs/albums thing is so f**king snobbish. It's one of the worst parts of music fandom circles. It's happened to me a couple of times. I once had my Wu-Tang t-shirt on and a waiter at a bar saw it and started going off about how great they were and what my favourite songs were. I'm a huge fan, but my brain just doesn't remember names very well. It's the same with my hometown and streets/roads, I just don't seem to know where anyone is talking about, lol.


This would be me. I go to a lot of gigs solo. And if you put me on the spot and ask me to name a song my brain will go blank. Like when I come home from Glasto and everyone at work asks who did I see, I couldn't name a single band.


I don't think anybody here is against making gigs a safe space for all, but people in this thread having a go at the guy for complaining about it on Twitter is a bit misguided. If it happened to you and you were funnelled off to the side and forced to answer questions you'd prob all have something to say. By the sounds of things I don't think they carried it out very well with any explanation as to what was going on.

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2 hours ago, monday said:


This would be me. I go to a lot of gigs solo. And if you put me on the spot and ask me to name a song my brain will go blank. Like when I come home from Glasto and everyone at work asks who did I see, I couldn't name a single band.


I don't think anybody here is against making gigs a safe space for all, but people in this thread having a go at the guy for complaining about it on Twitter is a bit misguided. If it happened to you and you were funnelled off to the side and forced to answer questions you'd prob all have something to say. By the sounds of things I don't think they carried it out very well with any explanation as to what was going on.


Catch me on a bad day and I'd struggle with the names of my immediate family

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5 hours ago, MEGATRONICMEATWAGON said:

The naming songs/albums thing is so f**king snobbish. It's one of the worst parts of music fandom circles. It's happened to me a couple of times. I once had my Wu-Tang t-shirt on and a waiter at a bar saw it and started going off about how great they were and what my favourite songs were. I'm a huge fan, but my brain just doesn't remember names very well. It's the same with my hometown and streets/roads, I just don't seem to know where anyone is talking about, lol. 


Anyway, the waiter saw that I was wavering to name anything other than the most well-known one, and sarcastically said something like, "Come on man, you've got a Wu-Tang tee on, you've got to know their music!", calling me out in front of my friends. Proper lame behaviour. Needless to say, he did not get a tip from us.


Encyclopedic knowledge of an artist, their collaborations, the producers, where they recorded it, when it was released, who the artist is singing about, what clothes they were wearing during their acceptance speech for any award is not a pre-requisite to being able to like an artist. Absolutely detest it.


I'm exactly the same.  Even with albums I've listened to for hours on loop, I'll struggle to recall track names of songs I like once some time has passed.  Play me the first couple of notes of the song though and it will wake my ageing memory and I'll remember all the words! 


Also, the waiter sounds like a c**t.  Why do waiters insist on saying sh*t that will massively reduce the amount of their tip or chance of getting a tip at all?!



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