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Worms? people here have worms? F-in-A. I'll make sure i get a game in with you at some point.

Loving Flower, downloaded it off my brother and it's just one of the most relaxing game i've played. It really is everything i expected, however short it is, i almost fell asleep playing it last night. I might have done if i wasn't kept awake thinking about how horrible the Sixaxis is.

In addition, platinum 2 has been decided upon after realising that i didn't love GTA4 enough to play it for another 100 hours, so Burnout Paradise will be taken down. Rhyseig, how come your came at 85%? did you get the PSN download or the disc version?

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i have the psn download, you dont need all of the extra trophies from dlc (all of the supercar trophies, the motorbike trophies or the cops and robbers trophies) you just need the original game trophies. burnout is definatly the most fun platinum ive achieved (actually fallout 3 was good aswell) its not so tough either.

and yep we have enough for a 4 way match on worms! bring it on, your all getting holy hand grenade'd!

we need to organise a time.

Edited by Jaybles
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I adored Goldeneye, and at the time, there was nothing close. But games have improved loads since then. COD and Halo are both tons better, but that's to be expected 10 + years after Goldeneye was released on a much weaker platform. It certainly raised the bar massively for the FPS genre. Amazing game.
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Not sure if I agree....it certainly popularized fps for the console market, but there were a fair few quality fps games already out for the PC, or that were already well in development and came out within the year; Quake II, Unreal, Half-Life, Duke Nukem etc; the first 3 there, came out not too after goldeneye, and all surpassed it imo.

As such, I wouldn't necessarily say it raised the bar huge amounts (tho not negating it's importance to the console market), as things like true 3d, freelook etc had already been done with the first Quake; I thought Goldeneye was fun and certainly a good game, but compared to the PC games, I just always felt it was slow*, didn't like the fact that you couldn't jump, and much preferred the responsiveness of the WASD and mouse combo of the PC....personally preferred LAN multiplayer battles aswell compared to goldeneyes 4way splitscreen.

I certainly thought Quake II which came out pretty soon (about 3 months iirc) after was much better...half-life was a bit later (still 1998, to goldeneyes 1997), but was easily the best FPS of the time especially in regards to the way it told the storyline, and the quality setpieces throughout. (completed it again two weeks ago & working my way through half-life 2 again; both masterpieces)

*regarding the slowness; it's a criticism I have of halo aswell...arguably in one of my favourites, deus ex, you're not the quickest character but then that's not really a shooter imo, more an rpg.

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I was talking about FPS games on consoles.

The PC was miles ahead in that genre, and only recently have the consoles caught up. I'm sure PC purists will say that the control system for PC games is better than using a joypad but that's personal preference IMHO.

Otherwise you're right.

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Good post Ralph. I do tend to forget how many awesome shooters the PC has had, being a console owner since the Game Boy and Megadrive first appeared.

I don't think you sound fanboy-ish, I think that's spot on. Maybe they're just nerdier than console owners? :P At uni, loads of my mates were into Counter Strike and Half Life etc and they got ridiculously good at them. Better than I am at COD (and I am amazing at that even if I do say so myself :lol:)

I think PC fans have always had the PC and kept relatively up to date with the improvement of technology. As you stated, the PC had the better FPS games for years and years, so PC owners probably have more experience of playing said games. Now they're a similat standard on all formats, those avid gamers from the days of Quake, UT etc will beat relative newcomers to the genre due to experience, and - because of that - more skill.

I just hate using a mouse to play games!!

As for AC - did my first assassination last night, and by god it felt good. It's a quality game, but I think I'm probably in that 'honeymoon period' with it, in that repetition (as many people say that's it's failing) has yet to set in. It's been brilliant so far.

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imagine having the megadrive, then using nintendo's handheld. gamegear ftw! :lol:

ive actually never played a snes. i take it they were better than the master system/megadrive?

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I'd go with SNES simply because Sonic shows its age, wheras Mario is timeless. But for the most part I'd say they held equal footing.
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the christmas my sister got a NES....I got a SNES.

I'm the favourite child :lol:

...as for best between the two, again both had some quality games....the megadrive had streets of rage, sonic, jungle strike, road rash, speedball II etc, but the snes had mario, mario kart, final fantasy IV-VI, megaman, donkey kong country I&II, contra III, rock'n'roll racing, super punchout, international superstar soccer, zelda, secret of mana, chronotrigger; was certainly better for rpgs.

...both were great consoles, but I think if I had to choose, it'd be the snes.

Edited by ralph250
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I didn't have a SNES or a Mega Drive. I had an Amiga, I really wanted a SNES but we couldn't afford it at the time. The Amiga was ok but ammount of the disc swapping was painful. I remember Street Fighter 2 requiring about 4 disc changes before every round!

Consoles I've owned: NES, Game Gear (with Master System adaptor), Playstation, PS2, Game Boy Advance, Xbox, Gamecube, PSP, Xbox 360, Wii, DS, PS3

Most of those have been sold though, I only still have (in action anyway) those listed after the 360.

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I only owned sega up until playstation which ive owned all 3 of!

Never been a nintendo man, my fave sega points

Mastersystem = alex kidd built in ffs! (or sonic!)

Megadrive = The menacer gun! That thing felt like a rocket launcher when i was 8 or 9!

Saturn = Tomb raider innit!

Dreamcast = Underrated, it gave me shenmue which i still think to this day is the best game ever!!

Sega all the way!

Edited by just/john
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Assassins Creed 2 looks like it could be amazing.

Click here for a few details - check out the comparison photos between real life and the game.

Still yet to pass my final verdict on AC1 because I've only just made my first assassination, so I'm still only learning what it's all about, but the idea of it being in Renaissance Italy sounds awesome to me (I did Art History at Uni, the nerd that I am).

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Gameboy: Super Mario Land

Megadrive: Streets of Rage 2

Playstation: Die Hard Trilogy/Final Fantasy VII

N64: Super Mario 64/Goldeneye

Gamecube: Zelda: The Wind Waker

Xbox: Pro Evolution Soccer 5/Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Wii: Super Mario Galaxy

Xbox 360: Call Of Duty 4

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