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Guest outtolunch

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Honourable, noble, curteous etc.

I'm saying that the false notion of civility (being together forever and ever and living happily ever after with someone who loves you more than life itself) is reponsible for turning people into liars, exactly as Peevis states. But I'm also saying that instead of f**king civility off in full, Peevis should consider that there are those among us that are a tad more realistic.

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And i haven't f**ked civility off in full at all.

I personally consider the honesty in my position far more civilized than certain delusions being bandied about.

I'm not being rude, simply honest. The fact is a few of you lucky people will make it, but not all. And of those of you who do will be unhappy doing so. If you or your squeeze are under 25 your chances are about one in ten of dying with each other I believe. That's just the facts people. Sad but true.

What I find uncivilized is selling the lie. It's all far more about marketing products and a lifestyle than anything else. I hope you get what you are after, I trully do. Actually I hope you can trully distinguish what you are after also 'cos that's the hard bit. I know damn well I haven't got there yet. And I also remember a time when I was just as convinced as you people that I did.

Love would be easier, less painfull and more honest and so much more successful if we coudl address these issues head on rather than facing it like some twelve year old schoolgirl who's just met take that. Nothing wrong with romance at all. It has it place and should be encouraged. People in love should be romantic. But honesty will get you both further and ultimately make you happier in the long run.

I don't think many are capable of honesty. It's not so much lies as simple brainwashing and wishful thinking tthat they too can find the one and spend the rest of their lives blissful. In a world where only 10% get that, I just think ignoring the facts makes things worse.

Edited by Peevis
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I'm not being rude, simply honest. The fact is a few of you lucky people will make it, but not all. And of those of you who do will be unhappy doing so.....

People in love should be romantic. But honesty will get you both further and ultimately make you happier in the long run.

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