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Guest outtolunch

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my recent ex's are all idiots so i def would not add them to my facebook page!

Unless your mates now after a split i would never add them as it just ends up messy with both sides boasting and making out how great there life is and what there up to , when really the highlight of there life is updating there status on facebook!

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Excellent observation.

Burn them all!

Edited by Peevis
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I disagree..

As long as you have slightly better taste than you two, and not go out with boilers of bunnies, twats who spend their time with their pants too high up saying "yo!" a lot, self obsessed morons, or certified job 'o nuts, then you can be civil, hell even friendly with your exes. Some of the most amazing people I know are exes. That's 'cos I only go out with amazing girls.

You two should stop going out with idiots, then your exes would cease to be idiots too!

Logic, innit! :rolleyes:

Edited by worm
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I did go on the Kite Flying date and it went really well, but the weather was poor, but luckily she wasn't electrocuted.

I must admit I am often a little too open and full on with women, and I scare them off, but over the day I did tell her about my kids etc. I had a really nice finish to the day, and a further evening planned :D

I'm just running with being myself, which at 41, and 18 years with someone, I never have before :D

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ok this is really f**ked up.

we've been going out for just under four years. we share a mortgage. she's just finished her phd. i'm self-employed and am just able to keep my head above the water, but it's been tough.

she turned up after spending mother's day at her parents and told me it was over and she didn't see a future and that she had feelings for my best mate and that he had them too. i was devastated. i really didn't see it coming.

she came round on monday for a valuation on the house. we got talking, had a few drinks and she stayed the night in our bed with me. i convinced her she needs to go back to her parents and sort her head out. she agreed. she was planning to go to his parents for the week.

i called her on wednesday and found out she was meeting him, so went down to his work. we all went to a bar where i tried to get my head round it, mainly having a go at him. she says she's confused and asks what do you do if you love two people. after a few drinks she decides she wants to get hammered and dance. neither of us were leaving before the other one, so we went to another bar. after a drink or two in silence she decides she's going home. i go out for a smoke. she goes out after me and says she's going home for a few days to sort her head out.

she's due back today.

what the f**k?

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ok this is really f**ked up.

we've been going out for just under four years. we share a mortgage. she's just finished her phd. i'm self-employed and am just able to keep my head above the water, but it's been tough.

she turned up after spending mother's day at her parents and told me it was over and she didn't see a future and that she had feelings for my best mate and that he had them too. i was devastated. i really didn't see it coming.

she came round on monday for a valuation on the house. we got talking, had a few drinks and she stayed the night in our bed with me. i convinced her she needs to go back to her parents and sort her head out. she agreed. she was planning to go to his parents for the week.

i called her on wednesday and found out she was meeting him, so went down to his work. we all went to a bar where i tried to get my head round it, mainly having a go at him. she says she's confused and asks what do you do if you love two people. after a few drinks she decides she wants to get hammered and dance. neither of us were leaving before the other one, so we went to another bar. after a drink or two in silence she decides she's going home. i go out for a smoke. she goes out after me and says she's going home for a few days to sort her head out.

she's due back today.

what the f**k?

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Sorry Dude. All I can say is leg it. With as much cash from your mortgage as you can. Run away. far away. No, further than that.

Your mate is a PROPER c**t too. End of. No discussion. Even if he loved her like no other, he should f**k himself. Sorry, some things you don't even consider. Sometimes life is more than about simply what your desires are.

Leave them to it. Take as much cash as you can, 'cos even though I would suspect you don't really care about the money right now, get your dues, or it will bug you for a long time.

Sorry Dude. But you are left with damage limitation now. :D

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Agreed... What a f**king bitch... Your mate is an absolute cock too. Get out of it and don't go back.
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Sounds a complete nightmare funkymunky. The sort of thing that makes us all think "why set ourselves up for a fall?" :D

I suppose we just have to hope that the vast majority of humanity aren't such twisted backstabbing cnuts as your mate and your partner :D

As for what you should do I thoroughly agree with Peevis and Goblinz - get out of there.

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He is a pathetic f**king c**t. I think that's taken as given.

