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i really f'ing hate ff12 and its due to the battle system, they could have gave us a choice at least. i wont be buying anymore final fantasy games till random, turn based battles come back, and its a shame because i dont know any other series with such great stories. it really saddens me.

are there any rpg's with turn based combat and a great story on ps3?

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A converse look is that the Japanese gaming industry makes games for the Japanese, that just so happen to sell well in the US or Europe. They use game mechanisms that are throwbacks to old tradition, simply because that is the way Japanese games are. They fail to accept that advances have been made by people who happen to be outside Japan.

You say that RE5 is now a shooter, but it's still crippled by it's ass backwards control scheme. Final Fantasy has dropped the turn based strategy, but is still very much classed as a JRPG as it doesn't embrace newer rpg elements from games such as elder scrolls, diablo, mass effect, kotor or fallout.

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I've actually rediscovered GTA IV and have been playing on that recently - I never really rated it so it's been sitting on the shelf gathering dust, but it's actually really good (not as good as everyone makes out - massively overhyped IMHO but still good). Finished the bank job mission yesterday - now that WAS fun.
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In an ideal world, I'd like to see kids be allowed to play anything. It shouldn't really matter what they're playing - so long as their attachment is one of fun and thrill, and understanding, not dependence. What I mean is, fearring that your child may turn into a psycho killer after playing GTA 4 says more about the ability and confidence of a parent/guardian than the game.

Why should kids learn about sex, drugs and violence from a videogame as opposed to their school or parents who are arguably better equipped to dispense such info? It's when kids learn about things through the media, through films and videogames, which greatly and often exaggerate reality, so that the only exposure a child has of that is an exaggerated, make-believe one, as opposed to a grasp of reality.

Education has a lot to answer for. If kids were just taught more, that this videogame is cloud cuckoo land and this is reality, and the two never mix, then people wouldn't be blaming media and forms of entertainment for their own shortcomings. And that comes about because people have become hopelessly dependent on the various media in question, for numerous reasons (one being that games like GTA give you the life of rebellion you wish you had the balls to go and have). Welcome to the 21st Century, welcome to vicarious living.

Edited by Purple Monkey
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In an ideal world, I'd like to see kids be allowed to play anything. It shouldn't really matter what they're playing - so long as their attachment is one of fun and thrill, and understanding, not dependence. What I mean is, fearring that your child may turn into a psycho killer after playing GTA 4 says more about the ability and confidence of a parent/guardian than the game.

Why should kids learn about sex, drugs and violence from a videogame as opposed to their school or parents who are arguably better equipped to dispense such info? It's when kids learn about things through the media, through films and videogames, which greatly and often exaggerate reality, so that the only exposure a child has of that is an exaggerated, make-believe one, as opposed to a grasp of reality.

Education has a lot to answer for. If kids were just taught more, that this videogame is cloud cuckoo land and this is reality, and the two never mix, then people wouldn't be blaming media and forms of entertainment for their own shortcomings. And that comes about because people have become hopelessly dependent on the various media in question, for numerous reasons (one being that games like GTA give you the life of rebellion you wish you had the balls to go and have). Welcome to the 21st Century, welcome to vicarious living.

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I just don't seem to be able to get to grips with the controls on killzone 2, i'd prefer the aim button to be one of the shoulder buttons rather than the left stick, it makes it a bit awkward imo.

I had a couple of hours online and didn't think much of it at all to be honest, seemed to be dying and respawning far too often and i wasn't really sure what the objectives were half the time :).

I think i'll try the campaign and come back to it

Edited by modey
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I just don't seem to be able to get to grips with the controls on killzone 2, i'd prefer the aim button to be one of the shoulder buttons rather than the left stick, it makes it a bit awkward imo.

I had a couple of hours online and didn't think much of it at all to be honest, seemed to be dying and respawning far too often and i wasn't really sure what the objectives were half the time :).

I think i'll try the campaign and come back to it

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I think that's all a bit backwards. Bringing education forward to compensate for a lack of responsibility in what you expose children to seems half-arsed to me.

I have every confidence in my step-daughter's ability to deal with what she might see in a film, a videogame or what she might read in a book. But I still wouldn't want her to be educated in it or exposed to it this early.

Keep some stuff for adults only, let kids get to it when they're ready. It's about pacing their education so that they learn about what's important when it's appropriate and allowing them to learn while enjoying some innocence in childhood.

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In the same way that I really try to curb my language in front of kids, I think it's best they don't get to play the likes of GTA.

There are certain things they shouldn't be subjected to. The drug taking, car stealing, drive-by shooting, killing, bank robbing world of Liberty City falls into that category in my opinion.

When my son gets older and if he enjoys such games, I've no problems in having a game with him when my wife and I agree that he's old enough. Quite when that is, I don't know - I'm new to this parenting malarkey so who knows - I might be really over-protective!

The best example I have for this is my little cousin and all I know is that I don't believe he should be playing it yet. The little sod is very good at it by the way. Partly the reason why I don't fancy playing multiplayer with him! :P

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Had some very entertaining games on SF4 last night.

I beat one moron (I was Ken he was Ryu) who simply tried to stand as far away from me as possible and fireball me constantly. I just jumped over him and dragon punched him and got 2 perfects. I then got a message afterwards saying 'ur just a cheating bastard - ur shit'. Made me laugh. I replied with 'Have you ever kissed a girl, son?'

There really are some tossers on xbox live.

Oh, I also reached 10,000 gamerpoints in the process!! Huzzah!!

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I didn't think much of the resident evil 5 demo, but having now played through the game for a coule of hours i've changed my mind, it's f**kin brilliant! :)

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So iv heard, although its not exclusive to xbox.

I got a load of abusive messages yesterday on PSN.

I was playing NHL 3 on 3, with two of my buddies against a guy online and used my lovely tactic of knocking down the goalie so my mate can shoot into an empty net.

Cheating? No, Cheaky? very much so :lol:

After beating him i got many messages through calling me all the names he could think of, faggot was his favourite.

I then asked him why he thought i was a gravy covered meat treat, and he got confused and left me alone after one last fag insult.

I thought it was funny and was prepared to carry on with more banter but he clearly ran out of vocabulary lol

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One has to hope it is actually 'The Beatles Rock Band', and not just a 'Paul's Half Of The Beatles Rock Band' cop out.

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