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Guest outtolunch

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I know Dude. Gonna sting like mother f**ker too. No getting away from that. Think of her as a metaphotrical mouth sore. You only heal when you stop tonguing it!

Slightly funnier than I meant it to be. I hear you though. The desire to go back is over whealiming at times.. :D As I say. If you think you can let it go, then perhaps you shoudl try. I couldn't do that myself though. :D

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The thing that really annoys me about these kinda things is, they are only being honest in an attempt to make themselves feel better.

if either of them gave a shit about you, they would have kept schtum about it all. All this is to ease their own conciences but making you feel like you do.

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1. She goes off with him. In many ways this is the easiest outcome for me. He's a f**king arsehole, no more no less. What goes around comes around. She's a f**king idiot that just threw away the best thing in her life, because she's f**ked up, made a mistake, never really loved me in the first place and is an attention seeking, manipulative controlling bitch. I can get on with my life.

2. She goes off with neither of us. She made a mistake, realised that but can't go back to either of us for guilt, fear or the fact that she just wants to be by herself. I can get on with my life.

3. She comes back to me. It isn't as simple as walking back in and "bang" everything's better, but we're both willing to give it a go. This is the hardest one.

Edited by worm
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Well I find myself in disagreement, again. To me you are perpetuating the propaganda. The REASON she can feel better is to do with her integrity, of course, as she can tell herself at least she was honest about it. Problem is, in order for her to feel better about herself, she has to f**k over Mr Monkey. Therefore she behaves outrageously, then confesses and feels all better. Leaving Munks with a double whammy of issues to deal with. if she loved him, she'd have said something nice, and left. taking her badness with her, and not making Mr Munks deal with her fukcing issues!!
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Let him find out through someone else or by seeing them out together? That's much better. :D
Edited by Peevis
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Well I find myself in disagreement, again. To me you are perpetuating the propaganda. The REASON she can feel better is to do with her integrity, of course, as she can tell herself at least she was honest about it. Problem is, in order for her to feel better about herself, she has to f**k over Mr Monkey. Therefore she behaves outrageously, then confesses and feels all better. Leaving Munks with a double whammy of issues to deal with. if she loved him, she'd have said something nice, and left. taking her badness with her, and not making Mr Munks deal with her fukcing issues!!
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Rabid, I don't get what argument you're trying to have here. Are you saying you wouldn't be equally pissed off if your best mate had a thing with your missis? :D

Anywho FM, to quote football365, women are just snakes with tits :D hope you get some resolution soon.

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Clubbed her over the head and dragged her off by the hair? FFS that's a very low opinion of women you have there.
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Why? Because he stole your woman? You some kind of Neanderthal?
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He's a c**t for going behind his mates back. No doubt there's beena certain amount of deception and lies that have gone on here too.

Munkay isn't acting like a caveman, he's not being posessive over this lass, anything but. He's quite rightly pissed off that both of them are treating him like this... I'm really not sure why you can't see this... Anybody would be equally as upset.

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Basically I've been a f**king star to both of them and they've repaid that with lies and deceipt. f**kers.
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Of course I would be pissed off but I would also credit her with some brains and the capability of individual thought. Do you really think she would just f**k off with my best mate on his say so?

This has got f**k all to do with my current relationship and everything to do with this attitude that women are objects there for the taking and can't think for themselves.

As for people putting their needs over someone they supposedly love - they clearly don't otherwise this discussion wouldn't be happening. Should they stay in a relationship they're not happy with or accept the fact that it's over and move on. Should they deny themselves happiness for the sake of someones feelings who they no longer love or want to be with.

I've seen this from both sides. My wife left me for another man but I don't bear him any malice - I don't even know the guy - but she can burn in hell as far as I'm concerned.

I started dating a lass when I was young who turned out to be engaged to a hulking great ginger gorilla who of course wanted to do me serious injury because I'd taken his woman. The thick twat couldn't get it into his head that it was her decision and I hadn't brainwashed her or anything, she simply didn't want to be with him anymore.

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Implied and stated in black and white (or whatever colours people have their display set to)
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