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Guest tHomBleached

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Great stuff mate!! I enjoyed that. I still maintain the views that ranting over which is best is very, very sad. They're both awesome machines that will give you hours of entertainment.

I got a wii for a wedding present (cool, eh?) and after a while, the novelty has totally worn off. Yes, it was fun, and yes, with a few drunken mates over, it's a laugh but it's gathering dust whilst my 360 is played on as much as I can.

Some of the games brought out for the wii are just shite. A COOKING game? What the f**k?

Zelda is good, as is Mario Galaxy, but waving your arms around soon loses it's appeal.

I might sell the wii soon (my mate keeps pestering me about it), to help finance a few more 360 games that I want, but can't afford.

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When we bought the Wii - I knew exactly what I was getting infact on here I asked - is it not too gimmicky? will it last 5 years? Have to say that it probably will only last 5 years but I rather she(my daughter) was a "casual" gamer than "hardcore" in those 5 years. I bought it and its done what I intended it to.

We (all the family) have an occasional laugh with it. Bought the board very reluctantantly but it has benefitted me personally so was worth it and thats all that matters. My other half is probably dissapointed with the Wii gamewise but Im not stopping him getting what he wants if he really wants it.

Does this then mean I can no longer ask questions about the Wii games as its not really considered a NEXT GEN CONSOLE? and nobody cares :lol:

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When we bought the Wii - I knew exactly what I was getting infact on here I asked - is it not too gimmicky? will it last 5 years? Have to say that it probably will only last 5 years but I rather she(my daughter) was a "casual" gamer than "hardcore" in those 5 years. I bought it and its done what I intended it to.

We (all the family) have an occasional laugh with it. Bought the board very reluctantantly but it has benefitted me personally so was worth it and thats all that matters. My other half is probably dissapointed with the Wii gamewise but Im not stopping him getting what he wants if he really wants it.

Does this then mean I can no longer ask questions about the Wii games as its not really considered a NEXT GEN CONSOLE? and nobody cares :lol:

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my take on the whole "current gen" fanboi wars is this.

1. open minded people bought the 360, many of them had RROD, much to the amusement of the sony fanboys

2. sony fanboys said they would wait for the vastly superior PS3 with "teh cell" and the power of the blurays. sony ran out of blurays, didnt say sorry, lied about something else and told everyone to "f**kin wait"

3. 360 owenrs were playing some truly awesome games

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my take on the whole "current gen" fanboi wars is this.

1. open minded people bought the 360, many of them had RROD, much to the amusement of the sony fanboys

2. sony fanboys said they would wait for the vastly superior PS3 with "teh cell" and the power of the blurays. sony ran out of blurays, didnt say sorry, lied about something else and told everyone to "f**kin wait"

3. 360 owenrs were playing some truly awesome games

4. many of the same sony fanbois were still stubbornly sticking to their mantra, whilst the sensible ones bought a 360 whilst waiting for sony to get their arses in gear

5. sony carried on making massive claims about how ace the ps3 was going to be (anyone remember "the next gen starts when we say it does"?, whilst anyone with half a brain was already playing the next gen games on 360

6. ps3 finally launches at a million pounds retail, with 100 different sku's each with different capabilities, and about 2 games worth having for the first year. the fanboys frothed at the amazing graphics on heavenly sword - even though it was shit.

7. MS fanbois take great pleasure in taking the piss out of the ps3 faithful who waited all this time for nothing.

8. the flame wars really begin, with game comparisons showing that (so far) the 360 performs better with 99% of multiplatform games, and the huge mandatory installs on the ps3.

9. Meanwhile - the 360 causes massive hearing damage from its cooling fans, and RROD's spring up all over the planet, causing MS to swap 500 million 360s for free.

10. most website and magazines get accused of 360 bias, even though it plainly is a better gaming machine.

11. xmas 2009 - gow2 comes out, and may bring with it the peak of the 360's lifespan. sony bring out LBP and Wipeout HD, and it finally becomes worth owning a PS3.

some of you may be thinking, "hang on - this guy knows nothing about gaming - he hasnt even mentioned the wii, which pwns all this gen"

and to you I say - f**k off, no one cares about the wii, except sentimentalists and people who say that "graphics arent as important as gameplay" every time they see you playing wipeoutHD. wii people are whiny arsed simpletons (or games "purists" as they like to be known). the majority of wii owners dont even know what all the ports are for.

so thats it, a historically accurate account of the great console wars of the mid 2000's. it needs its own wiki really.

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ok so i know kz2 has been hyped beyond belief... but 1.1 million pre-orders in europe alone!!! :lol:


thats amazing considering its marketing hasent started yet, its not even out for a few more weeks.

its clearly gunna sell by the shedload, whats the record on fastest selling video game?

