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Kids in recent years


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Now the ticket sale date has been announced me and my partner have been debating whether or not we bite the bullet and take my stepson (he'll be almost 9 by the time Glasto rolls around).


I've attended Glastonbury on and off since I was a teenager and when I was younger I always said if I have kids one day I'd 100% take them but now I'm a bit on the fence. I last attended in 2023 after not having attended since 2017. I'm not sure if it's just me turning into an old fart but I noticed there felt a shift in demographics which makes me hesitant. It just felt a lot more claustraphoic, drug fuelled, and the crows felt more hostile but then I can't say I spent any time in the areas aimed at families. 


We've been feeling the Glastonbury itch after a year off and debating whether to try for tickets. We know my stepson wants to go so we'd feel guilty leaving him at home but I'm just conscious of people's experiences bringing kids in recent years after reading some negative experiences on reddit - kids struggling with crowds, queues, parents receiving nasty judgemental comments from fellow punters etc. 


I understand bringing a kid would vastly change the experience - I expect we'd spend a lot of time in the kidz field and a lot less time at stages! This doesn't bother me, if anything I'd be quite excited to experience Glastonbury from a different perspective! 


Does anyone have experience of bringing kids in recent years since they've upped the capacity? 

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We go with a family who take two kids with them one primary school age and one just started secondary school.


It is a blast with them and the kids really make it.  You obviously have to cut your cloth accordingly but don’t let it put you off.  Embrace it.


They spend loads of time at the stages.

Edited by Derby_Dave
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Took a 11 year old and 8 year old in 2022, and would certainly do so again. (Didn't get tickets in the 2 years since). We will be trying for tickets for them this year.


We loved it - obviously, had to take sacrifices from our old/usual festival experience, but well, that's parenting isn't it.


The 11 year old LOVED it, but she's into her music, knew lots of the acts, and is quite grown up for her age (very tall), so was fine in crowds etc. My 8 year old enjoyed it, but not the music as such. He enjoyed the cinema, sitting in hammocks, and a mega game of tag on the big pirate ship in the Greenpeace kids area. But that's him!


We were quite ready for a different Glastonbury experience, so as much as we missed some acts we'd have liked to see, most of them we'd seen before, and seen before at Glastonbury, so didn't feel like a big deal.


The only hairy moments was we took them to the SE corner, in the day, to show them it... Pigs x7 were playing, unbeknown to us, and it was very, very rammed. Generally, we had planned to walk the long way around, get there early etc etc for big crowds, and consider ourselves experienced in this, know this site etc but this crowd caught us off guard. Stuck the youngest on my shoulders, but it was a bit scary. 


It was great seeing stuff we wouldn't have seen, and taking my daughter down the front for Wolf Alice, and her taking us to Olivia Rodrigo were my two highlights, and certainly things that I'll always look back on fondly out of all my Glastos.


That said, we spent an absolute fortune on food and never ending 'keep them going' drinks and snacks.


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My kids come ever year, they're almost adults now.


I think it's the same as ever. Do different things, avoid large crowds, be prepared to change plans at short notice.


I've seen parents act like twits in recent years but that's down to the parents, not the festival, common sense seems to have gone out the window for some...


It might be worth bearing in mind that we're probably due a wet one (sorry), which does make it harder, particularly with pre-teenage kids. They're too big for buggies and carts but too small to be self sufficient. Something to bear in mind.


Some of my fondest memories are young couples telling us what great parents we were for bringing our kids to the party, and how they wanted to do the same in the future, so fully get where you're coming from.

I'd say if you're happy to be flexible then go for it.

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Mine went this year, now 12 and 10, their 4th time and the first since 2017. I last went in 2019 and was also apprehensive after stories about the crowding issues. We had absolutely no issues and the kids enjoyed it. Not so much the stuff aimed at the kids this time, I think they are in the intermediate stage of what Glastonbury has to offer for them.


The kids still talk about it and want to go back, so i wouldn't have any issues on still recommending it to families.

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6 minutes ago, Crazyfool01 said:

cant be worse than the seagulls that have blighted the place for years ... @Ayrshire Chris


A bloody hot day in 2023 I had no top on and we were sitting on a bench in T&C eating, when the notorious seagulls went for me... not my food but my nipple... mates found it hilarious, me not so much 🙂 



Edited by stuie
off topic, if I had kids I'd take them and wish my folks took us when we were kids! re the hostility, where were you when this was experienced? i've seen parents in SEC at night with kids and not everyone thinks that's appropriate, apparently!
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