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Played the Resident Evil 5 demo.

I'm sorry - but I'm just not getting it - what's all the hype about? It looks nice but I thought it felt clunky and really dated.

Really, really disappointed - and I really just don't get why it's had such good write ups.

Anyone else played it?

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Looks like I'm heading back to Nintendo for some comfort in this particular gaming drought. Been playing through Zelda: Twilight Princess again. Not touched it in 2 years now. Still wonderful.

It's amazing how lo-res it looks. I could build a lot of the artwork pretty quickly. This to me is what the level of videogames should be. Sometimes I do worry about hi-def hyper-real gaming, it's putting a lot of undue pressure on developers to deliver top notch graphics when to be honest, high profile Wii titles are selling more, and like I just said, you could employ a minimal amount of staff to keep a game series ticking over. It's smarter business sense to do that than struggle to meet the next-gen standard every time and run the risk of not selling because your game doesn't look as pretty as some other game. And that in itself is worrying when you see how many games seem to be all about the graphics and little else.

And out of all the hi-def cutting edge shit I have, I wanted to play a 2 year old Zelda game that was made for a Gamecube platform, above all of them.

Orderred Bangai-O Spirits and Big Bang Mini on the DS too. I swear if I catch anyone downloading these games I will personally Falcon-punch them in the crotch. Support original indie titles, don't help destroy them, bitches.

Edited by Purple Monkey
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Dead Rising 2 announced!!

If they can get co-op sorted, this will be FUN. Loved the original - I never thought using a lawnmower could be so fulfilling.

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thats exactly why I wouldnt preorder, dev x reveals they are working on RE6, start taking preorders, squillions of fanboys queue up to line their pockets for something that could be shit. dead space could be shit on the wii, shaun white is shite on the 360 and ps3, but apparently quite good on the wii.

the preorder culture is what encourages games companies to stick with sequels instead of investing in original IP's

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Well finally after like 4 years my xbox has had it. Got a E74 error msg and its gonna cost me £80 to get it fixed. Damn microsoft. Just gonna Buy a cheap arcade one off ebay and stick my hard drive in. Cheaper to buy a new console than get them bastards to fix it!

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World of Goo is sooo good :rolleyes:

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I have tried Big Bang MIni (the demo from the wii to the ds) - and I loved it but I like retro! and found it quite hard with the moving of the triangle and the shooting with the stylus I diddnt even finish the demo! - but its one I would buy.

I think the demo thing for the DS is good on the Wii - Tried Soul Bubbles demo - liked it so got it for Christmas. Very clever idea Nintendo.

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I have tried Big Bang MIni (the demo from the wii to the ds) - and I loved it but I like retro! and found it quite hard with the moving of the triangle and the shooting with the stylus I diddnt even finish the demo! - but its one I would buy.

I think the demo thing for the DS is good on the Wii - Tried Soul Bubbles demo - liked it so got it for Christmas. Very clever idea Nintendo.

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Just read Acitivision will be releasing 3 new IP's this year - an awfully low figure I feel. Think it's more a sign of the economic downturn then anything else, and then again it is Activision, who suck pretty hard at releasing anything but a new Tony Hawks / Call of Duty / Guitar Hero etc.

Two of the IP's are Prototype (Looks awesome) and Singularity (Some cool looking FPS). The other is a racing game from Bizarre, which I assume means we won't see any more Project Gotham Racing for the forseeable future, unless Microsoft own the IP and have someone else working on it after the Activision takeover.

The other possibility is that Activision consider a James Bond racing game a new IP... I wouldn't put it past them lol.

They're releasing a DJ hero type game this year too, guess they don't count that as a new IP but as part of the Guitar Hero type franchise... or something.

Edited by jammy2211
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Just started GTA IV on the pc, not sure if this games for windows thing will be a success and is probably betters suited to consoles, the constant internet conections kept triggering the firewall meaning I had to minimise the game to let the connection through, I also didn't get the idea where I need a gaming profile to save any sort of game?

This all came on a day where I've had a bastard of a virus, all the big names ignored it and it managed to disable IE, disable system restore, and add an entry to my device manager which redirected all the virus checker URL's (AVG, norton etc..) and microsofts download site to localhost meaning I couldn't download or update any virus checkers. It's not been too much fun getting rid of that.

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I've pre-ordered Streetfighter 4 for the 360 - out on Friday. Only £28 from play.com.

I am VERY excited. Anyone else going to get it?

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Just bought it there now.

I'm home for a week next weekend so i'll be taking out a one month xbox live subscription if you fancy a game...

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