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singles thread

Guest outtolunch

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Seriously? I'll have to check my looking store out. I love 'em, and I've been having them delivered to me on and off for a few years.

The other thing I like that I can't find over here but can find pretty much anywhere else are 7-days mini croissants, specifically the ones with the mille-filliuex pastry custard filling. Any ideas?


Edited by Katster
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They will change depending upon the context or condition you're in. For example, if you were in a room full of dangerous killer bees you wouldn't be so inclined to accord to your principles of justice. You'll always have a self of course. That's not a core though.

I take it that you're referring to identity when you say core.

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A bloke came through my till with a packet only last weekend :lol:
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Aye, I know. It's true I probably wouldn't have gone for the job if it wasn't for him, but I have gone for the job because it is a fabulous opportunity for me, not so that I can be with him (although it will obviously be nice to get to see more of him). If things don't work out with the job, I'll move back here. If things don't work out with him, I'll move back here but if I love the job consider selling my flat and getting something in York. I'm at one of those crazy turning points in my life which seem to pop up every now and then. As pretty much all of my friends have said, I don't do things by half and never cease to amaze (even myself). What will be will be I guess.

Edited to add: That's if I get the job, of course :rolleyes:

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the guy is a c**t, his numbers deleted and best about it i feel much better he done nothing but put me down and i was punching well below my weight, treat em mean to keep em keen has never been truer
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