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Guest tHomBleached

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yeah, fight has ended by knockout everytime ive played, all going to chuck.

surely this is unrealistic. id like to think that everytime i put on ufc that this happens, but more often than not, it goes to points.

also, do you think youll be able to get a knockout in one hit on this? i know ive seen that before in ufc :lol:

think its a shame the demo doesnt have a submission guy instead of the brazilian. would have given a better taste :P

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As shogun im still undefeated :lol: i think its ace! Im trying to fight like they do for real tho, (i love ufc an a bit of a geek about it) countering punches with take downs etc! it really isnt a button basher if u learn the moves an try to use them at the right times!!!

Think this game will be ace, right stick is the key if ur on the deck, especially defensive, wait for a punch at u push the right stick in( in not down) at the right moment an u turn it in to an arm bar! Ive mastered the ol submissions but stil nothin more fun the a foot to the side of the head!!! Cant wait for this game!

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As shogun im still undefeated :lol: i think its ace! Im trying to fight like they do for real tho, (i love ufc an a bit of a geek about it) countering punches with take downs etc! it really isnt a button basher if u learn the moves an try to use them at the right times!!!

Think this game will be ace, right stick is the key if ur on the deck, especially defensive, wait for a punch at u push the right stick in( in not down) at the right moment an u turn it in to an arm bar! Ive mastered the ol submissions but stil nothin more fun the a foot to the side of the head!!! Cant wait for this game!

Edited by Tomo18
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My Xbox has finally RROD'd after 30 months or so.

What would PS3 bods recommend I purchase in the meantime to tide me over the weekend?

An exclusive would be nice, preferably something from the PSN, so I don't have to bother going to the shops.

Is Killzone any good? I'm more of a COD man than a Halo man FPS wise, so wouldn't be too keen if its running and jumping about shooting Lazers at aliens, as opposed to a more serious one shot kill type of thing.

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You can download Socom Confrontation for £20 off the PSN store - it's an online only third person shooter. The main difference between it and something like COD is that it's alot more team based and tactical, as oppose to the respawn run around shooting without sense fragfest of something like COD.

Socom is a love-hate game really so it's hard to say, it has a pretty steep learning curve and you'll get your arse kicked to begin with. It's got the best community of any online game I've played though, albeit that's been ruined slightly now we're playing with Americans :/.

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You can download Socom Confrontation for £20 off the PSN store - it's an online only third person shooter. The main difference between it and something like COD is that it's alot more team based and tactical, as oppose to the respawn run around shooting without sense fragfest of something like COD.

Socom is a love-hate game really so it's hard to say, it has a pretty steep learning curve and you'll get your arse kicked to begin with. It's got the best community of any online game I've played though, albeit that's been ruined slightly now we're playing with Americans :/.

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My Xbox has finally RROD'd after 30 months or so.

What would PS3 bods recommend I purchase in the meantime to tide me over the weekend?

An exclusive would be nice, preferably something from the PSN, so I don't have to bother going to the shops.

Is Killzone any good? I'm more of a COD man than a Halo man FPS wise, so wouldn't be too keen if its running and jumping about shooting Lazers at aliens, as opposed to a more serious one shot kill type of thing.

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My Xbox has finally RROD'd after 30 months or so.

What would PS3 bods recommend I purchase in the meantime to tide me over the weekend?

An exclusive would be nice, preferably something from the PSN, so I don't have to bother going to the shops.

Is Killzone any good? I'm more of a COD man than a Halo man FPS wise, so wouldn't be too keen if its running and jumping about shooting Lazers at aliens, as opposed to a more serious one shot kill type of thing.

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Killzone is not about aliens and lasers, its more similar to COD in that respect.

Just dont expect it to control the same, it will take a little getting used to but once you do its brilliant.

I love Killzone2, online its brilliant.

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I randomly got Madden 09 in the end, as I've not played one in years!

Was sorely tempted to get Killzone but may wait till it drops to 20 quid or so as no mates have it.

HMV is doing Street Fighter 4 for £20 if anyone is after that too.

I'm probably miles here but I also picked Up Uncharted- Drakes Fortune for a tenner, which is absolutely excellent! I normally hate games like this but its really, really good, good action, good puzzles, good production, good pacing, good all round!

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HMV is doing Street Fighter 4 for £20 if anyone is after that too.
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after getting in a lag fest on GOW2 i got red screen half way through :lol:

then my 360 shut himself off...turned it back on 3 flashing light..... :lol:

this time im in warranty only just though one month left ;)

last time i was one month out cost me 60 bloody quid

hopefully it will be back just in time for UFC ;)

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after getting in a lag fest on GOW2 i got red screen half way through :lol:

then my 360 shut himself off...turned it back on 3 flashing light..... ;)

this time im in warranty only just though one month left ;)

last time i was one month out cost me 60 bloody quid

hopefully it will be back just in time for UFC :lol:

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