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To hear someone defend some huge corporation who's main intention is to harvest vast amounts of money (all three current generation console makers fit this bill - regardless of pretenses to the contrary by it's marketing department and the fanboys themselves) I would advise to get their life sorted out.

Once you become a console fanboy, and start knocking other consoles just because you own something else, that's it, you're at rock bottom. You're scum, feeding at the tit of your chosen company like a slave, a free bitch for it's marketing department.

This doesn't just apply to videogames. I hate seeing or hearring corporate apologists and advocates in any industry, it's utterly pointless and sad.

The games industry in particular is seemingly infected with it more than other similar industries. You don't seem to get nearly as many pointless twats going online to go and defend the output of movie industry giants like Fox and then try to stick a knife into Universal at the same time, it's rather unheard of.

It's another reason why the games industry is a little dispairring at times. It's still too exclusive, infantile and boyish for my liking. From the games that get made to the makeup of the industry itself - sometimes I'm embarrassed to be involved with any of it. Hopefully over time the industry and it's fans will mature somewhat, but there aren't enough. For every cool headed, mature person I've met in the industry, I've met ten emotionally retarded, blinkerred, bull-headed, selfish, socially inept and arrogant types. I think things really need to change in order for videogames in general to be taken seriously by everyone - and only time seems to have the solution. Time may one day help smooth over the puerile nonsense and bring with it a day without fanboys.

Edited by Purple Monkey
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to be fair to the wii, it does have games for the hardcore gamers theyre just hidden under the casual ones, metroid prime for instance is probably the best FPS i have ever played aside from goldeneye. And games like no more heroes and the coming of dead space show that the wii still has potential to please all kinds of gamers, plus the virtual console has saved a lot of space in my house B)

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I think the above mentioned "pre order" culture doesnt help either. it shows the consumers willingness to buy something on hype. I have never understood why people pre-order something unless in the case of maybe a limited edition or maybe some special offer for a pre order, how many times to people pre-order a game and it doesnt arrive until 3 or 4 days after launch?

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just pre-ordered killzone 2 and resident evil 5 from play.com - even if my ps3s still bust B) but ill have a new one by wednesday. just wondering what day i can expect them to arrive? 1-2 days after launch?

ive heard of people reccieving games before launch, wish that would happen to me.

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just pre-ordered killzone 2 and resident evil 5 from play.com - even if my ps3s still bust B) but ill have a new one by wednesday. just wondering what day i can expect them to arrive? 1-2 days after launch?

ive heard of people reccieving games before launch, wish that would happen to me.

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so why would you preorder something rhysie? you think they are gonna run out? you think its not gonna be cheaper on launch day in asda?

I genuinely want to know why anyone preorders a bog standard plastic disc. apart from some kind of "nailing your flag to the mast" loyalty to something not worthy of it.

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i can see what you mean about pre ordering, although it doesnt really apply to dead space, i meantioned that as its allready been releaed for a console and i know it has potential. I learnt my lesson with pre ordering with vampire rain.However if you know your deffinitley going to buy a game i dont see the harm in pre ordering, i believe their is certain games that youll deffinitely buy as its part of a series i.e resident evil and you know generally its going to more of the same, but better.

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i can see what you mean about pre ordering, although it doesnt really apply to dead space, i meantioned that as its allready been releaed for a console and i know it has potential. I learnt my lesson with pre ordering with vampire rain.However if you know your deffinitley going to buy a game i dont see the harm in pre ordering, i believe their is certain games that youll deffinitely buy as its part of a series i.e resident evil and you know generally its going to more of the same, but better.
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i did it from play.com who charged me 65 quid with free delivery. game (not online, the actual shop) tried to charge me 85 and i would have to pick it up. i pre-order mostly because i am shit at keeping money, i know between now and the killzone release date i wouldve spent all my money on junk, pre-ordering it gives me the reassurance im actually getting something, and not having to wait till my pockets get re-filled.

i dont pre-order because im scared of not getting the game due to being sold out, i think its rare something like that happens anymore.

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Played the Resident Evil 5 demo.

I'm sorry - but I'm just not getting it - what's all the hype about? It looks nice but I thought it felt clunky and really dated.

Really, really disappointed - and I really just don't get why it's had such good write ups.

Anyone else played it?

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Played the Resident Evil 5 demo.

I'm sorry - but I'm just not getting it - what's all the hype about? It looks nice but I thought it felt clunky and really dated.

Really, really disappointed - and I really just don't get why it's had such good write ups.

Anyone else played it?

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