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Yes, there was a whole feature on it in last months Edge. Mad catz are making the official one's world over, even in Japan.

There are 2, the Fightstick and the Fightstick tournament edition. Tournament edition is built with the exact same parts and has the same layout as the Coin op machines.

They actually look really good.

Edited by Purple Monkey
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I shall be picking up SF4 too,

Will be on PS3 though due to my lack of xbox.

Anyone else picking it up on the PS3?

I may get an arcade stick but the d-pad on the ps3 controllers are pretty good, well better than the xbox dpad anyway. I think thats the only thing people can agree on between the two consoles lol.

Been playing NHL 3 on 3 all day.

Stupid little game, but full of fun. I never get tired of playing it, its a good little party game

Edited by Jaybles
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played sfIV yesterday on my mates' 360, it was very impressive, even with the shitty d-pad on the 360 controller. it will obviously be a lot better with an arcade stick though.

hell of a review on eg btw

The young man I'm standing with turns to answer my question. He looks me in the eye and says: "Dude. This game is the second coming. The actual second coming."

really well written review IMHO.

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Where's the price? :rolleyes::lol:

SF4 is getting incredibly good reviews - not seen any give it less than 9.2 out of 10 and I must have read around 10 reviews of it. It's all sounding really positive.

It also remains to be seen how it plays on the 360 controller but I don't really want to have to fork out any more money for an extra controller just for one game.

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Just started GTA IV on the pc, not sure if this games for windows thing will be a success and is probably betters suited to consoles, the constant internet conections kept triggering the firewall meaning I had to minimise the game to let the connection through, I also didn't get the idea where I need a gaming profile to save any sort of game?

This all came on a day where I've had a bastard of a virus, all the big names ignored it and it managed to disable IE, disable system restore, and add an entry to my device manager which redirected all the virus checker URL's (AVG, norton etc..) and microsofts download site to localhost meaning I couldn't download or update any virus checkers. It's not been too much fun getting rid of that.

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The arcade stick is steep. But to me playing a serious Street Fighter game without the right controller is like playing Guitar Hero without the guitar controller - it just doesn't work. So I'll wait until I can find a decent arcade stick before getting it.

Edited by Purple Monkey
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I've just bought a Wii, loving it so far! Great for multiplayer :lol: So I have House of the Dead: Overkill and Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and I'm looking to pick up another game, maybe today, any games that I should definitely own?
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I've just bought a Wii, loving it so far! Great for multiplayer :lol: So I have House of the Dead: Overkill and Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and I'm looking to pick up another game, maybe today, any games that I should definitely own?
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