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Guest tHomBleached

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No wonder developers are targeting stupid people these days. Targetting "intellectuals" is like saying "I'm gonna make this new game for that one guy, over there, in the corner, the guy who hates most things - yes I'm going to gamble millions on that one guy".

Lighten up. The divide between utter videogame snobs and the unwashed plebs is getting a bit too wide these days, meaning developers usually stop fighting for the middle ground, they just give up trying to please the same contrary bastards the whole time. Sometimes I have trouble coming to the conclusion as to whether developers sell their soul when they go for mass-market shovelware, or whether they've reached a point where they've given too much of their soul away to people who can easily call their two, three, sometimes four-years worth of effort "utter bollocks" and they just get fed up with the abusive relationship.

Just saying. It's good to be discerning, but I seriously dislike hearring perfectly fine creations getting called "bollocks" - such a throwaway, consumerist thing that I hear too much of these days.

Edited by Purple Monkey
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As i've said earlier bioshock is one of the few games i've finished, just the atmosphere of the game and playing it on 5.1 drew me in and i couldn't put it down, must have played it to the end in a few days and i've recently started it again.

Loved ratchet and clank but just stopped playing it after a few weeks and never got back into it

call of duty 4 i completed on the 360 and got to around 40 online but my sub ran out , so i've just bought it on the ps3 and statred from scratch, haven't even bothered with waw yet.

My problem is i've got too many games and never get chance to finish them, especially with a 3 month old baby in the house!

oh and a gamer is someone who plays games :unsure:

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Which Star Wars game would you recommend? I love flying about in stuff. The two games for the PC way back were two of my favourite ever games. X-Wing and Tie Fighter?! Anyway, what do you reckon? And not the lego one.

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No wonder developers are targeting stupid people these days. Targetting "intellectuals" is like saying "I'm gonna make this new game for that one guy, over there, in the corner, the guy who hates most things - yes I'm going to gamble millions on that one guy".

Lighten up. The divide between utter videogame snobs and the unwashed plebs is getting a bit too wide these days, meaning developers usually stop fighting for the middle ground, they just give up trying to please the same contrary bastards the whole time. Sometimes I have trouble coming to the conclusion as to whether developers sell their soul when they go for mass-market shovelware, or whether they've reached a point where they've given too much of their soul away to people who can easily call their two, three, sometimes four-years worth of effort "utter bollocks" and they just get fed up with the abusive relationship.

Just saying. It's good to be discerning, but I seriously dislike hearring perfectly fine creations getting called "bollocks" - such a throwaway, consumerist thing that I hear too much of these days.

Edited by worm
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Another question from me, anyone had any image retention/burn issues with gaming on a plasma? I’m a little worried about static images such as say a dashboard on a driving game, are there any recommendations for gaming times and how do these hold up in the real world?

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Another question from me, anyone had any image retention/burn issues with gaming on a plasma? I’m a little worried about static images such as say a dashboard on a driving game, are there any recommendations for gaming times and how do these hold up in the real world?
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I've got a Samsung 50" 1080p plasma that comes with a game mode, which tends to negate burning effects from long term exposure. If you've got the cash, update to one of them. The old plasmas are a nightmare.
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Good news! Fable III has been announced.

Bad news! Jonathan f**king nobface Woss might be in it.



Ah well, the thought of slashing him into little bits before frying his ass with a spell makes it worth buying IMHO.

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BBC News just suggested that the guy who commited the school murders yesterday could have done it because of "violent shooting games" on his PC.

I thought they dropped this shit? why are they still blaming this kind of thing on video games?

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But it plays shite - early reviews haven't been good at all. I'm avoiding it.

I gave the demo a good go, but hated it. Such a shame. :)

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Panasonic are good, but are about 2 years behind Samsung in terms of technology given that Samsung are pretty much the frontline company now.

If Samsung fail, Panasonic et al don't copy. If they succeed, Panasonic et al copy. And so on......

Panasonic make the prettiest TV's though I think.

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My pre-order of resident evil that'd i'd completely forgot about arrived today, i don't need it as i've been playing it all week :ph34r: supppose i'll have to ebay it

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