The Charlie/Olivia chat has assumed me. Surely the only metric that Charlie is bigger is that she may be more recognisable to the general public and that’s a big maybe. No way she currently sells more.
Maybe if you showed a photo of each to 100 random people more might know Charlie from the Brat hype. But then if you added a photo of Barry from Eastenders, I bet a hell of a load more would recognise him. So by that metric Barrioke is the bigger star. Also, always rammed at his shows and always booked on to small a stage.
However, if it’s your truth that Charlie is bigger, good for you. Just ignore those silly facts about ticket sales etc.
Anyway, good to see both girls doing well.
With APE’s history of cheap ticket promotions and LIDOs link to them, maybe like me lots of people are holding out for last minute deals.
Glad I held out as potential clash with Pulp if all that is available are Friday tickets. Hoping, I get Pulp tickets for Saturday and cheapish last minute tickets for this.
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