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Guest chappiepunk

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currently reading - are you dave gorman?

last read - googlewhack adventure

prefer googlewhack, but both are hilarious, and have me laughing out loud in public...........i think i want his babies

fave author is probably mike gayle or marian keyes, i like an easy read :(


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Last book read? The Bone Yard by Peter Johnston

Favourite author? Probably Iain (M) Banks

Favourite book? If I can only choose one: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Currently reading? Well, Ive kind of got John Peel's Biography on the go, as well as The Mason and The Lodge (History of Freemasonary) as Im saving Peter Johnson's Bone Yard follow up waiting for my holiday.

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Last book read?  Going postal  - Terry Pratchett

Favourite author? Terry Pratchett

Favourite book?  Jingo, Hitchhikers guide or The Reaper Man

Cant read?  The Daily Mail


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Currently reading: Kingdom of Fear by Hunter S Thompon

Last read: Shogun by James Clavell

Favourite book: either Noble House by James Clavell, Thief of Time by Pratchett or Stalingrad by Anthony Beevor

Favourite author: James Clavell

Can't read: heavy sci-fi

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Its class. Only read the first few chapters. The different areas in Manchester used to meet up for fights in the 60's on the terraces of Maine Road. Bench Hill, Northern Moor Moss Side etc and have a big ruck. So they'd all support the same teams and still fight with each other, mad that. Then comes along a new enemy - The away fan.

Definatley recommended.


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Currently reading: the witches of chiswick - robert rankin (only got to page 2 so far though)

Last read: Nymphomation - jeff noon

Favourite book: Reaper man or Weaveworld

Favourite author: Terry Pratchett

Also love Michael Marshall Smith, Clive Barker, Neil Gaiman, Jasper Fforde

Can't read: 'romance' novels

Can anyone recommend which Robert Rankin books I should read? I read 'Hollow chocolate bunnies of the apocalypse' and it was okay but I can't get into 'TWoC' at all.

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Currently reading: Err, meant to be re-reading about 5 Dickens novels for my dissertation, plus Gides' The Coiners/Counterfeiters for after Easter...not started any yet though

Last read: Angela Carter 'The Passion of New Eve' and short story 'The Bloody Chamber', both for my uni course. New Eve was just....insane. One of the most bizarre books I've ever read. Anyone else read her stuff?

Also read (or started to read but not quite finished) in the last few weeks: Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children (suuuuperb) and some of his essays...Thomas Pynchon's The Crying of Lot 49 (odd)....Forster's A Passage to India (brilliant), some Yeats, some TS Eliot (die die die die die), Jean Rhys' Wide Sargasso Sea (great if you've read Jane Eyre)...a few others that were so good I've already forgotten them.

Favourite book: Oooo, I don't think I could choose one. Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things and Everything is Illuminated are two recent-ish ones that I loved to bits. Loved Vikram Seth's A Suitable Boy too, and those other classics that have already been mentioned - HH Guide, 1984, etc.

Favourite author: Toby Litt, up until his slightly disappointing latest one...Ian Rankin cos he can tell a story better than almost anyone....Ian McEwan for just being brilliant....Dickens because he's going to help me get a degree in English Lit :(

Can't Read: Sci-fi; Non-fiction I find really difficult to get to grips with too; Really bad chicklit; err...thats bout it

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double vision by Pat Barker

onnly 60 pages in, so can't say if it's good or not yet, but regeneration, Ghost Road, Liza's England and Union Street etc were all great, so here's hoping...,

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Currently reading: kazuo ishiguro - A pale view of the hills

Last read: Remond O'hanlon - into the heart of borneo

Favourite books: Daphne Du Maurier Rebecca, Haper Lee to kill a mocking bird, George Orwell kepp the aspidistra flying and Jean Paul Sartre Nausea

Favourite author: Jean Paul Sartre

Can't read: Crap.... i can't stand books which are crap. i will read nearly any genre but it must be well written

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Tricky.... Hmmmm, let me see....

What book are you currently reading?

Ian Rankin: A Question of Blood ( Inspector Rebus series )

Last book read?

Robert Rankin: Knees up Mother Earth ( Not, by far, his best Brentford Trilogy book )

Favourite author? Terry Pratchett or Iain M Banks depending on my mood...

Favourite book? Lord of the Rings. I read it first when I was about 8 and have read it prolly a dozen or so times since and never tire of the journey.

Cant read? Serious or real life stuff or crap sci-fi. Special hatered of Biogs although I shall force myself to read Long Walk to Freedom and The Autobiography of Malcolm X.

Apart from this I've read shelf loads of books too numerous to name here but among my faves are Brave new World ( prophetic or what !?! ) William Gibson sci-fi, Larry Niven andf Raymond E Feist to mention but few....

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Last book read: The Da Vinci code by Dan Brown.

Current book: Angels and Demons by Dan Brown (shhhh, i'm near the end)i read em in the wrong order, didn't know they were related until i was half way through Da Vinci code.

Fave author: James Herbert (probably)

Fave book: Magician by Raymond E Feist. The Rats trilogy by James Herbert. LOTR (although i find it really hard to get into these days but when i was a kid i found it really easy to read, strange), early Stephen King stuff.and of course the Harry Potters.

I'm thinking of getting one of those cash in books that go into the accuracy (or lack of) of the history and religious stuff in the Dan Brown books (loads of em about at the moment). Have any of you lot read one and which one would you recommend?

He's either done a LOT of research or he's the biggest bullshit artist outside of politics.

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I'm re-reading A short walk in the Hindu Kush by Eric Newby, I love this book and giggle my way all through it. I seem to re-read it every 5 or 6 years and still enjoy it. It also makes me really sad that some of the places he visited are now closed or simply don't exist due to the changes in that general area over the last 50 years.

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