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I loved Mass effect. For all it's niggles I thought it was still truly excellent.

I love games that draw you in with a massive epic single player A to B narrative and immersive experience, or something that turns me into a compulsive collector of things. Zelda, Bioshock, Fallout 3, GTAIV, Mass Effect, Half-Life, Assasins Creed, Halo 3 fall into the former, while Lego and Mario Galaxy fall into the latter.

Then there's my penchant for Guitar hero which is some sort of anomoly.

Mario Galaxy also won a bafta btw, as did Call Of Duty 4.

Edited by Purple Monkey
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I loved Mass effect. For all it's niggles I thought it was still truly excellent.

I love games that draw you in with a massive epic single player A to B narrative and immersive experience, or something that turns me into a compulsive collector of things. Zelda, Bioshock, Fallout 3, GTAIV, Mass Effect, Half-Life, Assasins Creed, Halo 3 fall into the former, while Lego and Mario Galaxy fall into the latter.

Then there's my penchant for Guitar hero which is some sort of anomoly.

Mario Galaxy also won a bafta btw, as did Call Of Duty 4.

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just got fallout 3 and LBP. Played fallout abit and i have to say its fun and the missions so far have been varied and different from other games. There are moments however of pointlessness. like when you go to a place and there is nothing there of any use. still it looks like a long game but one that i will play and enjoy rather than get bored of fast *farcry 2*

Just installing LBP and i am very interested to see what all the fuss is about. on the face of it, it looks like a very childish game but then everyone is raving about it and i got it for a tenner so can't go wrong really.

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I think the lack of Star Wars was a good thing. I hate that fact that every time a space themed game comes out someone always says "would have been better as a star wars game". Why should sticking the star wars logo on something immediately make it a better game?
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Vader has been ruined and castrated as a character in recent years.

Saren all the way.

But if we're gonna be doing this properly - I'd go with Darth Malak.

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I think the lack of Star Wars was a good thing. I hate that fact that every time a space themed game comes out someone always says "would have been better as a star wars game". Why should sticking the star wars logo on something immediately make it a better game?
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Oh, and Darth Maul with robotic legs is clearly the best thing ever. Or that hot female Maul-esque character.

In terms of video game villains, Gannondorf is one scary mofo. Especially in the latest one, when he's made out to be some sort of psycho ward prisoner. Failing that, blatantly that tiny little goblin Jedi from JK:DF2.

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