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Finally I've talked the better half into going to BD's with me.

Having been a fan of the levellers for over 20 years, and found some fantastic entertainment at Glastonbury in the Avalon fields, Jazz world and green fields, and reading the comments on this forum it looks to be a great festival.

I've been trying to find out a bit more info and am hoping someone can help me.

When do tickets go on sale - Looking at last years posts it appears to be in February.

And how quickly do they sell out?

What time does the site open - is it the Friday morning?

Cheers for any help.

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Latest news from the organisers is that tickets will go on sale in Feb or March. It normally sells out in a couple of months (but of course this is dependant on the bands they announce).

Yes, the site opens on Friday morning. If you want to arrive in the area on Thursday night, you'd need stay somewhere else such as a local campsite.

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Does anyone know if the Levellers are planning anything special for BD as it's their 20th anniversary?

Unfortunatly, due to prior commitments I can't make the gig in March at Brixton.

(March this year seemed the best time to get married as it avoided any issues with Glasto - Which we aren't now going to)

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Not sure what the reason was but they need to sort it out! Its the main reason we won't be returning this year!!

If your gonna book internationally known artists, at least give em a decent level of sound!! It wasn't the soundsystem, that was fine, it was the level restrictions which were ridiculous, the sound guys just kept shrugging their shoulders and saying "we can't turn it up!"

..and then you go to Solfest the week after and hear what a proper dance tent should sound like :)

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i dont get up to the dance tent very often at any festival at night too often nowadays, but i did get to Gaudi and was amazed at how quite it was in there full stop, people and sound levels. the last time i was at whirl-y-gig was canterbury fayre a few years back and it was rammed and loud.

looking forward to this year all the same tho


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Hmmm...not sure the wind had much to do with it really, it was inside the dance tent that was quiet. Gaudi actually shouted during his set "turn it up, people wanna dance!"

It never affected my enjoyment of Banco De Gaia as...well...its Banco De Gaia and the parachute dance but apparently it did affect alot pf people enjoyment!!

The festival itself is excellent, infrastructure, bands, vibe, ethos...but if your gonna have a dance tent, and to quote Tarantism...Turn It Up!!!

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No, they played the venue outdoors.
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No they played Escot House aon a different weekend - i wish i hadn't mentioned it now
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  • 1 month later...

Hi, Im from Devon but never been to this festival. I usually go to Tin the park, V, or Isle of Wight but they are just getting too big. Looking to go to smaller less busy festivals.

How does it compare to the bigger festivals? How many tents/stages? is it good for children?

Any info would be fab. Thanks

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Hi, Im from Devon but never been to this festival. I usually go to Tin the park, V, or Isle of Wight but they are just getting too big. Looking to go to smaller less busy festivals.

How does it compare to the bigger festivals? How many tents/stages? is it good for children?

Any info would be fab. Thanks

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