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Joined in on your killzone session earlier.

For some reason i was on a hot streak, so sorry if i kept killing you lol.

Pissed off though as i was miles ahead in scores and then the game crashed, i dont think i saves stats mid game.


Im currently trying to unlock all the other ribbons.

Edited by rhysieg
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yeah ive been on all day, youre a much better player than me :blink:

its so fun! ive been trying to get ribbons too, ive been playing with an assault rifle all the time until today, so ive only just realized the rocket launcher and shotguns are so fun to use.

ive just come off because i got disconnected then realized ive been on for about 4 hours straight :rolleyes:

yeah i dont think you get your points from the game if you get disconnected or quit (ive quit by accident a few times) its really annoying :D

i know ill be in the minority but i now really think killzone is better online than cod.

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Purple Monkey - that's bloody genius!!!!

It's also true. I love COD online, and admit to massing hours and hours of time on it (there's no other game I spend that long on), but you see some people with literally WEEKS of game time.

I don't WANT to be that good at a game.

A lot of these people have never kissed a girl. Or probably have yet to meet one except trying to flirt over a headset.

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Purple Monkey - that's bloody genius!!!!

It's also true. I love COD online, and admit to massing hours and hours of time on it (there's no other game I spend that long on), but you see some people with literally WEEKS of game time.

I don't WANT to be that good at a game.

A lot of these people have never kissed a girl. Or probably have yet to meet one except trying to flirt over a headset.

Edited by Purple Monkey
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:D The ones that make me laugh are the ones that buddy up to any "girl gamer" in order to "protect" them and tell them "secrets" and other useful bits of information. Grown adults do that! It's like they're f*cking 5! These peeople spend weeks of their life running around the same warehouse killing each other. The variety in their life boils down to "shall I go UP the only ladder or DOWN the only ladder in this level today?". I think it's fascinating - even things which should be massively varied such as entertainment still brings out peoples reliance and need on routine.
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when i said better, i just meant being able to get past an early level on the second difficulty with a bit of ease :rolleyes:

quality game, but im just pants at it.

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Completed Resi 5 on medium yesterday and enjoyed it so much I switched it up to hard and started again straight away as Sheva. Anyone else done this? Cos it takes some getting used to as Sheva's perspective is different as she occupies the right hand side of the screen,.

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Finished the quests on Fable II, but it's so much fun just f**king around the villages, I'm still playing on it!!

I have to start my business empire now, so I'm going to buy as many things as I can to make a profit.

It's such a great, great game - I actually much prefer this to GTA. Just bloody good fun.

The quests were great, with a pretty cool storyline, but the amount of things to do/buy/earn etc even after you've finished is immense. Still got loads of achievements to get, and with games such as this, it adds to the challenge (no idea how I'm going to get 1,000,000 gold but I'm refusing to use any cheats!).

Recommended for any 360 owners!

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Finished the quests on Fable II, but it's so much fun just f**king around the villages, I'm still playing on it!!

I have to start my business empire now, so I'm going to buy as many things as I can to make a profit.

It's such a great, great game - I actually much prefer this to GTA. Just bloody good fun.

The quests were great, with a pretty cool storyline, but the amount of things to do/buy/earn etc even after you've finished is immense. Still got loads of achievements to get, and with games such as this, it adds to the challenge (no idea how I'm going to get 1,000,000 gold but I'm refusing to use any cheats!).

Recommended for any 360 owners!

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Nah, I believe it's 100% down to the time you spend playing it and nothing else. The really really good players, the best players, of any game, have no life. That's why. It's really that simple.

Those pro-gamers that win championships for playing Counter-Strike and that, they just play that one game, all the time, as long as they can, forever.

Check out any online match. Bad players have generally just started, or don't care. The best players have beards and smell and strained relationships because they're never off the damn thing. They just know all the tricks, all the spawn points. Programmers are the generally the best videogamers because they just understand the games rules and timings more than others. Some Japanese gamers also tend to be similarly robotic and relentless in their dedication to having no life and masterring some pointless game like Mario Kart to the point where you're convinced they've cheated or something. Pray you never meet a Japanese programmer online, you'll probably actually die.

You never seen the Warcraft episode of South Park? That's basically online gamers in a nutshell.

For me personally I've become less tolerant of failure. If I get a game over or death screen I tend to just turn it off. So I tend not to improve much with games any more. Can't be arsed. I like games which don't make me feel like I'm losing hours of my life wasting my time, dying and re-spawning and dying again, and runninga round the same arenas over and over doesn't entice me anymore, yeah I know technically all games are wastes of time, but yeah, so is w*nking, and I ain't giving that up either.

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picked up resident evil 5 today, traded in cod5 as i dont like it (completing veteran ruined my liking for cod5) traded it in at game who gave me 25 quid for it so resi 5 cost me 15 quid... result!

it seems great from my first hour or so on it. teamed up with a friend online he came in and took over from sheva and then when he left half way through a level sheva took back over straight away, it was a bit of a relief as i thought id have no backup until a checkpoint.

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ok so currently i'm spoilt for choice on my ps3. since my last one broke and i have to start most games again i have

Motorstorm PR

Farcry 2

to start again and just got

Resident evil 5

Fall out 3


and i always have


i really shoud be doing college work though.

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Which comes down to practise. Some need less than others of course, depending on their predisposition when they pick the game up, but for the most part it involves losing whatever life you had if you want to be really, really good. You still just have to have no life in order to beat the best players.
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Rightio PS3 owners - I might be getting one soon (if I can get one free with my phone ugrade!), so I need your thoughts on PS3-exclusive games. No need to say anything about multi-platform games as I know about those from my 360.

I've played LBP and that's a given, and had a quick blast on Killzone 2 which is ace, but gimme some more ideas, please!

Oh yes, and what else can it do other than games? I know about the Blu-ray player, but does it connect to PCs etc?

Sell it to me.

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