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singles thread

Guest outtolunch

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Went out last night and saw one of the guys that I met last Friday/Saturday. The one that asked me to add him on Facebook. We had a little chat, talked about how the night was, what we'd been up to, what I'm studying etc. As he left, he asked me to send him a facebook message telling him my mobile number.

Which I did. There's been a couple of texts back and forth. He actually seems quite lovely. Still not sure.

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Went out last night and saw one of the guys that I met last Friday/Saturday. The one that asked me to add him on Facebook. We had a little chat, talked about how the night was, what we'd been up to, what I'm studying etc. As he left, he asked me to send him a facebook message telling him my mobile number.

Which I did. There's been a couple of texts back and forth. He actually seems quite lovely. Still not sure.

Edited by brighteyes
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 why is it never HASSLE free?! one minute she;s really into me 'I miss you so much, please come see me x' 'I miss my marky'

'I love every minute we spend together and it will happen again, you havent got rid of me that easily'

Now she doesn't even reply to my text about arranging next weekend, she was coming back from uni, staying over on Sat last I knew - wanted to check so I know whether to get sat off or not (i work weekends due to nature of my job) -longer I leave it less chance I can get it off

It's frustrating when trying to make plans, what with the hours I work, when I can't get proper answers!

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I figure now I'll wait for her to text or call me, no point me calling/texting her again -

if she's actually bothered she'll call/text, if not well she wont!!

if she's found some other guy within a week of being at uni or is sleeping around, well she's not the girl I thought she was, so better off

quite a few creepy 18year olds all over her on facebook, the kind with silly names 'mark 'mad ed' bla bla' - strikes me as stupid having those silly names, the typical 'im super whacky' guys who say rubbish stuff that they think sounds random and funny, yet in reality they spent ages thinking about what to say to sound random...

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lol i thought it was just her past, the whole having been cheated on by all of her exs, having slept with her teacher at 14 etc

bound to cause some insecurity/paranoia - trust issues etc

but it is crazy the way it's literally 'I miss my marky' 'I miss you so much come see me'

then next minute BAM 'mark you're so selfish I don't have time for just you' when i ask when I can see her!!! or the 'I don't know, we'll see when im not busy' after she's said 'please come see me, I miss you' LOL

before she went to uni I said 'can i see you before you go' and got that suff 'you're beign really selfish mark, i need to see my friends and family' - and minutes before she's said how much she wants to see me/wants to be with me etc?!

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as the situation (Mike from Jersey shore puts it) -

'"You have proven an equation that people have been trying to solve for hundreds of years. That when you're nice to a girl, you take her on four dates, you snuggle with a girl, you buy her gifts, she will not call you. She will play you the f*ck out, and then she will f*ck somebody three days later...'

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