If anyone I knew was in this situation I'd tell them the same thing. It's not that simple though. Admittedly I don't really have any say in this as things stand.

My head is now at that place where three outcomes are:

1. She goes off with him. In many ways this is the easiest outcome for me. He's a f**king arsehole, no more no less. What goes around comes around. She's a f**king idiot that just threw away the best thing in her life, because she's f**ked up, made a mistake, never really loved me in the first place and is an attention seeking, manipulative controlling bitch. I can get on with my life.

2. She goes off with neither of us. She made a mistake, realised that but can't go back to either of us for guilt, fear or the fact that she just wants to be by herself. I can get on with my life.

3. She comes back to me. It isn't as simple as walking back in and "bang" everything's better, but we're both willing to give it a go. This is the hardest one.

I'm really messed up. I do want her back, but I don't know if I'll ever be able to fully forgive her for it. I don't know if she'll ever be able to fully forgive herself either. On the other hand, the longer I'm sat here f**king about waiting for her to deliver her verdict the more I wonder if she ever really loved me or whether I was good fun for a while, until life got in the way and she just couldn't be arsed and whether she just likes attention, drama and control.

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He is a pathetic f**king c**t. I think that's taken as given.

If anyone I knew was in this situation I'd tell them the same thing. It's not that simple though. Admittedly I don't really have any say in this as things stand.

My head is now at that place where three outcomes are:

1. She goes off with him. In many ways this is the easiest outcome for me. He's a f**king arsehole, no more no less. What goes around comes around. She's a f**king idiot that just threw away the best thing in her life, because she's f**ked up, made a mistake, never really loved me in the first place and is an attention seeking, manipulative controlling bitch. I can get on with my life.

2. She goes off with neither of us. She made a mistake, realised that but can't go back to either of us for guilt, fear or the fact that she just wants to be by herself. I can get on with my life.

3. She comes back to me. It isn't as simple as walking back in and "bang" everything's better, but we're both willing to give it a go. This is the hardest one.

I'm really messed up. I do want her back, but I don't know if I'll ever be able to fully forgive her for it. I don't know if she'll ever be able to fully forgive herself either. On the other hand, the longer I'm sat here f**king about waiting for her to deliver her verdict the more I wonder if she ever really loved me or whether I was good fun for a while, until life got in the way and she just couldn't be arsed and whether she just likes attention, drama and control.

Edited by Peevis
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Logically I know you're right...but we had this connection, like nothing I ever thought existed. Since January it's been really hard, her work and my work don't really mesh well together and we were existing on different time frames. It's just hard to accept that that's just gone, without trying to address it.

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Seems you have a your head screwed on Sir. You'll be OK.

try to avoid three though my friend, if you can, no matter how tempting, or better you may think it'll make you feel... That way lies only paranoia, darkness, trust issues and repetitive pain. If you can let something like that go, you are better man than any I ever met.

Only way I could ever see you and her getting it back is if you went away for a year and met her, like all afresh, like! But now, you MUST Scarper Sir, please. To do anything else simply enforces her beahvior. She'll do it again, why would she not after you let her get away scott free with such outrageousness. I'm sure she's sad and confused, so no need to be nasty, but you must for your own sake make like a tree!! I spent a long time banging my heart against such a pointless walls to learn this lesson.


Edited by Rufus Gwertigan
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Logically I know you're right...but we had this connection, like nothing I ever thought existed. Since January it's been really hard, her work and my work don't really mesh well together and we were existing on different time frames. It's just hard to accept that that's just gone, without trying to address it.
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I would be inclined to agree with this.

I know advice is probably not what you want at the moment, but that sounds OK to me. It sounds like she has a hell of alot of issues, especialy using "What to do when you love 2 people". Thats balls.

When my ex had left me, we had been together for 18 years, and I was looking after the 5 kids and she would visit some weekends, and we would still sleep together. Then one night she came into the living room and announced to us all that she was in a loving relationship (all happened in the past 2 weeks according to her). She had been edging hr bets. I went downhill fast, when I should have cut my losses and divorced her there and then.

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